What happened to our CHRO Dawn Rogers?


I see that Dawn is no longer listed on our Website under executive leadership. The Website now lists Payal Sahni Becher as the Chief Human Resource Officer. Ususally we get some type of announcement when someone in the top leadership of the company leaves. Dawn only got that job 2 years ago, seems like an odd time to leave the company. Makes me wonder what this means for the rest of us.


I see that Dawn is no longer listed on our Website under executive leadership. The Website now lists Payal Sahni Becher as the Chief Human Resource Officer. Ususally we get some type of announcement when someone in the top leadership of the company leaves. Dawn only got that job 2 years ago, seems like an odd time to leave the company. Makes me wonder what this means for the rest of us.
Kicked Pfizer to the curb, said good riddance & took a position with Genentech for big $$$$$

Kicked Pfizer to the curb, said good riddance & took a position with Genentech for big $$$$$

If this is true, I am sorry to hear that. Is this confirmed? I was hoping maybe she just took another job at the company. As a woman who has been with Pfizer for 20 years, I watched her rise up the ranks and I thought she did a good job and was always impressive when she presented in front of groups.

If this is true, I am sorry to hear that. Is this confirmed? I was hoping maybe she just took another job at the company. As a woman who has been with Pfizer for 20 years, I watched her rise up the ranks and I thought she did a good job and was always impressive when she presented in front of groups.
Fat lying bitch Lgbt Man bun lover!

I see that Dawn is no longer listed on our Website under executive leadership. The Website now lists Payal Sahni Becher as the Chief Human Resource Officer. Ususally we get some type of announcement when someone in the top leadership of the company leaves. Dawn only got that job 2 years ago, seems like an odd time to leave the company. Makes me wonder what this means for the rest of us.

Her departure was announced in a broadcast email sent by Albert Bourla. There were several personnel announcements in one.

I really don’t know where the hell this company is going. It seems like the smaller is better idea is the hope for the future, maybe it’s true but.time will tell. Pipeline is iffy, yes it is good that most products won’t lose LOE for three or four years, but I do wonder about the stability of the company without the anchor of established products bringing money in rain or shine. I really think it’s a lot of financial Jiggering and maybe it’ll work for the stock price but I’m not sure it’s really the best thing for the company long term.

This is very concerning. When the head of your Human Resources Department, who has been with the company for 2--years, abruptly leaves the company, with very little explaination, you know things must really be screwed-up.

This is very concerning. When the head of your Human Resources Department, who has been with the company for 2--years, abruptly leaves the company, with very little explaination, you know things must really be screwed-up.
Oh it is! You will never know how bad.
Did a 12 month HQ secondment & you learn so much about what is good & bad, what is smooth & a disaster!
She got a better gig without the messed up Pfizer operations.
Also she got to have control of her Pension Lump Sum & invest it for growth.

I really don’t know where the hell this company is going. It seems like the smaller is better idea is the hope for the future, maybe it’s true but.time will tell. Pipeline is iffy, yes it is good that most products won’t lose LOE for three or four years, but I do wonder about the stability of the company without the anchor of established products bringing money in rain or shine. I really think it’s a lot of financial Jiggering and maybe it’ll work for the stock price but I’m not sure it’s really the best thing for the company long term.
Its time to break it up so good divisions will prosper...

Her depature was very sudden and unexpected. I sure hope that Dawn did leave for a better job (and if she did, good for her), and she didn't leave due to illness or some other bad reason.

Her depature was very sudden and unexpected. I sure hope that Dawn did leave for a better job (and if she did, good for her), and she didn't leave due to illness or some other bad reason.
She went to Biotech locked in her Pfizer Pension to roll lump sum over & to invest on her own.
Very smart & financial strategic career move.
Anybody and everybody who is 45 & 20yrs w Pfizer are looking at outside options w other companies for exact same reasons

She went to Biotech locked in her Pfizer Pension to roll lump sum over & to invest on her own.
Very smart & financial strategic career move.
Anybody and everybody who is 45 & 20yrs w Pfizer are looking at outside options w other companies for exact same reasons

Which Biotech did she go to? I want to go there too!

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