What happened to ordering Fleet Vehicles??

Fleet here, again. As I told you earlier this week, so please listen this time.

There is a new fleet selector. You should receive communication soon on this. Similar to last year with a couple of changes.

No monthly allowance, same as last year.

You people on this website are really a bunch of negative people who don't even deserve a company car, let alone employment from here.

OK, Mr or Mrs Fleet- You don't seem to get it. We hired on to this job with a certain amount of benefits. How many miles do you put on your Office Depot chair rolling from the computer to the water cooler in your cubbie?
We literally drive thousands of miles a month, and at some point, the cars need replacing. We have been told that at 50,000 they would be ordering a new vehicle. We have to fight to get new tires. We drive in every weather condition you can imagine and we are undersized next to all the retread 18 wheelers on the road. We don't get a company picnic or trukey in the company cafeteria, have a workout facility we can use at lunch. There isn't a company health clinic a block from our office, daycare, nor do we get the benefits you get in the local area of EH or whatever you want to flaunt in our faces working in the East Hangover. We don't really care either. We want to work, make our calls and get there safely.
Remember, we don't sell product, you don't have a job either. So, just be patient with people who are working and are putting miles on their company car. They're trying to keep you in a job!!

We also pay a monthly stipend for this benefit. All be it reasonable, we still are contributing to the wear and tear of the leased vehicle.

Why do we still have to pay the $95? we were told that it was due to gas prices approaching $5.00 a gallon, but they have been less than $3.85 for well over 18 months and the quality of the cars is much less....can't we go back to $60.

Why do we still have to pay the $95? we were told that it was due to gas prices approaching $5.00 a gallon, but they have been less than $3.85 for well over 18 months and the quality of the cars is much less....can't we go back to $60.

Good observation. I brought this up to my manager over a year ago. He agreed with me that Novartis totally took advantage of the field reps and that Novartis is CHEAP!!!

Lies, lies, lies. Has NOTHING to do with your naive managers paperwork. All done at a higher lever. Hope you had a good chuckle with your lie.

Fleet here - I will correct all of your wrong and idiotic posts. This website is comical with all of you stupid, incompetent reps.

Be in denial all you want. This really did happen to me. All sorts of weird stuff goes on in this company that people don't want anyone else to know. There was one guy working a territory near mine. It turned out after more than a year that he in fact was also working for another pharma company in a completely different therapeutic area and was actually caught by the other company. Let go of your concrete thinking, things are not black and white as you think. I too was stunned when I learned about it but it did happen.

We also pay a monthly stipend for this benefit.

Actually your monthly cost is about what novartis payes for the entire lease.
I mean really , how much do you think a company ordering thousands of fusions
actually pay ? They offer $99 leases to the public
Don't be surprised if they MAKE $ off your monthly contribution & throw it towards gas

Actually your monthly cost is about what novartis payes for the entire lease.
I mean really , how much do you think a company ordering thousands of fusions
actually pay ? They offer $99 leases to the public
Don't be surprised if they MAKE $ off your monthly contribution & throw it towards gas

Wow you're dumb. Two tanks of gas in a month for personal miles eats up your $95 fee. Not to mention insurance and wear and tear on the vehicle. I turn my car in 18 months with close to 100k on it. It's worth less than $10k when I give it back. That's well over $5k in depreciation that the company has to pay for in 18 months. Even you should be able to do the math from there. IDIOT!

Wow you're dumb. Two tanks of gas in a month for personal miles eats up your $95 fee. Not to mention insurance and wear and tear on the vehicle. I turn my car in 18 months with close to 100k on it. It's worth less than $10k when I give it back. That's well over $5k in depreciation that the company has to pay for in 18 months. Even you should be able to do the math from there. IDIOT!

Fleet here...thanks for the above response. I could not have said it any better.

You people complaining about a co. car (I know, "it's my office, I spend 8 hours a day in it" blah, blah, blah) If you think, for one second, that you would be better off with a $700 / month allowance vs a co car, I would ask that you do the math again genius.

Don't forget to add in insurance, depreciation (your $30,000 vehicle is worth $27,000 the second you drive it off the lot), maintenance (tires aren't cheap), oil filters, windshield wipers, car washes, the list goes on.

Bottom line...quit your complaining, it makes you look ridiculous.

had both co car and my own. Even though I drove high end MB< BMW< Infiniti, and lexus it was easier on my budget to have a company car.

the cost of everything paid by me including the up charges for miles on lease killed me.

It was nice to just bring the car in for service and etc without getting a $$$ bill.

Take their car even though its a piece of crap and drive it like u stole it!