Currently at my rep job hear I go into the clinics 2 days a week. Most days I clock in at 8:30am and I'm done with my work at 9:03am. I just monitor emails for the rest of the day while playing video games or fish on Lake Michigan, golf at Americian Club.
What's stopping me from getting a second full time job at JOB B and doubling my income? I will still keep focus on rep job so it's only on JOB B that I'm slacking off, if they notice and reprimand me I still have MONTHS to go before literally losing my job. Even if JOB B fires me who gives a shit I made bonus income and I'm right where I started!? I will turn down all benefits at JOB B to keep my deductions down, get full coverage from rep job like I currently am.
Are there any downsides I'm not seeing? Besides comically bullshitting both jobs and losing track of which job is which. I suppose the background check for JOB B could show that I am currently employed (Since every job seems to use ADP now a days).
thanks for the honest feedback