What ever happened to....?


I wondered that too. If you go to You Tube you can still see the actual news reporter going to Zube's house for comment.

I watched it this morning! Zube was so direct.

OH MY that youtube video is great!!!!I highly recommend anyone who knew this scum bag to watch it. And get a load of that house!!! No wonder we don't make any bonus......

Many managers should be in jail. Funny statement by AZ about following the strictest standards of ethics and integrity. After working for them for 15 years I call bullshit on this.

Many managers should be in jail. Funny statement by AZ about following the strictest standards of ethics and integrity. After working for them for 15 years I call bullshit on this.

Whatever happened to George Roadman, Bob Vogel, Terry Leahey, Stefan Sovel? The old Astra Pharmaceutical Products Inc. days. God bless the Westboro Marriott.

Many managers should be in jail. Funny statement by AZ about following the strictest standards of ethics and integrity. After working for them for 15 years I call bullshit on this.

Think about it for a second: Who claims their complete innocence the loudest -- a guilty party or an innocent one?

If you think what Zub did was wrong then why is it ok for managers to still manage like he did without putting it in writing? Because every manager that is still employed here still has then mentality of a Zubalaga but is just being sneaker about it. It is the unspoken management style that AZ still employs but denies if ever asked about it. Plausable Denial.

Found him:


Street hockey a Thanksgiving tradition for longtime friends

For a group of 14 or so men from the Lansdale area, all members of North Penn High School class of '75, the day after Thanksgiving means getting together for their annual game of street hockey at Fellowship Park in Montgomery Township. Not everybody makes it every year, this year eight had arrived by 11:00AM on a chilly and overcast day and began the now traditional game for the 36th time. (Standing, from left, Tom Morrisey, Tom Kulp, Mike Rhue, Mike Zubillaga, and Greg Chaffee. Front row, from left, Steve Wetzel, Robby Bunton, and Chuck Anders. Geoff Patton/The Reporter)

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/mike-zubillaga/6/974/324