What do you drive for a car?

So can a mature person answer my question?

I drive a Infiniti. I paid for it with cash so I can pocket the mileage money and use the car allowance to pay all my insurance, including life, home etc. Those who "go in the hole" are those who typically lease much nicer cars than I or have a payment on a nicer car.

I agree that this plan from Genentech is very generous. However, if you are stupid enough to go buy a $70,000 BMW, than you will go in the hole. I went out and got a 1 year old Lexus ES330 and paid $24,000 for it. At 45 cents a mile, I need to drive it 53,000 miles and it's paid off! At that point it will still be worth $13,000 to $15,000. Keep in mind, this still does not take into account the $700 per month car allowance. How anyone can go "into the Hole" with a plan like this is a knucklehead!!

I drive a toyota and the polan is good. The previous person is right, this is your bonus. It's the only thing that is consistent in pay around here. Also, don't go buy a 40k car, buy something 3 years old and be happy to make a little money off of it.

OK- I'll help out.
The way to do it is to figure out the milage per month, subtract gas, insurance, and maint.- and there you go.
I put about 4K miles per month on my car so I have a - I have a 30,000 car- and I don't have to dip into the monthy stipend, After taxes it's about 375.00 for the stipend anyway.
So the math is 1800.00 per month from milage. It's hard to screw this deal up.
There are a million ways to do this- one of the best things is to actually drive a car you want!
Some folks pay cash for their vehicle(usually a nice used) and repay themselves (and then some!) with milage and stipend.. Some buy a new vehicle and pay per month (that's me- I like my nice new car!), and others drive their old cars (whatever they came into the company with)- and beat the living hell out of it until it dies- and take the money as income.
Good luck!

only a fool or a big pharma pod person would take it. that franchise will be gone within 12 months.

This franchise just expanded due to increased sales. Yep...increased sales on a 19-year-old product. I just can't wait until some of the franchises at Genentech actually get a competitor. Then we'll see how smug they are about Lytics.

OK- I'll help out.
The way to do it is to figure out the milage per month, subtract gas, insurance, and maint.- and there you go.
I put about 4K miles per month on my car so I have a - I have a 30,000 car- and I don't have to dip into the monthy stipend, After taxes it's about 375.00 for the stipend anyway.
So the math is 1800.00 per month from milage. It's hard to screw this deal up.
There are a million ways to do this- one of the best things is to actually drive a car you want!
Some folks pay cash for their vehicle(usually a nice used) and repay themselves (and then some!) with milage and stipend.. Some buy a new vehicle and pay per month (that's me- I like my nice new car!), and others drive their old cars (whatever they came into the company with)- and beat the living hell out of it until it dies- and take the money as income.
Good luck!

Thanks....glad to hear from a professsional!