What do your clients/customers think of you?

I personally like that when I started, multiple offices wished me "luck" after seeing so much turnover over the last couple of years. Also the great quality excel worksheet that is used to track accounts included addresses that looked like they had been shut down for years. Obviously Dr. M is too cheap to splurge for tools like salesforce.

Love this! I too have been getting calls months later and I'm not sure why. The clients haven't been contacted in months and are pissed off! I feel sorry for the next "sucker" who steps into my old area, I had lunchs set up with all the promising targets that were no shows after I left!

I hated this place so much! I quit before finding something else. To me, working part time in a warehouse til I found something better was far better than staying there. Couldn't help it. Just hated it. I feel fortunate that I found something that not only pays much better, but........get this.......there's a respectful environment. Opinions are heard. Questions are encouraged. I had personally witnessed one person get fired 2 days after training. Another person got fired for asking too many questions. I just couldn't take VT anymore. Never met anyone like her in my life. A total and complete bitch.
I was among the few who made quota most quarters. I kept my mouth shut and my eyes opened and did my work diligently. I had scheduled a lunch in my territory almost everyday for the next 2 months and then I up and quit. No respect for me.........I showed none in return. Too bad VT has such a shitty relationship with everyone. Val's personality is the environment we worked in. Clients see this.

When I first started the existing clients I met all joked about writing my name and number in pencil and showed me the handful of MDL business cards of the former rep's in the territory. After I got to know them I asked how long the previous reps lasted and the majority was 60-90 days!

VT hasn't learned yet how to retain employees.

What a complete joke. I never wish ill on anyone but VT has it coming. Karma catches up eventually and to think of the countless lives she has negatively impacted. Does she not realize these are predominately good, educated people that have families to support? I really do not understand who she thinks she is to lure people away from stable jobs with benefits and feel she can fire them 30 days later because their car is not organized to her liking or there is a grammar mistake on the call report. In the midst, leaving people without money for their mortgage or health benefits.

It will happen with VT. Someday, she'll be fired from mdl and she'll end up as a regular sales rep at some other company. Lab industry is not very large. So what are the odds that one of the countless people who have come and gone from mdl will be her mgr? Actually, she might not even be a regular sales rep. VT doesn't know how to sell. When she was a mdl sales rep.......she got most of her sales from the SD at that time.