80 moving today in wave 1 mostly from retail. My opinion is the writing is on the wall for the retail reps left behind. If you have 2 I think the end game is to have 1. In some cases 0. Not looking good.

It’s only shady because they got woke and went broke. To much turnover up top for too long. Never had any consistency starting with leadership, sales direction, sales strategy and marketing. Started with alot of talented reps who knew the market only to be suffocated by the Janssen lifers that are mostly mediocre at best. Successful reps and territories from day one have continued to be successful, look around. It won’t matter now, it’s best days are done. Project marvel was the tip of the iceberg and the Waves 1-3 are the white flag before the ships sinks. Writing is on the wall. You can’t sell out of this or hustle out of this, if you stick around ZS will choose your fait.