What can they do to make this place better?


I see lots of negative reviews. Not looking too good and frankly making my stomach uneasy. What is it that the company can do to keep their employees? Higher pay? How much higher?
How much money do you think your job is worth? How much of a bonus are you expecting?

How much less would you pay for your insurance? 401K? Worth it?

What kind of company car did you expect if you're in sales?

More cameras everywhere? How about in the toilets? I am pretty darn sure some of the people are not sober...explains why some of the things that happen

More positions that might motivate everyone? Room for movement for employment?

The company definitely needs to do everything right the first time around....that I know for sure...too many mess ups all the time and it really is not acceptable... The environment is probably to blame for that. What can be done about that?

As you can see, lots of room for improvement...if only it would happen faster. They need to understand that their foundation needs to be strong. Their foundation is not their lab techniques and methods...it is actually the people that work for them. Every business school teaches you that...having great and LOYAL employees = success. If you don't have that, your company is set for failure. They need to acknowledge that. But of course it is cheaper to do otherwise....but in the end, they are risking failure in the future. Failure & endless wealth vs cheap and unpleasant work environment....gee i wonder what is better....

Get ride of VT and the stupid commission plan she implemented. VT is the reason your sales team is failing. You can’t keep good people with bad managers. Business 101 people leave their jobs because of bad management and getting paid lower than normal industry salaries. MDL has both = FAILURE

Get ride of VT and the stupid commission plan she implemented. VT is the reason your sales team is failing. You can’t keep good people with bad managers. Business 101 people leave their jobs because of bad management and getting paid lower than normal industry salaries. MDL has both = FAILURE

Agree. GET RID of VT !!!!!!!!!!!! She is a running joke. Ask just about any recruiter what company name they see on most resumes. When recruiters interview these people ask what person's name comes up most of the time. She is a parasite. A cancer. VT is petty and extremely immature. She does things the opposite successful people do in other companies.

I see lots of negative reviews. Not looking too good and frankly making my stomach uneasy. What is it that the company can do to keep their employees? Higher pay? How much higher?
How much money do you think your job is worth? How much of a bonus are you expecting?

How much less would you pay for your insurance? 401K? Worth it?

What kind of company car did you expect if you're in sales?

More cameras everywhere? How about in the toilets? I am pretty darn sure some of the people are not sober...explains why some of the things that happen

More positions that might motivate everyone? Room for movement for employment?

The company definitely needs to do everything right the first time around....that I know for sure...too many mess ups all the time and it really is not acceptable... The environment is probably to blame for that. What can be done about that?

As you can see, lots of room for improvement...if only it would happen faster. They need to understand that their foundation needs to be strong. Their foundation is not their lab techniques and methods...it is actually the people that work for them. Every business school teaches you that...having great and LOYAL employees = success. If you don't have that, your company is set for failure. They need to acknowledge that. But of course it is cheaper to do otherwise....but in the end, they are risking failure in the future. Failure & endless wealth vs cheap and unpleasant work environment....gee i wonder what is better....

I'm pretty sure VT didn't go to business school; which explains the asinine decisions that are made. In fact, I'm pretty sure she didn't attend a community college. Actually, not so sure she finished high school. EM care? Of course.........NOT. Does EM care how VT treats his employees? He could care less. He's been told many times. He sees things and has made subtle inquiries over the years to employees. He just does not give a shit....period. What's mdl doing a year now? 70m? 40m?

Get ride of VT and the stupid commission plan she implemented. VT is the reason your sales team is failing. You can’t keep good people with bad managers. Business 101 people leave their jobs because of bad management and getting paid lower than normal industry salaries. MDL has both = FAILURE

The answer to a common asked about question is simple..........: Get rid of VT. Never before seen such backwards decision making on an immature level.

They are obviously confused or thinking about another laboratory, MDL ( Medical Diagnostic Laboratory) is very much in business. While management, compensation and benefits are probably the worst in the industry, they are still in business

They are obviously confused or thinking about another laboratory, MDL ( Medical Diagnostic Laboratory) is very much in business. While management, compensation and benefits are probably the worst in the industry, they are still in business

Ok. That bit of information ruined my 1st quarter expectations. I'm also changing religions because I've prayed every day VT gets fired and EM becomes broke.

Ok. That bit of information ruined my 1st quarter expectations. I'm also changing religions because I've prayed every day VT gets fired and EM becomes broke.

Isn't BB the new VP of Sales. I hear she’s on a firing spree. Just like VT only with zero education. I’m not sure BB even finished high school and definitely didn’t attend college yet she’s the VP of Sales. Tells you that MDL can’t hire qualified people because anybody with half a brain wouldn’t work there. All the good managers and reps left a long time ago. Only the losers that can’t get hired by a real lab are left.

Isn't BB the new VP of Sales. I hear she’s on a firing spree. Just like VT only with zero education. I’m not sure BB even finished high school and definitely didn’t attend college yet she’s the VP of Sales. Tells you that MDL can’t hire qualified people because anybody with half a brain wouldn’t work there. All the good managers and reps left a long time ago. Only the losers that can’t get hired by a real lab are left.

Where did VT go?

VT is still there. She is now the VP for all the sales departments for all of EM’s various companies. BB still reports to BSCBVT

So, now she'll bring her career-killing, immature, back-stabbing culture to other departments. Great. Let's see how long before morale goes in the toilet with everyone else.

Sales departments??? This place is a zoo. No culture, no direction, no business model or management whatsoever! It’s an embarrassment to even walk into an office representing MDL- can’t wait to leave this train wreck!

Sales departments??? This place is a zoo. No culture, no direction, no business model or management whatsoever! It’s an embarrassment to even walk into an office representing MDL- can’t wait to leave this train wreck!

yep.......over time, I went into several offices and was basically shown the door when I said i was with mdl. i've talked to friends at other labs. they couldn't stop laughing. this only happens with mdl. with one office i was told i can come back when i'm with another company. all i can say is.........thanks vt!! your anti-midas touch really shines through.

MDL gives these shady overnight toxicology startups a run for their money. They poach on the accounts that don’t know any better and then get a few specimen and it’s on to the next chump! No integrity whatsoever! My granddaughter would be a better manager and she is 6!

I have been here for 8 months and not once has anyone told us about the history or structure of MDL. Anyone can google the company but it looks like a little time would be given to brag. Apparently, nothing to brag about! I had an HR question and was told to relay it thru my manager. Really! This is too fishy! I am looking.