What flex positions does Publicis have?

I just applied to a part time position in NJ. There are 20 openings in NJ so I'm guessing it's a new contract. Has anyone been called for an interview yet? I'm just wondering because these openings were posted 2 weeks ago. Thanks

With respect for doing a good job and the knowledge that if I continue to do that. A promotion and more importantly the job will be there for me for many more days to come. No end of contract or hope to getting an extention bs. Publicis job # 1 is keep manangers happy by having a full team. They get max bonus as long as boxes continue to get checked. I didn't go to school for a job that goes year to year with no consideration for the results. Contract isn't for everybody and the risk of living one year at a time just was not for me. I made my choice on my terms and can live with determining my own fate. Going back into your just a number, getting no respect from parent company or your boss. If you asked a question you were looked at as a trouble maker rather than a problem solver. This is what contract pharma was for me. The last box I will check is No. Not worth making money for others while I do all the work. In the end having little to show for it besides putting on my resume that the contract only lasted for a year that's why I am here interviewing for this job. Still some good people (Reps) in contract but for most it's just a paycheck with no guarentee for doing a good job.

Sounds to me like Ms. Beach and Mr. Gordon messed with the wrong bull. Shocking, a little. Suprised, not so much. Two people with jobs that have no clear purpose other than show up and say "Im your boss." The higher the position in contract sales the less impressive they are both in character and actions. That's why this could be a true story. Good for whomever pulled the cutain open on this type of behavior. They may not have gotten the job but I think they are better off not entering an enviorment that is toxic. Cheers to you.