What ever happened to follow the science?


Oh, that's right, EXECUTION requirements. Everyone lie about who you are talking with! That's going to sell our drugs...... Are we in the "hot tub time machine"? the year 2002? Get ready for MBS to come back....


Oh, that's right, EXECUTION requirements. Everyone lie about who you are talking with! That's going to sell our drugs...... Are we in the "hot tub time machine"? the year 2002? Get ready for MBS to come back....
I lie routinely about my calls, my manager knows I lie and she lies too. My manager's manager lies and probably his manager too. This is one big circle jerk but the pay sure is nice.

The model we follow is ridiculous. " mirrored territories" is the STUPIDEST idea when launching a product . Add the execution on STP targets and we are set up to fail . Out of my top 10 doctors in the LABA/LAMA market only 3 are targets . This company is a joke .

Multi brand selling. Hello Doctor my name is Gloria and I have some important new information to share with you today about our product a but before I do I wanted to share an update on the dosing of our old product B for stankass syndrome. How does that sound? No interest at all? Well let me state the appropriate patient type and then sell through my approved selling messages for product A and then I will smoothly transition to product B, tell you the appropriate patient for that too then sell through the 3 approved messages that I think I can remember and then I see if you have any interest in engaging in more dialog. No? well then doctor surely you know that i now have to close and let you know about the less than stellar managed care coverage that we have and give you some coupon copay cards that let you, me and the patient beat the system. How am I doing so far doc? Lunch next Wednesday? See you again next week. Over and over and over and.........

Multi brand selling. Hello Doctor my name is Gloria and I have some important new information to share with you today about our product a but before I do I wanted to share an update on the dosing of our old product B for stankass syndrome. How does that sound? No interest at all? Well let me state the appropriate patient type and then sell through my approved selling messages for product A and then I will smoothly transition to product B, tell you the appropriate patient for that too then sell through the 3 approved messages that I think I can remember and then I see if you have any interest in engaging in more dialog. No? well then doctor surely you know that i now have to close and let you know about the less than stellar managed care coverage that we have and give you some coupon copay cards that let you, me and the patient beat the system. How am I doing so far doc? Lunch next Wednesday? See you again next week. Over and over and over and.........

OMG! So spot on and too

Multi brand selling. Hello Doctor my name is Gloria and I have some important new information to share with you today about our product a but before I do I wanted to share an update on the dosing of our old product B for stankass syndrome. How does that sound? No interest at all? Well let me state the appropriate patient type and then sell through my approved selling messages for product A and then I will smoothly transition to product B, tell you the appropriate patient for that too then sell through the 3 approved messages that I think I can remember and then I see if you have any interest in engaging in more dialog. No? well then doctor surely you know that i now have to close and let you know about the less than stellar managed care coverage that we have and give you some coupon copay cards that let you, me and the patient beat the system. How am I doing so far doc? Lunch next Wednesday? See you again next week. Over and over and over and.........

Bronze OCTanner for you! Or is that gone too?

Multi brand selling. Hello Doctor my name is Gloria and I have some important new information to share with you today about our product a but before I do I wanted to share an update on the dosing of our old product B for stankass syndrome. How does that sound? No interest at all? Well let me state the appropriate patient type and then sell through my approved selling messages for product A and then I will smoothly transition to product B, tell you the appropriate patient for that too then sell through the 3 approved messages that I think I can remember and then I see if you have any interest in engaging in more dialog. No? well then doctor surely you know that i now have to close and let you know about the less than stellar managed care coverage that we have and give you some coupon copay cards that let you, me and the patient beat the system. How am I doing so far doc? Lunch next Wednesday? See you again next week. Over and over and over and.........

Ahh.. that's MBS...AZ coined the term and came up with an acronym. Not surprised!

The MBS days. I'll take those days over this sinking ship we are on. Band is on the deck playing great songs to calm folks down. "Right sized" and "Developing our people" are the two favorite songs. Saw PH drive away in a speed boat.

How many HCPs are depending on their favorite pharma rep to deliver the science? Correct. The time has come and gone and we need to completely change our approach. Point in fact is the new reps we hired to primary care in the last few years out here in CA. Absolutely no sales or science background required. I know because our ditz DSM asked me and other vets to show them the ropes. Joke

How many HCPs are depending on their favorite pharma rep to deliver the science? Correct. The time has come and gone and we need to completely change our approach. Point in fact is the new reps we hired to primary care in the last few years out here in CA. Absolutely no sales or science background required. I know because our ditz DSM asked me and other vets to show them the ropes. Joke

It ain't just the reps. We have CBD's and EBD's that have no sales experience. Never carried a bag, never field managed a team. Just another brand team butt swab that believes brand teams have the answers and all the field needs to do is deliver the brand message.
Anyone want a cookie? I have a great cookie cutter.

Multi brand selling. Hello Doctor my name is Gloria and I have some important new information to share with you today about our product a but before I do I wanted to share an update on the dosing of our old product B for stankass syndrome. How does that sound? No interest at all? Well let me state the appropriate patient type and then sell through my approved selling messages for product A and then I will smoothly transition to product B, tell you the appropriate patient for that too then sell through the 3 approved messages that I think I can remember and then I see if you have any interest in engaging in more dialog. No? well then doctor surely you know that i now have to close and let you know about the less than stellar managed care coverage that we have and give you some coupon copay cards that let you, me and the patient beat the system. How am I doing so far doc? Lunch next Wednesday? See you again next week. Over and over and over and.........

"follow the science" left the building at the same time "launch excellence" did. Never have seen or been part of such a horrendously planned launch. New territories, partners, no relationships all while launching. Someone should be fired for this. And with the lame excuse of "We didn't want to make changes during the United win pull through". Wtf???? Pulling thru a mgr care win is easy. Launching new drugs is not. Horrible, horrible leadership.

All these tritle little slogans are pure unadulterated bull$hit. There's only one slogan that counts....."Follow the Money".

Yes exactly, it is and has been all bullshit but that time is quickly coming to an end as the ship approaches Niagara.

Trump will force price competition and he should; it is about 10 years past time.

The answer is that AZ will start using its manufacturing resources, (If it still owns any capacity) and start competing in the generic pharma market.

Current management has had plenty of "suck everyone in the room's dick" meetings and it will turn quickly, depending on who has the power. When it is over there will be winners and there will be people who look like Nanci Pelosi did when Trump addressed Congress.

Unless AZ can find a new important product, as she has failed to do since her inception.

You all must really be worth a lot! You all do the same but the so called RST's get paid more Salary and bonus targets! So who is the next PC REP to go? someone must go soon .....