The band was cool. Big fan of The Nerds! Lots of alcohol and good looking reps! The DCA's are really going to like working here.
This doesn't feel like a Novo Poa. Felt like a smaller less successful company then the one we have done 47 consec qtrs of growth! Maybe we could all stay at motel 6 next time and make the bosses super happy!!!
High pressure from DBM to do A1C test and then wanted to know everyone's numbers.
fuck off all of you!!
I love the Novo board... It's like a high school sitcom. Please, someone bring up how professional field reps are again. Unbelievable.
High pressure from DBM to do A1C test and then wanted to know everyone's numbers.
Loved the band. Thought the meeting was cheaply done though.
I wish they'd bring back the jeans rule.
I like that we don't have to formally role play anymore, that they allow a more casual discussion environment. I certainly learn a lot more through discussion. Not role plays.
I thought Dallas was great. Accommodations close enough to walk to the meeting; food was outstanding compared to previous POAs. POA is not meant to be a vacation, that is why they call it work.