This is a typical Pre-Employement Background Check with Employment Verification. It takes 2 days.
Level 1 - Pre Employment Screening Background Check
* Verifies your Applicant’s Identity
* Verifies Social Security Number
* Verifies Address history and reports 30-year search results
* Counties of residence history, which is important for criminal records check
* Criminal records background check in applicant’s state of residence.
* Criminal records background check in county of residence if statewide information is not available
* Verifies Education
* Verifies Employment history for three employers
* Sexual Offender database search
* Terrorist watch database search
* Bankruptcy search
* Tax lien search
* 24 hour access to your Background Check Pre Employment Screening Report
* Report posted on a secure web page in two business days.
* Continued support with free consultation by telephone or email about your Pre Employment Screening Report.
* Guaranteed Satisfaction with Pre Employment Screening or no charge
Sample Report
Level 2 - Pre Employment Screening Background Check
Level 2 includes and exceeds Level 1 Report with the following enhancements:
* Federal Criminal Record background check is included in Level 2.
* Criminal Record background check is expanded to cover all states and counties listed in your Applicant’s address history.
* Civil Records Search is included.
* Driving Violations over previous three year are included..
* Verify Employment history for 4 employers (increased from 3).
* Verify Professional Licenses for all licenses and certifications listed by your Applicant.
* Corporate Ownership and Officer Search to reveal if your applicant owns a corporation or is a corporate officer..
* Level 2 Report will be posted on a secure web page in three business days to allow time for enhanced search
It is free to check to see if you own name shows up in a
search by name. I think it costs something to run the actual background check and get the report about what it says.
Employment verification is usually done by contacting the companies that you listed on you job application. The info is limited by what your previous employer is willing to say. Often they only give out start and finish work dates, and maybe job title. When they give out more information, some companies have been sued ex-employees who alleged that the company misstated the facts.