My car has 100,000 miles on it! Are we ever going to be able to order a new fleet vehicle.... or are those days over too?
My car has 100,000 miles on it! Are we ever going to be able to order a new fleet vehicle.... or are those days over too?
When I tried to order from Fleet, all they said they could give out was enemas.
Hey when you get fired, will you have enough money saved to buy a new car? TINK ABOUT IT!
I'm getting nervous!! Won't they give me my car if I get eliminated? How will I get myself to interviews? Havea heart, cmon Novartis, help me, help me.
I was downsized last year and received a call from fleet within 24 hours to pickup my car. I had my own vehicle (always had my own car for my own business) but I refused to turn in the company car for a month. I told them they would have to wait until it was convenient for my to release the car, then took a trip. Of course I purchased my own gas, but never received any push back from Novartis.
We are going to a monthly car allowanceMy car has 100,000 miles on it! Are we ever going to be able to order a new fleet vehicle.... or are those days over too?
Fleet here, again. As I told you earlier this week, so please listen this time.
There is a new fleet selector. You should receive communication soon on this. Similar to last year with a couple of changes.
No monthly allowance, same as last year.
You people on this website are really a bunch of negative people who don't even deserve a company car, let alone employment from here.
Communication has come out. If people bothered to read the Weekly Bulletin, they would have seen it.
My questions are why don't they wait to do this untill after the "downsizing". You will have a bunch of new cars with no one to drive them
Dang it, you did good. When I called, they rushed over and bent me over, gave me a fleet enema, then took my car before I was completely drained out. sigh
My manager forgot to do my paperwork. She was relatively new to the company. I paid for my own gas but drove for almost another 8 months before someone realized there was an unaccounted for vehicle. They contacted me and two days later came to pick it up. I put a total of 133k on it. I even had repairs done on it while I was no longer working for them. I was amazed.