Biologics rep here. The answer is not many. Most handled well before the rep hits the “field” by the practicing doctors who were well aware of the launch and, rarely, a higher level account manager.
Hospital systems drive P&T at their infusion centers...rep sometimes helps set those up but have to pull in liaisons to handle the legal, pricing, and med info questions. A middle man (or woman) at best.
Some markets still require specialized knowledge. SP biological products that aren’t BNB need representation as well. If every Rx in your class requires a PA, you can stay busy tending the process and make really good money while integrating into the office...Even competing against part B channel drugs! If the BNB drugs require folks to go to centers during Covid, here at least, sales suffer. It is my experience and opinion that selling a technically challenging product is the only way to challenge yourself, stay relevant, and stay employed in PHARMA. Let alone enjoy your work.
Stay safe everyone! >>>>>
Good insights from people who actually do something in Pharma front line sales. To the "small minded", "small molecule", "dependent on forever price increases", "hand holding" and such, your future is sealed.
And I don't care if its virtual technology or what, the value proposition is this: Share a smile and the PI. That's if your not breaking the laws in any way shape or form.
So from an "old guy" with 34 years with some contracting, some managment, some key account responsibility and now comfortably retired. Good luck. But the last say, half of it held forms of bad business "jokes" to justify positions and brand positioning, politics and dodging bullets, lower and lower value coupled with a long litany of legalistic, compliance and "do as I say, not as I do" from corporate executives overseeing this charade of a card game. You can differ in opinion; but most of you have no real historical perspective.
And, I see the obvious need in this country for real legislation reform affecting drug prices at launch and thereafter. As well as continued PBM reform, etc. I doubt any of you have gotten to hear precisely how our corporate executives and sales councils as such decide on launch or "new year" price increases? I did and it's a game that is unethical, immoral, highly subjective, fraught with collusion and has to come to an end. So, with that finally occurring, "easy" jobs will be lost. That means reps and managers who think they are so valuable to the brand. And, research and development, they'll continue on just fine. That's a straw dog PhRMA argument as well.