What a new territory, no access, happy 21


New Year New Territory after the “right sizing”. Have a territory with 3 senior, yes senior reps. This territory a month ago had one rep and an overlay, both displaced. Now 3 of us there, wow we will be great, haha. New partner says I will work 100% virtually bc of my personal reasons. Ok i can live with that, not. So since June i have been in the fields almost everyday, who cares, and other partner has been out also. We went from 155 HCP’s in 4th qtr to around 95 with access to 47 January 1. How’s your new territory and who’s the brain trust that drew these maps up.


New Year New Territory after the “right sizing”. Have a territory with 3 senior, yes senior reps. This territory a month ago had one rep and an overlay, both displaced. Now 3 of us there, wow we will be great, haha. New partner says I will work 100% virtually bc of my personal reasons. Ok i can live with that, not. So since June i have been in the fields almost everyday, who cares, and other partner has been out also. We went from 155 HCP’s in 4th qtr to around 95 with access to 47 January 1. How’s your new territory and who’s the brain trust that drew these maps up.
go fuck yourself, tool

Well, how wonderful can anyone expect it to be when your territory is 50% new and you've spent valuable time building relationships. Now a new team with zero local knowledge or relationships will take over the other half of your previous territory.
Computer algorithms are great! They will tell the new territory alignments and give you 100% success.
Chances of making bonus just got way less. I'm sure alot of your best customers are pretty po'd right now to have completely new AZ reps. Prediction : this will be a huge failure. Those let go in diabetes, consider yourself lucky. Find something better, where things make sense.

Well, how wonderful can anyone expect it to be when your territory is 50% new and you've spent valuable time building relationships. Now a new team with zero local knowledge or relationships will take over the other half of your previous territory.
Computer algorithms are great! They will tell the new territory alignments and give you 100% success.
Chances of making bonus just got way less. I'm sure alot of your best customers are pretty po'd right now to have completely new AZ reps. Prediction : this will be a huge failure. Those let go in diabetes, consider yourself lucky. Find something better, where things make sense.

"a lot of your customers PO'ed right now to have completely new AZ reps." Are you kidding me? The majority of your customers couldn't care less. Reps come and go all the time. Just do what you are told collect your paycheck and not give a shit about this stuff. It's not worth getting upset over. In a year or two you will probably get those accounts back (if you survive the next couple layoffs that is). I don't understand why so many of you complain about this nonsense. This is just a job. Very high pay for little work and little accountability. Give them the bullshit they want. Don't complain. Never lie on your expenses. Show you have a great attitude and give them the silly metrics they want. This gig will end soon as we know it so milk it now for all it's worth.

"a lot of your customers PO'ed right now to have completely new AZ reps." Are you kidding me? The majority of your customers couldn't care less. Reps come and go all the time. Just do what you are told collect your paycheck and not give a shit about this stuff. It's not worth getting upset over. In a year or two you will probably get those accounts back (if you survive the next couple layoffs that is). I don't understand why so many of you complain about this nonsense. This is just a job. Very high pay for little work and little accountability. Give them the bullshit they want. Don't complain. Never lie on your expenses. Show you have a great attitude and give them the silly metrics they want. This gig will end soon as we know it so milk it now for all it's worth.
Sad but true - the offices simply don't care. Just do the job and put on your happy face - pretend all those parent / child programs are making a huge difference in your territory!

Sad but true - the offices simply don't care. Just do the job and put on your happy face - pretend all those parent / child programs are making a huge difference in your territory!

Agreed! Pharma reps have very little respect. More than 50 percent of offices don't see reps. Those that do are looking for samples and a free lunch. They couldn't care less what rep delivers or supplies the goodies. Reps come and go. Yes, one or two offices may care but the vast majority couldn't care less. It's all bullshit. We have little influence anymore. That's the bad news. The good news is this silly job pays great with lots of freedom. Once you understand it's all bullshit you learn to play the game. After five years or so you learn to yawn with your mouth closed at meetings. Give them the bull they want and live your life.

Well, how wonderful can anyone expect it to be when your territory is 50% new and you've spent valuable time building relationships. Now a new team with zero local knowledge or relationships will take over the other half of your previous territory.
Computer algorithms are great! They will tell the new territory alignments and give you 100% success.
Chances of making bonus just got way less. I'm sure alot of your best customers are pretty po'd right now to have completely new AZ reps. Prediction : this will be a huge failure. Those let go in diabetes, consider yourself lucky. Find something better, where things make sense.

New territory? New docs? It must not be too bad if that's all you have to worry about. At least your managers aren't putting the squeeze on you to produce positive sales numbers--like right now/make it happen or there may be a PIP in it for you! At least I don't hear anyone feeling that pressure along with having to cultivate new relationships and learn new territories. Sounds like they are giving you time to ease into it. Consider yourself lucky.