What does #prayforTom mean?

Wow, talk about nightmare memories. Yes, I made the mistake of signing on with Axion very very very very early in my independent career however I NEVER ever brought anyone else on under me with those guys thank God. You were just a distributor so I was not about to bring on anyone else till I found a better option.

However, once I left and signed a deal directly with a pharmacy I do remember Axion getting very upset when we started recruiting reps and paying them much more than the chump change they were paying people. No wonder you are upset and I know who you are now. I also know that you never worked for me so all these posts were you making things up as you have no claims for any unpaid scripts. I kept thinking to myself, we never failed to pay a rep why is this person posting this crap? I should have known all along it was just an old pain cream competitor. Nothing ever added up as we never had people emailing or calling asking for unpaid commission but now this explains it all.

Folks, as I said all along these posts were by a competitor. LOL
Just another old pain cream competitor who got outsold and is jealous of the success we have had. Wow, you have been carrying a grudge all these years posting this crap. Talk about a stalker.

As I explained before this guy had ZERO evidence of people not getting paid. It was all made up in order to hurt us because we had taken business away from them all those years ago. All those posts of the claims people were cheated on their commission is just the jealous ranting of an old competitor.

Wow, you really take the grand prize of Loser.

Wow this guy really needs to see a psychiatrist. Let me help you out with Tom. He is a southern con artist, who hides behind a veil of religion. When in reality he is a crook. Plain and simple. Pay your reps properly, stop misleading people about your lab.

Oh and

Mic drop

Wow this guy really needs to see a psychiatrist. Let me help you out with Tom. He is a southern con artist, who hides behind a veil of religion. When in reality he is a crook. Plain and simple. Pay your reps properly, stop misleading people about your lab.

Oh and

Mic drop

I don't mislead people at all. I am very honest and transparent and since you have never worked for us you know nothing about my lab. In fact, until recently you didn't even think I owned a lab, you were on here trying to tell people I was just a distributor until I proved you were lying about that. You tried claiming you worked for us and let when I asked who the lab manager was you totally ignored the question. Its rough when you get caught red handed making up all these lies.

We do pay people properly, in fact we pay our reps a W-2 Salary!!!

With the ERKA law now in affect and as it is a FEDERAL law since Oct 24th 2018 no lab can compensate a rep whereby the pay varies based on the volume of specimens, or the amount billed or the amount collected.

I see you have some problem with southern people. As you are the jerk who worked for Axion and got upset when I started recruiting people away because you paid such a low commission.
You know people don't like it when you get paid 50% yourself and only pay them 15% commission when you don't provide any real training and basically add no value.

On the other hand unlike you and your company we moved on from those days ever since the insurance carriers stopped covering the medications. Clearly you didn't and are upset you got left behind.

You can throw out all the insults and lies you want but it isn't going to stop people from wanting to come to work for a lab like ours that has more to offer than other labs. If we were crooks then they wouldn't stay very long because they would know right away when they didn't get that paycheck every two weeks. LOL Whoops, there goes another of your lies shot straight to hell.

You think everyone hasn't spotted you never back up anything you say about us with facts? I have shot down one lie after another and you just don't know you are losing. Since you don't work for us you would never know of the reps emailing and calling wanting us to hire them. Many of them comment about reading about us on Cafepharma and your lies doesn't scare them off at all, in fact many comment about how we must be doing a lot of things right. They love how I give them other ways to differentiate themselves and our lab like the Phase III clinical trials that are sponsored by many of the worlds largest pharmaceutical companies whereby their physicians can earn HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars legally and ethically by doing these trials and NO they do NOT have to use our lab to gain access to these trials. The medications are of course given to the patients for free since they are not even FDA approved yet which is the whole point of these trials, in fact the patients get paid a small fee for participating. The insurance company is not even billed for the office visit as it is the pharmaceutical company who pays for the visits and thus it doesn't matter one bit what type of insurance the patient has because it will never be billed for anything regarding these trials. Clinical trials have been taking place for decades as EVERY single pharmaceutical product on the market today had to get FDA approval and the only way they could get approval is by proving they are safe and effective in a Phase III clinical trial. As these trials do take time of course the physicians are paid for doing this and they always have so there is nothing illegal about this at all.
Our reps earn a W-2 salary for the lab and they earn a commission on the clinical trials their physicians conduct so they get the best of both worlds. BTW even if there was testing required for any of these trials it would be the sponsor who pays for the testing and in many cases the sponsor has restrictions as to where the testing is performed but it makes no difference to us as the trial testing is a drop in the bucket compared to all the other potential income.

So keep it up, you are like the batting practice pitcher just throwing lazy pitches in for a Major League all star lineup.

I don't mislead people at all. I am very honest and transparent and since you have never worked for us you know nothing about my lab. In fact, until recently you didn't even think I owned a lab, you were on here trying to tell people I was just a distributor until I proved you were lying about that. You tried claiming you worked for us and let when I asked who the lab manager was you totally ignored the question. Its rough when you get caught red handed making up all these lies.

We do pay people properly, in fact we pay our reps a W-2 Salary!!!

With the ERKA law now in affect and as it is a FEDERAL law since Oct 24th 2018 no lab can compensate a rep whereby the pay varies based on the volume of specimens, or the amount billed or the amount collected.

I see you have some problem with southern people. As you are the jerk who worked for Axion and got upset when I started recruiting people away because you paid such a low commission.
You know people don't like it when you get paid 50% yourself and only pay them 15% commission when you don't provide any real training and basically add no value.

On the other hand unlike you and your company we moved on from those days ever since the insurance carriers stopped covering the medications. Clearly you didn't and are upset you got left behind.

You can throw out all the insults and lies you want but it isn't going to stop people from wanting to come to work for a lab like ours that has more to offer than other labs. If we were crooks then they wouldn't stay very long because they would know right away when they didn't get that paycheck every two weeks. LOL Whoops, there goes another of your lies shot straight to hell.

You think everyone hasn't spotted you never back up anything you say about us with facts? I have shot down one lie after another and you just don't know you are losing. Since you don't work for us you would never know of the reps emailing and calling wanting us to hire them. Many of them comment about reading about us on Cafepharma and your lies doesn't scare them off at all, in fact many comment about how we must be doing a lot of things right. They love how I give them other ways to differentiate themselves and our lab like the Phase III clinical trials that are sponsored by many of the worlds largest pharmaceutical companies whereby their physicians can earn HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars legally and ethically by doing these trials and NO they do NOT have to use our lab to gain access to these trials. The medications are of course given to the patients for free since they are not even FDA approved yet which is the whole point of these trials, in fact the patients get paid a small fee for participating. The insurance company is not even billed for the office visit as it is the pharmaceutical company who pays for the visits and thus it doesn't matter one bit what type of insurance the patient has because it will never be billed for anything regarding these trials. Clinical trials have been taking place for decades as EVERY single pharmaceutical product on the market today had to get FDA approval and the only way they could get approval is by proving they are safe and effective in a Phase III clinical trial. As these trials do take time of course the physicians are paid for doing this and they always have so there is nothing illegal about this at all.
Our reps earn a W-2 salary for the lab and they earn a commission on the clinical trials their physicians conduct so they get the best of both worlds. BTW even if there was testing required for any of these trials it would be the sponsor who pays for the testing and in many cases the sponsor has restrictions as to where the testing is performed but it makes no difference to us as the trial testing is a drop in the bucket compared to all the other potential income.

So keep it up, you are like the batting practice pitcher just throwing lazy pitches in for a Major League all star lineup.

I was a rep when I worked for you, I did not have other reps working for me getting physicians to send scripts to your pharmacy so I was not a distributor at that point but just a rep. When I signed up directly with pharmacies I did bring on people thus I was a distributor. When you use the word WE or US that implies more than one person and WE (Supreme Medical Solutions) never were a sub-distributor for your company. Why don't you make up some more initials like JR from Tx as that sounds good too or BJ from SC or RB from Ohio.
Dude, if anyone was ever owed money they would have contacted me directly but they never have as we ALWAYS paid our reps. Considering that my reps never used your pharmacy how the hell would you know that we owed this person? You story is so full of holes it's laughable.

You are just an OLD tiny pain cream competitor who never grew as large as we did and certainly never expanded into owning a lab and now you are just jealous. I don't care what you think as I know what we bring to the table and so does our reps. You clearly don't know how many we have as I know who you are and that you don't work for us. If you knew who all the reps were then you should know who the lab manager is but you don't!
you can keep posting your lies all you want and I will keep shooting them down. We keep growing and growing because of the what we bring to the table to help our reps.

You seriously need to get a grip Tom, nobody..and I mean nobody is jealous of you or is stalking you because they wish they had your pretend lab empire which you pretend to own. What alternate reality do you live in??LOL, the guy from Axion years ago probably doesnt even remember your name let alone is here on cafe pharma stalking you because he is jealous you are pretending to own a lab begging for reps on cafe pharma. He owns many business's and is a millionaire many times over. The fact that you think people are on here stewing about your success is absolutely laughable. You went to a lab and said if I get a few reps/specimens and send them your way, add my name to your LLC so I can claim I own the lab. You were a subrep selling creams, you didn't have the cash to buy a lab on your own. Just be happy where you are, stop pretending to be something you are not, and pay whoever you owe money to. And for god's sake, please stop with the mic drops, smile and have a wonderful day:)

Oh yes, it was your joke but only yours as I have never lived in my parents basement but the fact you keep bring this up makes us all wonder if that is perhaps your current living situation. As I said you have zero people's names of reps who we owe money to as everyone was paid. Randy, why don't you go back to your sporting goods job since no pharma company will hire you as you have a track record of getting fired and you've been fired by all the labs that made the mistake of hiring you.

Wait a minute Tom, now you are claiming there are multiple people just jealous of your lab success making stuff up and it's not people who are owed money?? Which is it? do you claim it's Randy from a sporting goods store (above)? or the pain cream distributor you worked for years ago who is now upset that Supreme Labs has a few reps? It's a conspiracy, seriously dude..get a life

I don't mislead people at all. I am very honest and transparent and since you have never worked for us you know nothing about my lab. In fact, until recently you didn't even think I owned a lab, you were on here trying to tell people I was just a distributor until I proved you were lying about that. You tried claiming you worked for us and let when I asked who the lab manager was you totally ignored the question. Its rough when you get caught red handed making up all these lies.

We do pay people properly, in fact we pay our reps a W-2 Salary!!!

With the ERKA law now in affect and as it is a FEDERAL law since Oct 24th 2018 no lab can compensate a rep whereby the pay varies based on the volume of specimens, or the amount billed or the amount collected.

I see you have some problem with southern people. As you are the jerk who worked for Axion and got upset when I started recruiting people away because you paid such a low commission.
You know people don't like it when you get paid 50% yourself and only pay them 15% commission when you don't provide any real training and basically add no value.

On the other hand unlike you and your company we moved on from those days ever since the insurance carriers stopped covering the medications. Clearly you didn't and are upset you got left behind.

You can throw out all the insults and lies you want but it isn't going to stop people from wanting to come to work for a lab like ours that has more to offer than other labs. If we were crooks then they wouldn't stay very long because they would know right away when they didn't get that paycheck every two weeks. LOL Whoops, there goes another of your lies shot straight to hell.

You think everyone hasn't spotted you never back up anything you say about us with facts? I have shot down one lie after another and you just don't know you are losing. Since you don't work for us you would never know of the reps emailing and calling wanting us to hire them. Many of them comment about reading about us on Cafepharma and your lies doesn't scare them off at all, in fact many comment about how we must be doing a lot of things right. They love how I give them other ways to differentiate themselves and our lab like the Phase III clinical trials that are sponsored by many of the worlds largest pharmaceutical companies whereby their physicians can earn HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars legally and ethically by doing these trials and NO they do NOT have to use our lab to gain access to these trials. The medications are of course given to the patients for free since they are not even FDA approved yet which is the whole point of these trials, in fact the patients get paid a small fee for participating. The insurance company is not even billed for the office visit as it is the pharmaceutical company who pays for the visits and thus it doesn't matter one bit what type of insurance the patient has because it will never be billed for anything regarding these trials. Clinical trials have been taking place for decades as EVERY single pharmaceutical product on the market today had to get FDA approval and the only way they could get approval is by proving they are safe and effective in a Phase III clinical trial. As these trials do take time of course the physicians are paid for doing this and they always have so there is nothing illegal about this at all.
Our reps earn a W-2 salary for the lab and they earn a commission on the clinical trials their physicians conduct so they get the best of both worlds. BTW even if there was testing required for any of these trials it would be the sponsor who pays for the testing and in many cases the sponsor has restrictions as to where the testing is performed but it makes no difference to us as the trial testing is a drop in the bucket compared to all the other potential income.

So keep it up, you are like the batting practice pitcher just throwing lazy pitches in for a Major League all star lineup.

Complete lunatic. This will be a classic thread for the ages.

I don't mislead people at all. I am very honest and transparent and since you have never worked for us you know nothing about my lab. In fact, until recently you didn't even think I owned a lab, you were on here trying to tell people I was just a distributor until I proved you were lying about that. You tried claiming you worked for us and let when I asked who the lab manager was you totally ignored the question. Its rough when you get caught red handed making up all these lies.

We do pay people properly, in fact we pay our reps a W-2 Salary!!!

With the ERKA law now in affect and as it is a FEDERAL law since Oct 24th 2018 no lab can compensate a rep whereby the pay varies based on the volume of specimens, or the amount billed or the amount collected.

I see you have some problem with southern people. As you are the jerk who worked for Axion and got upset when I started recruiting people away because you paid such a low commission.
You know people don't like it when you get paid 50% yourself and only pay them 15% commission when you don't provide any real training and basically add no value.

On the other hand unlike you and your company we moved on from those days ever since the insurance carriers stopped covering the medications. Clearly you didn't and are upset you got left behind.

You can throw out all the insults and lies you want but it isn't going to stop people from wanting to come to work for a lab like ours that has more to offer than other labs. If we were crooks then they wouldn't stay very long because they would know right away when they didn't get that paycheck every two weeks. LOL Whoops, there goes another of your lies shot straight to hell.

You think everyone hasn't spotted you never back up anything you say about us with facts? I have shot down one lie after another and you just don't know you are losing. Since you don't work for us you would never know of the reps emailing and calling wanting us to hire them. Many of them comment about reading about us on Cafepharma and your lies doesn't scare them off at all, in fact many comment about how we must be doing a lot of things right. They love how I give them other ways to differentiate themselves and our lab like the Phase III clinical trials that are sponsored by many of the worlds largest pharmaceutical companies whereby their physicians can earn HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars legally and ethically by doing these trials and NO they do NOT have to use our lab to gain access to these trials. The medications are of course given to the patients for free since they are not even FDA approved yet which is the whole point of these trials, in fact the patients get paid a small fee for participating. The insurance company is not even billed for the office visit as it is the pharmaceutical company who pays for the visits and thus it doesn't matter one bit what type of insurance the patient has because it will never be billed for anything regarding these trials. Clinical trials have been taking place for decades as EVERY single pharmaceutical product on the market today had to get FDA approval and the only way they could get approval is by proving they are safe and effective in a Phase III clinical trial. As these trials do take time of course the physicians are paid for doing this and they always have so there is nothing illegal about this at all.
Our reps earn a W-2 salary for the lab and they earn a commission on the clinical trials their physicians conduct so they get the best of both worlds. BTW even if there was testing required for any of these trials it would be the sponsor who pays for the testing and in many cases the sponsor has restrictions as to where the testing is performed but it makes no difference to us as the trial testing is a drop in the bucket compared to all the other potential income.

So keep it up, you are like the batting practice pitcher just throwing lazy pitches in for a Major League all star lineup.

You sound like a complete psycho. What rep would work for you?

Wait a minute Tom, now you are claiming there are multiple people just jealous of your lab success making stuff up and it's not people who are owed money?? Which is it? do you claim it's Randy from a sporting goods store (above)? or the pain cream distributor you worked for years ago who is now upset that Supreme Labs has a few reps? It's a conspiracy, seriously dude..get a life

What about the Texas reps you lied to and owe money to? Lastly, how is the move to Texas treating your lab? Is it easy to manage it from Tennessee? Post your phone number so I can call you and record it.

I don't mislead people at all. I am very honest and transparent and since you have never worked for us you know nothing about my lab. In fact, until recently you didn't even think I owned a lab, you were on here trying to tell people I was just a distributor until I proved you were lying about that. You tried claiming you worked for us and let when I asked who the lab manager was you totally ignored the question. Its rough when you get caught red handed making up all these lies.

We do pay people properly, in fact we pay our reps a W-2 Salary!!!

With the ERKA law now in affect and as it is a FEDERAL law since Oct 24th 2018 no lab can compensate a rep whereby the pay varies based on the volume of specimens, or the amount billed or the amount collected.

I see you have some problem with southern people. As you are the jerk who worked for Axion and got upset when I started recruiting people away because you paid such a low commission.
You know people don't like it when you get paid 50% yourself and only pay them 15% commission when you don't provide any real training and basically add no value.

On the other hand unlike you and your company we moved on from those days ever since the insurance carriers stopped covering the medications. Clearly you didn't and are upset you got left behind.

You can throw out all the insults and lies you want but it isn't going to stop people from wanting to come to work for a lab like ours that has more to offer than other labs. If we were crooks then they wouldn't stay very long because they would know right away when they didn't get that paycheck every two weeks. LOL Whoops, there goes another of your lies shot straight to hell.

You think everyone hasn't spotted you never back up anything you say about us with facts? I have shot down one lie after another and you just don't know you are losing. Since you don't work for us you would never know of the reps emailing and calling wanting us to hire them. Many of them comment about reading about us on Cafepharma and your lies doesn't scare them off at all, in fact many comment about how we must be doing a lot of things right. They love how I give them other ways to differentiate themselves and our lab like the Phase III clinical trials that are sponsored by many of the worlds largest pharmaceutical companies whereby their physicians can earn HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars legally and ethically by doing these trials and NO they do NOT have to use our lab to gain access to these trials. The medications are of course given to the patients for free since they are not even FDA approved yet which is the whole point of these trials, in fact the patients get paid a small fee for participating. The insurance company is not even billed for the office visit as it is the pharmaceutical company who pays for the visits and thus it doesn't matter one bit what type of insurance the patient has because it will never be billed for anything regarding these trials. Clinical trials have been taking place for decades as EVERY single pharmaceutical product on the market today had to get FDA approval and the only way they could get approval is by proving they are safe and effective in a Phase III clinical trial. As these trials do take time of course the physicians are paid for doing this and they always have so there is nothing illegal about this at all.
Our reps earn a W-2 salary for the lab and they earn a commission on the clinical trials their physicians conduct so they get the best of both worlds. BTW even if there was testing required for any of these trials it would be the sponsor who pays for the testing and in many cases the sponsor has restrictions as to where the testing is performed but it makes no difference to us as the trial testing is a drop in the bucket compared to all the other potential income.

So keep it up, you are like the batting practice pitcher just throwing lazy pitches in for a Major League all star lineup.

I am soooooo confused. Who is running Supreme Labs if the CEO is always on CafePharma posting and replying to all these threads???

I am soooooo confused. Who is running Supreme Labs if the CEO is always on CafePharma posting and replying to all these threads???

Some psycho troll from Tennessee running a lab in Texas. Apparently owes a lot of reps money. Basically he is the clown of cafe pharma. Used for entertainment purposes.

Some psycho troll from Tennessee running a lab in Texas. Apparently owes a lot of reps money. Basically he is the clown of cafe pharma. Used for entertainment purposes.

6 of us still waiting to get paid from topical pain creams, 1 just got paid after threatening lawsuit. Dude comes across as super religious straight arrow saying everyone is crazy and badmouthing him because they are jealous. Anyone still owed money from this guy please send email to supremescam14 at gmail as we are collectively taking action

6 of us still waiting to get paid from topical pain creams, 1 just got paid after threatening lawsuit. Dude comes across as super religious straight arrow saying everyone is crazy and badmouthing him because they are jealous. Anyone still owed money from this guy please send email to supremescam14 at gmail as we are collectively taking action

Tom, I know you read this. I will sue you, pay me my money. You have 5 days. You know who I am.

Tom, I know you read this. I will sue you, pay me my money. You have 5 days. You know who I am.

Yeah sure I know who you are but I know you were a competitor and never worked for us!

What is more likely, someone posting an anonymous post demanding money on linkedIn when they have never emailed the owner asking for money OR a competitor posting crap because they were hurt from Supreme Medical taking their reps?

People see through your crap trying to be multiple people. No one and I mean no one has contacted me directly asking for money. The reason they haven't is because we always paid our reps.

Yeah sure I know who you are but I know you were a competitor and never worked for us!

What is more likely, someone posting an anonymous post demanding money on linkedIn when they have never emailed the owner asking for money OR a competitor posting crap because they were hurt from Supreme Medical taking their reps?

People see through your crap trying to be multiple people. No one and I mean no one has contacted me directly asking for money. The reason they haven't is because we always paid our reps.

Complete lunatic.

Yeah sure I know who you are but I know you were a competitor and never worked for us!

What is more likely, someone posting an anonymous post demanding money on linkedIn when they have never emailed the owner asking for money OR a competitor posting crap because they were hurt from Supreme Medical taking their reps?

People see through your crap trying to be multiple people. No one and I mean no one has contacted me directly asking for money. The reason they haven't is because we always paid our reps.

Keep shoveling it Tom. Stop hiding behind this religious bs front, and accept responsibility

Yeah sure I know who you are but I know you were a competitor and never worked for us!

What is more likely, someone posting an anonymous post demanding money on linkedIn when they have never emailed the owner asking for money OR a competitor posting crap because they were hurt from Supreme Medical taking their reps?

People see through your crap trying to be multiple people. No one and I mean no one has contacted me directly asking for money. The reason they haven't is because we always paid our reps.

run from this lab asap. you would have to be a fool to work with this piece of work. everything he says is a lie, don’t worry you will see it soon.

Not to mention, work with a group that owns their own lab. He is just a middle man/ distributor who doesn’t own anything but an LLC. Work direct with a Lab. There are plenty out there that pay high commissions and are compliant

Yeah sure I know who you are but I know you were a competitor and never worked for us!

What is more likely, someone posting an anonymous post demanding money on linkedIn when they have never emailed the owner asking for money OR a competitor posting crap because they were hurt from Supreme Medical taking their reps?

People see through your crap trying to be multiple people. No one and I mean no one has contacted me directly asking for money. The reason they haven't is because we always paid our reps.
Wow, you seriously are a psyco Tom. Anyone reading your responses would never work with you. For a distributor, you sure do have s lot of people that you either owe money to from previous ventures or B: a lot of people goofing on you from your unbelievable wacky posts here. Either way, pretty sure you have scared off the few reps you had.