What are the global warming pussies saying

about this snow storm, Hmmmmm ?


Here you go. This is what they were saying in the 70's about this. Now it isn't global cooling or global warming, it is global climate change! Remember?

When you throw one dart at the target at a time, your chances of hitting the bullseye are slim. When you put 25 darts in your hand and throw them all at once, you just increased your chances of hitting the bullseye. Even though it is outside of the bounds of the rules.

Much like global climate change is outside the bounds of scientific rules.


Here you go. This is what they were saying in the 70's about this. Now it isn't global cooling or global warming, it is global climate change! Remember?

When you throw one dart at the target at a time, your chances of hitting the bullseye are slim. When you put 25 darts in your hand and throw them all at once, you just increased your chances of hitting the bullseye. Even though it is outside of the bounds of the rules.

Much like global climate change is outside the bounds of scientific rules.

Back to the 70's . . . Really? Is that the best you can do?

Maybe you should also break out the disco ball and some Bee Gee's 8-tracks while you dance around that basement they keep you in.

duh any1 knows that 'global warming' is just the end result. in the mean time we have all kinds of crazy weather, hotter than normal, colder than normal but the end result is warming but due 2 the uneducated ADD types it has 2b called climate change

Back to the 70's . . . Really? Is that the best you can do?

Maybe you should also break out the disco ball and some Bee Gee's 8-tracks while you dance around that basement they keep you in.

The point being, as I suspect you know, this was scientifically sound, agreed upon climate information in the 1970's. Just like global warming, as you all have repeatedly said, is scientific and accepted and agreed upon by the majority of scientists.

The 'BFD' is the FACT that 2010 tied for the warmest year on record.



That's about what you forgot when you started this thread.

You are out of your league on this one, chopper.

How old is the earth? How long have global temperatures been recorded?

Do you know how long the longest global warming temperature abnomality was observed and when?

Do you know what interglacial periods are?


Right, I am not in your league. In the meantime go cry it to Algore.
Again, BFD, wake me when the oceans are lapping at my front door. lol

I will make sure to revisit this inane thread of yours in July when there is record HEAT.

What will you climate bitches be saying then?

Now, get back on the porch until you can run with the big dogs, chopper.

Right, I am not in your league. In the meantime go cry it to Algore.
Again, BFD, wake me when the oceans are lapping at my front door. lol
Better yet, have him wake you when the oceans are lapping at the beachfront home that Algore just bought with the money he made off the AGW morons. Oh, Hockey Sticks!

Carbon Credits, anyone?

So where's ILA hidin & ridin thru this? The DOW closed above 12,000 today so you guys switch to global warming? You got it all figgered out, right? LOL!


The Dow didn't hit 9 before it hit 10, 11 or 12 and the globe is warming up. I know you don't like either fact but you can't hype your way out of them.

Is there any topic that you adequately understand, Mr. Vocabulary?

Market's fluctuate. Weather changes. You've got a couple of real winners there!

Why don't you tell me about one you understand that I don't. When Noah put 2 copies of each animal on his ark - a good portion of the world as we know it wasn't even discovered yet (Austraila with Koalas & Kangaroos for example). So my question I keep asking but you never answer is this - how did he get 2 of every specie that hadn't been discovered yet on the Ark? And if he picked up 2 of everything that's indigenous to America does the mean he discovered America and not Christopher (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) Columbus?

it still blows me away that people believe the literal interpretation of that book. but the fables are on par with aesops!

Why don't you tell me about one you understand that I don't. When Noah put 2 copies of each animal on his ark - a good portion of the world as we know it wasn't even discovered yet (Australia with Koalas & Kangaroos for example). So my question I keep asking but you never answer is this - how did he get 2 of every specie that hadn't been discovered yet on the Ark? And if he picked up 2 of everything that's indigenous to America does the mean he discovered America and not Christopher (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) Columbus?

I don't know the specifics. Those aren't given in the Bible, but obviously God worked it out somehow now didn't He? I love it when you play the role of the stupid "smart" guy. It's always highly entertaining for me.

Now why don't you put your time to better use and try to build up that vocabulary and learn a little bit of basic biology. As it is, you're so mind numbingly ignorant that it's hard to help you.

duh any1 knows that 'global warming' is just the end result. in the mean time we have all kinds of crazy weather, hotter than normal, colder than normal but the end result is warming but due 2 the uneducated ADD types it has 2b called climate change

No, that is what you were brainwashed with after the original "messaging" was just too ridiculous even for libtards to believe, and they revised it "slightly" to "global climate change." As long as humans (read: white, westerninzed judeo-christian humans) are at fault, it all makes sense to your deranged mind.


Here you go. This is what they were saying in the 70's about this. Now it isn't global cooling or global warming, it is global climate change! Remember?

When you throw one dart at the target at a time, your chances of hitting the bullseye are slim. When you put 25 darts in your hand and throw them all at once, you just increased your chances of hitting the bullseye. Even though it is outside of the bounds of the rules.

Much like global climate change is outside the bounds of scientific rules.

Holy shit! What the hell are you doing here! Don't you know that AD got you banned? Come on now, at least pretend. We wouldn't want to hurt her feelings would we?
