What happened to Alabama rep?

was he having an affair or something with a doctor?

Teammate here and NO he was NOT sleeping with a doctor. Also, personal family business should not be posted here. Shame on YOU.

RodP is one of many reps who can not work with DarlynnH. Darlynn is very controlling, self centered and arrogant. She grew up in northern Alabama and her husband is a doctor in Birmingham. She knows all the eyecare community because of her husbands status. Therefore, she thinks she is the only person who can run the business. No one else is capable and she starts trying to take over all the business. She is of low quality and will do shameful and deceitful things to get what she wants. She and Rod did not get along because she tried to dominate and push him around. They were not on speaking terms and had to go to mediation sessions a couple of times to "work it out". Then she started sabotaging him in his accounts. D has a history of not being about to work with her teammates.

Biggest problem is manager V. He allows this behavior with D go on unchecked. He does this because of the business she gets from her husband and the relationships she has through her husband. Lets face it people. D calls on her husband and has gotten credit for prescriptions he writes. He helped her win a platinum trip. This is clearly a conflict of interest and should never have been allowed to go on. But VH, KK and PS do not care about ethics, fairness or long term future. They are in this thing for short term.