What happen to the FED/GOV people?

My friend Karen is leading the charge and the first planning meeting is scheduled 1:00PM/February 21 at the Moors CC. Hope to see you there.
We had a super meeting and it was great to see all TUC volunteers. Special thanks to KK for leading the charge! The date is still be negotiated with the Kzoo Park District but we will definitely be using the Upjohn Park. We will have a bouncy house for the kiddos, karoke sing offs, line dancing with a great DJ, face painting, and food truck vendors, and BYOB. Stay tuned!

Good question and we will bring this issue to Karen at next week's planning meeting. Stay tuned.
KK said it was fine for these alumni to attend. However, they will pay a slight premium to participate in the line dancing and karoake competitions. Most of the prize money has been denoted by an ex-TUC executive. See you this Summer!