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What does Amgen have for a car plan? Allowance or fleet?

Wow! Is this a true statement? I just received a call about a position. I know phones/iPads I assume can be used to track but they are truly using it on cars now? I know some industries have but I didn’t know pharma was going this direction.

absolutely true. A few posts on here say don’t worry. If there was nothing to worry about, there wouldn’t be trackers...

absolutely true. A few posts on here say don’t worry. If there was nothing to worry about, there wouldn’t be trackers...
Yep, they’ll document the start and stop times and GPS locations. It’ll also document time idling in car as well. I wouldn’t be surprised if it would record audio. Police state here

Management knows what we do, where we are and who we call on. They don’t care. We are the backbone here and basically are driving the profits. My 20 work week will sustain untouched or questioned. $2800 a week for 20 hours is easy dough.