What happened to the R Rotzman thread

Whenever Ive taken a Doc to a nefarious local, I always pick up the tab. With cash no less. I think the poster was inferring that R.R. expensed his escapades, not the poster. Its not necessarily the act or paper-trail that gets you, its the cover up. Good old Martha Stuart went to jail for lying to federal investigators, not for insider trading as many seem to think.

Roger Stone can’t shut the f*ck up.
If you received any photographs of Skylar (or any women you work with) that were taken without her permission or knowledge, you have the responsibility to report it; no matter who sent it.
But then, with the satisfaction of knowing that you have done the right thing be aware that you will be terminated for ‘performance issues'... by these same people...
But then, with the satisfaction of knowing that you have done the right thing be aware that you will be terminated for ‘performance issues'... by these same people...

Management is getting scared. As they should. Good thing they’ve got their big pension to fall back on. Reputation is already sh*t.
But then, with the satisfaction of knowing that you have done the right thing be aware that you will be terminated for ‘performance issues'... by these same people...

PIP Reasons For Target On your Back

1. You uncover wrongdoing unethical or illegal activity and report to compliance or Human Resources.

2. You voice opinions on favoritism of certain protected employees by management. These Employees are usually Managers lackeys/rats. You’re concerned about the gossip and rumors they spread and lower management protects them.

3. You just straight up can't produce or actually perform the required position (it happens)

4. You Have excessive Absenteeism (Occurrences)

This is the only PIP that can be self corrected and overcome.

5. You Call HR or Ethics Committee Hotline (HR in disguise) to report an incident under the guise of anonymity..... Bad Move Now your manager knows and their Rats know and spread the word to fellow employees.

DONT EVER sign a performance plan when your manager instructs you to. Explain you don’t agree with the content and refuse to sign it, which levels the playing field and signals possible legal recourse on your part. Don’t be intimidated as 25% of employees refuse to sign it. The other 75% are sheep being led to the slaughter house. Start seeking other employment immediately.

PIP Reasons For Target On your Back

1. You uncover wrongdoing unethical or illegal activity and report to compliance or Human Resources.

2. You voice opinions on favoritism of certain protected employees by management. These Employees are usually Managers lackeys/rats. You’re concerned about the gossip and rumors they spread and lower management protects them.

3. You just straight up can't produce or actually perform the required position (it happens)

4. You Have excessive Absenteeism (Occurrences)

This is the only PIP that can be self corrected and overcome.

5. You Call HR or Ethics Committee Hotline (HR in disguise) to report an incident under the guise of anonymity..... Bad Move Now your manager knows and their Rats know and spread the word to fellow employees.

DONT EVER sign a performance plan when your manager instructs you to. Explain you don’t agree with the content and refuse to sign it, which levels the playing field and signals possible legal recourse on your part. Don’t be intimidated as 25% of employees refuse to sign it. The other 75% are sheep being led to the slaughter house. Start seeking other employment immediately.


Someone's trying to silence their victims....Nice culture Abbott #PROUDTOBEABBOTT