What does #prayforTom mean?


It’s the pseudo owner of Supreme Labratories. Apparantly he is a shady ex pain cream guy, who has a shady lab operation. Owes a lot of people money in this board, and apparently is known as an overall creep. And he also seems to drop a lot of mics. Just read the threads, long story.


No there is just one sand flea that that was jealous of the success our team had. There is no one that was ever cheated on any money from the pain cream days nor is there any now. There is just one very obsessed person that loves to start threads trying to throw mud on my past and our lab.

EVERY single time he throws out a lie I catch him on it.
He said I didn't own a lab and was just a distributor, he said I sold real estate, he simply throws out insults with nothing to back up his outrageous claims, never any facts.

He has become so obsessed that he has actually started some threads, posted messages pretending to be me and then answered them as himself again. Talk about a sicko. That's when you know someone is a little off their rocker.

One of his favorite is when he posts that we clawed back payments to distributors when that never happened. I do know of some reps that had a script or two that were for themselves or family members where the pharmacy would not pay but considering that it would be illegal to pay any rep in those situations it is understandable and for the record we were not paid either.

Here is where I once again can prove him a liar.

I challenge him to name any single distributor or rep who was EVER cheated from any payments? Name just one if you can!

You see he can't because it never happened but as I can't prove a negative it just loves to keep posting lies. But its OK as we keep growing by delivering on our promises and paying.

Another example of his lies is that when I started posting about the new ERKA law and how it is illegal to pay laboratory sales reps a commission or bonus if that compensation is tied to the volume of specimens or the amount collect or billed. I said we wanted to be compliant so we switched to paying a salary but of course he lied and said we were not. The great thing and bad thing about this board is that while I post using my name some people are simply cowards, have no facts or like to be trolls and simply stir the pot by posting lies and there is not much that you can do. What this guy doesn't want to admit or seem to understand is that we have many people contacting us who might never had known about us if not for this guy constantly trying to throw mud on us and thus keeping our name at the top of the Cafepharma boards. Anyway, if any reasonable person want to talk to us they can easily find my contact info on LinkedIn. Talk to me and then judge for yourself.


No there is just one sand flea that that was jealous of the success our team had. There is no one that was ever cheated on any money from the pain cream days nor is there any now. There is just one very obsessed person that loves to start threads trying to throw mud on my past and our lab.

EVERY single time he throws out a lie I catch him on it.
He said I didn't own a lab and was just a distributor, he said I sold real estate, he simply throws out insults with nothing to back up his outrageous claims, never any facts.

He has become so obsessed that he has actually started some threads, posted messages pretending to be me and then answered them as himself again. Talk about a sicko. That's when you know someone is a little off their rocker.

One of his favorite is when he posts that we clawed back payments to distributors when that never happened. I do know of some reps that had a script or two that were for themselves or family members where the pharmacy would not pay but considering that it would be illegal to pay any rep in those situations it is understandable and for the record we were not paid either.

Here is where I once again can prove him a liar.

I challenge him to name any single distributor or rep who was EVER cheated from any payments? Name just one if you can!

You see he can't because it never happened but as I can't prove a negative it just loves to keep posting lies. But its OK as we keep growing by delivering on our promises and paying.

Another example of his lies is that when I started posting about the new ERKA law and how it is illegal to pay laboratory sales reps a commission or bonus if that compensation is tied to the volume of specimens or the amount collect or billed. I said we wanted to be compliant so we switched to paying a salary but of course he lied and said we were not. The great thing and bad thing about this board is that while I post using my name some people are simply cowards, have no facts or like to be trolls and simply stir the pot by posting lies and there is not much that you can do. What this guy doesn't want to admit or seem to understand is that we have many people contacting us who might never had known about us if not for this guy constantly trying to throw mud on us and thus keeping our name at the top of the Cafepharma boards. Anyway, if any reasonable person want to talk to us they can easily find my contact info on LinkedIn. Talk to me and then judge for yourself.



No there is just one sand flea that that was jealous of the success our team had. There is no one that was ever cheated on any money from the pain cream days nor is there any now. There is just one very obsessed person that loves to start threads trying to throw mud on my past and our lab.

EVERY single time he throws out a lie I catch him on it.
He said I didn't own a lab and was just a distributor, he said I sold real estate, he simply throws out insults with nothing to back up his outrageous claims, never any facts.

He has become so obsessed that he has actually started some threads, posted messages pretending to be me and then answered them as himself again. Talk about a sicko. That's when you know someone is a little off their rocker.

One of his favorite is when he posts that we clawed back payments to distributors when that never happened. I do know of some reps that had a script or two that were for themselves or family members where the pharmacy would not pay but considering that it would be illegal to pay any rep in those situations it is understandable and for the record we were not paid either.

Here is where I once again can prove him a liar.

I challenge him to name any single distributor or rep who was EVER cheated from any payments? Name just one if you can!

You see he can't because it never happened but as I can't prove a negative it just loves to keep posting lies. But its OK as we keep growing by delivering on our promises and paying.

Another example of his lies is that when I started posting about the new ERKA law and how it is illegal to pay laboratory sales reps a commission or bonus if that compensation is tied to the volume of specimens or the amount collect or billed. I said we wanted to be compliant so we switched to paying a salary but of course he lied and said we were not. The great thing and bad thing about this board is that while I post using my name some people are simply cowards, have no facts or like to be trolls and simply stir the pot by posting lies and there is not much that you can do. What this guy doesn't want to admit or seem to understand is that we have many people contacting us who might never had known about us if not for this guy constantly trying to throw mud on us and thus keeping our name at the top of the Cafepharma boards. Anyway, if any reasonable person want to talk to us they can easily find my contact info on LinkedIn. Talk to me and then judge for yourself.

Is this Thomas Isley? The supreme pain cream guy. What is he doing in the lab world? Don’t you owe people money from your pain cream days? Do you still live in your mother’s basement? That was the running joke around here in 2014 to

Supreme Basement Dweller!

Is this Thomas Isley? The supreme pain cream guy. What is he doing in the lab world? Don’t you owe people money from your pain cream days? Do you still live in your mother’s basement? That was the running joke around here in 2014 to

Supreme Basement Dweller!

Oh yes, it was your joke but only yours as I have never lived in my parents basement but the fact you keep bring this up makes us all wonder if that is perhaps your current living situation. As I said you have zero people's names of reps who we owe money to as everyone was paid. Randy, why don't you go back to your sporting goods job since no pharma company will hire you as you have a track record of getting fired and you've been fired by all the labs that made the mistake of hiring you.

Oh yes, it was your joke but only yours as I have never lived in my parents basement but the fact you keep bring this up makes us all wonder if that is perhaps your current living situation. As I said you have zero people's names of reps who we owe money to as everyone was paid. Randy, why don't you go back to your sporting goods job since no pharma company will hire you as you have a track record of getting fired and you've been fired by all the labs that made the mistake of hiring you.

Lol! Same old Tom. You are the laughing stock of the lab world. Love your LinkedIn posts. Tom = scam artist of the year

Yeah, that's exactly what I was telling people you would show as proof, absolutely nothing.
No fact, no proof. Just insults and more lies.

Go back to selling sporting goods as no company in the medical sales arena would take you.

We don't care what lies you post on here as you are the laughing stock. Meanwhile we continue to grow hand over fist.
Tell us what company you own, NOTHING. LOL
Even when given the opportunity to show ANYTHING as proof you come up lacking! SMH
Keep on trying to troll.


No there is just one sand flea that that was jealous of the success our team had. There is no one that was ever cheated on any money from the pain cream days nor is there any now. There is just one very obsessed person that loves to start threads trying to throw mud on my past and our lab.

EVERY single time he throws out a lie I catch him on it.
He said I didn't own a lab and was just a distributor, he said I sold real estate, he simply throws out insults with nothing to back up his outrageous claims, never any facts.

He has become so obsessed that he has actually started some threads, posted messages pretending to be me and then answered them as himself again. Talk about a sicko. That's when you know someone is a little off their rocker.

One of his favorite is when he posts that we clawed back payments to distributors when that never happened. I do know of some reps that had a script or two that were for themselves or family members where the pharmacy would not pay but considering that it would be illegal to pay any rep in those situations it is understandable and for the record we were not paid either.

Here is where I once again can prove him a liar.

I challenge him to name any single distributor or rep who was EVER cheated from any payments? Name just one if you can!

You see he can't because it never happened but as I can't prove a negative it just loves to keep posting lies. But its OK as we keep growing by delivering on our promises and paying.

Another example of his lies is that when I started posting about the new ERKA law and how it is illegal to pay laboratory sales reps a commission or bonus if that compensation is tied to the volume of specimens or the amount collect or billed. I said we wanted to be compliant so we switched to paying a salary but of course he lied and said we were not. The great thing and bad thing about this board is that while I post using my name some people are simply cowards, have no facts or like to be trolls and simply stir the pot by posting lies and there is not much that you can do. What this guy doesn't want to admit or seem to understand is that we have many people contacting us who might never had known about us if not for this guy constantly trying to throw mud on us and thus keeping our name at the top of the Cafepharma boards. Anyway, if any reasonable person want to talk to us they can easily find my contact info on LinkedIn. Talk to me and then judge for yourself.

I am not the other person posting PrayforTom, whatever that means?? I have no idea. Why would I post my name on a site like Cafepharma for all to see that I got scammed. Stop pretending that you didn't pay people. You were a little subrep for a distributor in Ohio selling pain creams a few years ago. You started Supreme Creams and got some reps and distributors. Did you pay all your reps in TX and Georgia when you were selling pain creams? NO. People crack up when they see your posts promising riches to your Dr.s if you sign them up to do clinical studies and now, from what I have heard, you are a lab specialist with only 1 or 2 reps pretending to own a lab. Cut the crap and pay people what they are owed from creams. I will be awaiting a nonsense response with everyother word either capitalized or boldfaced. Now THAT IS FACTS FOR YOU

I am not the other person posting PrayforTom, whatever that means?? I have no idea. Why would I post my name on a site like Cafepharma for all to see that I got scammed. Stop pretending that you didn't pay people. You were a little subrep for a distributor in Ohio selling pain creams a few years ago. You started Supreme Creams and got some reps and distributors. Did you pay all your reps in TX and Georgia when you were selling pain creams? NO. People crack up when they see your posts promising riches to your Dr.s if you sign them up to do clinical studies and now, from what I have heard, you are a lab specialist with only 1 or 2 reps pretending to own a lab. Cut the crap and pay people what they are owed from creams. I will be awaiting a nonsense response with everyother word either capitalized or boldfaced. Now THAT IS FACTS FOR YOU

First of all we took great pride and care to pay every rep on every single script that was paid for by the pharmacy that was legally due them. I have never not paid someone on scripts that were covered and paid for by the pharmacy.

I did not start "Supreme Creams" nor did I ever work for a "Supreme Creams" and that might be your problem. In fact, I have never even heard of a Supreme Creams let alone with any kind of relationship with such company. SMH

I can not be responsible for your own company cheating you NOR can I be responsible for you getting cheated by this "Supreme Creams" company as clearly you are barking up the wrong tree there.

Secondly, we were NEVER a sub-distributor for some company in Ohio. ???????
Perhaps this Supreme Creams was this sub-distributor but it sure as hell was not us. LOL

I have no doubt you were scammed by a "Supreme Creams" but NOT Supreme Medical Solutions. There are many other companies with similar names like Supreme Medical, Supreme Medical Supply, etc etc.

So, to sum up you reference a Supreme Creams cheated you which we had ZERO relationship with AND you say we were a sub-distributor for a distributor out of Ohio which also was not us.
Wow, talk about embarrassing yourself.

It sounds like to me you are simply confused about who screwed you over. If you in fact did email the owner of Supreme Creams about this then that is another reason to think you are barking up the wrong tree. I am the owner of Supreme Medical Solutions and Supreme Medical Laboratories and I have never received emails from reps saying they want their pain cream commission. I also have never been associated with this Supreme Creams as far as I know.

Dude, I'm sorry you were cheated but you have been scammed by some other company. Get you facts straight next time. If by some miracle you did work for us then simply email me any details (like the physicians names, date, pharmacy prescriptions details, etc.) about those prescriptions you think you were not paid on that were in fact shipped and were paid for to the pharmacy. I would be more than happy to pay you for anything rightfully earned HOWEVER since you have never emailed me before I think you were cheated by some other company. I know if I was cheated by some company I would be reaching out demanding payment. It happened to us with multiple labs which is the whole reason I started up our own lab. I don't think there is any point i discussing your other comments as they make even less sense than the first part.

I think you clearly owe me and my company an apology for this mudslinging when you were clearly screwed over by some cheating bastard that had ZERO to do with me or my company.

First of all we took great pride and care to pay every rep on every single script that was paid for by the pharmacy that was legally due them. I have never not paid someone on scripts that were covered and paid for by the pharmacy.

I did not start "Supreme Creams" nor did I ever work for a "Supreme Creams" and that might be your problem. In fact, I have never even heard of a Supreme Creams let alone with any kind of relationship with such company. SMH

I can not be responsible for your own company cheating you NOR can I be responsible for you getting cheated by this "Supreme Creams" company as clearly you are barking up the wrong tree there.

Secondly, we were NEVER a sub-distributor for some company in Ohio. ???????
Perhaps this Supreme Creams was this sub-distributor but it sure as hell was not us. LOL

I have no doubt you were scammed by a "Supreme Creams" but NOT Supreme Medical Solutions. There are many other companies with similar names like Supreme Medical, Supreme Medical Supply, etc etc.

So, to sum up you reference a Supreme Creams cheated you which we had ZERO relationship with AND you say we were a sub-distributor for a distributor out of Ohio which also was not us.
Wow, talk about embarrassing yourself.

It sounds like to me you are simply confused about who screwed you over. If you in fact did email the owner of Supreme Creams about this then that is another reason to think you are barking up the wrong tree. I am the owner of Supreme Medical Solutions and Supreme Medical Laboratories and I have never received emails from reps saying they want their pain cream commission. I also have never been associated with this Supreme Creams as far as I know.

Dude, I'm sorry you were cheated but you have been scammed by some other company. Get you facts straight next time. If by some miracle you did work for us then simply email me any details (like the physicians names, date, pharmacy prescriptions details, etc.) about those prescriptions you think you were not paid on that were in fact shipped and were paid for to the pharmacy. I would be more than happy to pay you for anything rightfully earned HOWEVER since you have never emailed me before I think you were cheated by some other company. I know if I was cheated by some company I would be reaching out demanding payment. It happened to us with multiple labs which is the whole reason I started up our own lab. I don't think there is any point i discussing your other comments as they make even less sense than the first part.

I think you clearly owe me and my company an apology for this mudslinging when you were clearly screwed over by some cheating bastard that had ZERO to do with me or my company.

Umm, Tom yes it was you and you are lying. You were a sub selling pain creams for Axion out of Ohio. Man, you are so incredibly delusional, I truly hope no one actually contacts you to sell pain creams, clinical studies, CBD, Lab or whatever flavor of the week you are hustling. I read through some of your prior posts. What's with the Mic drops? don't understand that or the PrayforTom thing. Oh well, I'm sure you will reel in some poor sucker. I'm outta here, you are nuts!

First of all we took great pride and care to pay every rep on every single script that was paid for by the pharmacy that was legally due them. I have never not paid someone on scripts that were covered and paid for by the pharmacy.

I did not start "Supreme Creams" nor did I ever work for a "Supreme Creams" and that might be your problem. In fact, I have never even heard of a Supreme Creams let alone with any kind of relationship with such company. SMH

I can not be responsible for your own company cheating you NOR can I be responsible for you getting cheated by this "Supreme Creams" company as clearly you are barking up the wrong tree there.

Secondly, we were NEVER a sub-distributor for some company in Ohio. ???????
Perhaps this Supreme Creams was this sub-distributor but it sure as hell was not us. LOL

I have no doubt you were scammed by a "Supreme Creams" but NOT Supreme Medical Solutions. There are many other companies with similar names like Supreme Medical, Supreme Medical Supply, etc etc.

So, to sum up you reference a Supreme Creams cheated you which we had ZERO relationship with AND you say we were a sub-distributor for a distributor out of Ohio which also was not us.
Wow, talk about embarrassing yourself.

It sounds like to me you are simply confused about who screwed you over. If you in fact did email the owner of Supreme Creams about this then that is another reason to think you are barking up the wrong tree. I am the owner of Supreme Medical Solutions and Supreme Medical Laboratories and I have never received emails from reps saying they want their pain cream commission. I also have never been associated with this Supreme Creams as far as I know.

Dude, I'm sorry you were cheated but you have been scammed by some other company. Get you facts straight next time. If by some miracle you did work for us then simply email me any details (like the physicians names, date, pharmacy prescriptions details, etc.) about those prescriptions you think you were not paid on that were in fact shipped and were paid for to the pharmacy. I would be more than happy to pay you for anything rightfully earned HOWEVER since you have never emailed me before I think you were cheated by some other company. I know if I was cheated by some company I would be reaching out demanding payment. It happened to us with multiple labs which is the whole reason I started up our own lab. I don't think there is any point i discussing your other comments as they make even less sense than the first part.

I think you clearly owe me and my company an apology for this mudslinging when you were clearly screwed over by some cheating bastard that had ZERO to do with me or my company.

This guy is literally insane. You definitely owe reps a lot of money. Also, you are billing out of network. Straight up pathological liar.

Umm, Tom yes it was you and you are lying. You were a sub selling pain creams for Axion out of Ohio. Man, you are so incredibly delusional, I truly hope no one actually contacts you to sell pain creams, clinical studies, CBD, Lab or whatever flavor of the week you are hustling. I read through some of your prior posts. What's with the Mic drops? don't understand that or the PrayforTom thing. Oh well, I'm sure you will reel in some poor sucker. I'm outta here, you are nuts!

Wow, talk about nightmare memories. Yes, I made the mistake of signing on with Axion very very very very early in my independent career however I NEVER ever brought anyone else on under me with those guys thank God. You were just a distributor so I was not about to bring on anyone else till I found a better option.

However, once I left and signed a deal directly with a pharmacy I do remember Axion getting very upset when we started recruiting reps and paying them much more than the chump change they were paying people. No wonder you are upset and I know who you are now. I also know that you never worked for me so all these posts were you making things up as you have no claims for any unpaid scripts. I kept thinking to myself, we never failed to pay a rep why is this person posting this crap? I should have known all along it was just an old pain cream competitor. Nothing ever added up as we never had people emailing or calling asking for unpaid commission but now this explains it all.

Folks, as I said all along these posts were by a competitor. LOL
Just another old pain cream competitor who got outsold and is jealous of the success we have had. Wow, you have been carrying a grudge all these years posting this crap. Talk about a stalker.

As I explained before this guy had ZERO evidence of people not getting paid. It was all made up in order to hurt us because we had taken business away from them all those years ago. All those posts of the claims people were cheated on their commission is just the jealous ranting of an old competitor.

Wow, you really take the grand prize of Loser.

Wow, talk about nightmare memories. Yes, I made the mistake of signing on with Axion very very very very early in my independent career however I NEVER ever brought anyone else on under me with those guys thank God. You were just a distributor so I was not about to bring on anyone else till I found a better option.

However, once I left and signed a deal directly with a pharmacy I do remember Axion getting very upset when we started recruiting reps and paying them much more than the chump change they were paying people. No wonder you are upset and I know who you are now. I also know that you never worked for me so all these posts were you making things up as you have no claims for any unpaid scripts. I kept thinking to myself, we never failed to pay a rep why is this person posting this crap? I should have known all along it was just an old pain cream competitor. Nothing ever added up as we never had people emailing or calling asking for unpaid commission but now this explains it all.

Folks, as I said all along these posts were by a competitor. LOL
Just another old pain cream competitor who got outsold and is jealous of the success we have had. Wow, you have been carrying a grudge all these years posting this crap. Talk about a stalker.

As I explained before this guy had ZERO evidence of people not getting paid. It was all made up in order to hurt us because we had taken business away from them all those years ago. All those posts of the claims people were cheated on their commission is just the jealous ranting of an old competitor.

Wow, you really take the grand prize of Loser.

Tom, you need psychiatric help if you think some company from a few years ago is monitoring your cafe pharma posts and is somehow jealous of your wildly successful 2 rep lab business then came back to cafe pharma to trash you here..really. Just pay your pain cream reps you owe, I know M.K. in TX is still owed $$. You are a liar, just look at your own posts below. You say you were never a sub rep, then you admit it in your next post. You said you signed on with Axion very very very very early in your career even though it was like 5-6 years ago. See below

Secondly, we were NEVER a sub-distributor for some company in Ohio

Wow, talk about nightmare memories. Yes, I made the mistake of signing on with Axion very very very very early in my independent career

Wow, talk about nightmare memories. Yes, I made the mistake of signing on with Axion very very very very early in my independent career however I NEVER ever brought anyone else on under me with those guys thank God. You were just a distributor so I was not about to bring on anyone else till I found a better option.

However, once I left and signed a deal directly with a pharmacy I do remember Axion getting very upset when we started recruiting reps and paying them much more than the chump change they were paying people. No wonder you are upset and I know who you are now. I also know that you never worked for me so all these posts were you making things up as you have no claims for any unpaid scripts. I kept thinking to myself, we never failed to pay a rep why is this person posting this crap? I should have known all along it was just an old pain cream competitor. Nothing ever added up as we never had people emailing or calling asking for unpaid commission but now this explains it all.

Folks, as I said all along these posts were by a competitor. LOL
Just another old pain cream competitor who got outsold and is jealous of the success we have had. Wow, you have been carrying a grudge all these years posting this crap. Talk about a stalker.

As I explained before this guy had ZERO evidence of people not getting paid. It was all made up in order to hurt us because we had taken business away from them all those years ago. All those posts of the claims people were cheated on their commission is just the jealous ranting of an old competitor.

Wow, you really take the grand prize of Loser.

"You were just a distributor so I was not about to bring on anyone else"
Ummmh, Tom, you are a distributor trying to bring new reps on every day..what a moronic thing to say.
Seriously stop embarrassing yourself, you are the laughing stock of Linkedin and the few reputable people that actually own labs and don't capitalize and bold face every other word. Just stop, pay your people, trust me no one is jealous and no one from the past is stalking boards dreaming they were you and are jealous.

"You were just a distributor so I was not about to bring on anyone else"
Ummmh, Tom, you are a distributor trying to bring new reps on every day..what a moronic thing to say.
Seriously stop embarrassing yourself, you are the laughing stock of Linkedin and the few reputable people that actually own labs and don't capitalize and bold face every other word. Just stop, pay your people, trust me no one is jealous and no one from the past is stalking boards dreaming they were you and are jealous.

I was a rep when I worked for you, I did not have other reps working for me getting physicians to send scripts to your pharmacy so I was not a distributor at that point but just a rep. When I signed up directly with pharmacies I did bring on people thus I was a distributor. When you use the word WE or US that implies more than one person and WE (Supreme Medical Solutions) never were a sub-distributor for your company. Why don't you make up some more initials like JR from Tx as that sounds good too or BJ from SC or RB from Ohio.
Dude, if anyone was ever owed money they would have contacted me directly but they never have as we ALWAYS paid our reps. Considering that my reps never used your pharmacy how the hell would you know that we owed this person? You story is so full of holes it's laughable.

You are just an OLD tiny pain cream competitor who never grew as large as we did and certainly never expanded into owning a lab and now you are just jealous. I don't care what you think as I know what we bring to the table and so does our reps. You clearly don't know how many we have as I know who you are and that you don't work for us. If you knew who all the reps were then you should know who the lab manager is but you don't!
you can keep posting your lies all you want and I will keep shooting them down. We keep growing and growing because of the what we bring to the table to help our reps.