What happened to Florida DM?

You are the loser still working at Fidia. Major downsizing coming real soon as they are redesigning all territories right now.. good luck at lest I have a job.

I may work for Fidia but unlike you I can get a job elsewhere immediately. How long have you been claiming to interview? Well before I joined the team. You lived in an imaginary world here and everyone mocked you for it. I was embarrassed for you. Fidia provides me with exactly what I want thank you very much.


People with self respect complain about the GPS.

People who can get another job left this shithole company a long time ago. Fuck even Randy left.

Anyone STILL at Fidia is a loser and will get what they deserve very soon. Shit Management. Shit drug. Shit reimbursement. The GPS is so far down on the list of things that make you shitty why even bother?

I may work for Fidia but unlike you I can get a job elsewhere immediately. How long have you been claiming to interview? Well before I joined the team. You lived in an imaginary world here and everyone mocked you for it. I was embarrassed for you. Fidia provides me with exactly what I want thank you very much.

I have no input but this is funny because it’s true. Crazy lady

what company did that loser go with? It would be a shame if they heard from someone who worked at the same company with her in the past were to let them know what a scumbag she is

MS was a great DM. Fidia will have a 50% cut in sales force by year end. Smart ones are leaving. Ones that can’t get a job complain about GPS in car.

No, MS was a snake. The only reason she even got to be DM is because she had so much trash on this company. Her performance didn’t get her everywhere. Everyone knew her big accounts fell in her lap and Aldo cut her special deals for her customers to keep her fat, crazy mouth shut. She thought everyone was her friend. But only because you don’t argue with crazy because it’s like the special Olympics... nobody wins. My favorite MS line “I’m only taking the DM job iff they personally call me and ask me this time”. Ummmmmmm we all know your nut job self called everyone in home office the first opportunity you had begging for your shitty promotion with no pay raise because that’s just how desperate you are. Then all they work and begging to take a rep job selling cortisone or some shit. You’ve got to be kidding me. This couldn’t get any better

No, MS was a snake. The only reason she even got to be DM is because she had so much trash on this company. Her performance didn’t get her everywhere. Everyone knew her big accounts fell in her lap and Aldo cut her special deals for her customers to keep her fat, crazy mouth shut. She thought everyone was her friend. But only because you don’t argue with crazy because it’s like the special Olympics... nobody wins. My favorite MS line “I’m only taking the DM job iff they personally call me and ask me this time”. Ummmmmmm we all know your nut job self called everyone in home office the first opportunity you had begging for your shitty promotion with no pay raise because that’s just how desperate you are. Then all they work and begging to take a rep job selling cortisone or some shit. You’ve got to be kidding me. This couldn’t get any better

MS is such a loser. Can’t even believe she actually got another job. Can anyone confirm hahaha

Ha I call BS on that.

Not on them restructuring. On them needing 12 reps.

They don't need any reps. Both offerings from Fidia are irrelevant and after thoughts in today's market.

Physcians have moved on to 1 injection drugs and autologous treatments. Some even pop "stem cells" out of a bottle injecting little more than dead cells into patients knees while telling them it's stem cell therapy.

All of those options are better than what Fidia can offer. What a fucking joke. Better find a life vest.