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WH and Anti-Infectives


All lip service by Saunders as evidenced by the anemic stock rise today with the announcement. No one is going to buy these two business units and it someone where to buy them, the deal is trivial in terms of cash. Saunders will waste more on stock buybacks or buying some technology that he or none of the R&D people he has knows anything about! This will resemble the sale of the generics unit which turned out to be not very profitable with the suppressed TEVA stock price. Saunders needs to go!!!!!!!!!!!!

saunders is getting ripped on this news. He said the proceeds would be used for share buybacks and to pay down debt. There is no plans to use it for acquisitions. The street clearly thinks this is a joke if this is what came from their strategic review.

It’s sad to see people still in the AI group continue to keep their head in the sand, and continue to say that they aren’t going to be sold. It’s over! The best case scenario is that Spero buys the group/medications, and retains a portion of the group.

The “golden children” (i.e. cool aid drinkers) that are retained at Allergan will be shifted to other areas of the company (I mean... sinking ship). They’ll last for a while, but will eventually be sent packing when the entire thing comes crashing down! Allergan has become a complete joke, and I feel sorry for the good people that are trapped in the turmoil!

It’s sad to see people still in the AI group continue to keep their head in the sand, and continue to say that they aren’t going to be sold. It’s over! The best case scenario is that Spero buys the group/medications, and retains a portion of the group.

The “golden children” (i.e. cool aid drinkers) that are retained at Allergan will be shifted to other areas of the company (I mean... sinking ship). They’ll last for a while, but will eventually be sent packing when the entire thing comes crashing down! Allergan has become a complete joke, and I feel sorry for the good people that are trapped in the turmoil!

Honey- the good people were at Allergan Legacy! Shit people are what is running/working at AGN now! Don't keep trying to fool yourself! If the quality people were still there, Allergan would be running smooth and stock price would be up!

Honey- the good people were at Allergan Legacy! Shit people are what is running/working at AGN now! Don't keep trying to fool yourself! If the quality people were still there, Allergan would be running smooth and stock price would be up!

You’re right. The Anti-Infective group is run by Forest...’nuff said...

No, not Forest’s AI group. Forest’s application of their traditional Primary Care business model to the AI group was one of the first glaring errors made by management. Foreboding if you will...

The above quote may be slightly exaggerated, but unfortunately it’s closer to the truth than not. Forest management was woefully ignorant at launch. Everyone expected that because AI was new to Forest. But their bigger mistake was not learning from their mistakes. In many cases they kept repeating them or amplifying them through misguided direction and sales pressure.

The above quote may be slightly exaggerated, but unfortunately it’s closer to the truth than not. Forest management was woefully ignorant at launch. Everyone expected that because AI was new to Forest. But their bigger mistake was not learning from their mistakes. In many cases they kept repeating them or amplifying them through misguided direction and sales pressure.

Slightly exaggerated?? No way!! Dead on. I agree with all your other points. You would think that they would have consulted with people with AI experience that could have helped guide us in this brand new market, but unfortunately, they thought they knew how to do it.

I’m former AI FRX. Today I was in an SICU and posted on the wall was CRE stats. One CRE patient in 18 months (about the time I quit). This division hit an iceberg when Rolf W. Left; Big Red Flag. He was the last man standing in that marketing department who had a real AI background. I’m truly sorry for the many reps who have families, mortgages and bills that now are uncertainty to be paid. Best Wishes and I agree, Gerard A was totally clueless about AI/Hospital sales. Good Luck to All.

I’m former AI FRX. Today I was in an SICU and posted on the wall was CRE stats. One CRE patient in 18 months (about the time I quit). This division hit an iceberg when Rolf W. Left; Big Red Flag. He was the last man standing in that marketing department who had a real AI background. I’m truly sorry for the many reps who have families, mortgages and bills that now are uncertainty to be paid. Best Wishes and I agree, Gerard A was totally clueless about AI/Hospital sales. Good Luck to All.

What a nice post. I am also former AI FRX. This division had so much promise. Sad to see its demise. Rolf was awesome. When he left, he took all credibility and knowledge with him. Best of luck to all.

Its seems like yesterday when we were on the call telling us WH was safe. Nothing to see here, move along. When will we learn to to trust a word out of managements mouth.

Its seems like yesterday when we were on the call telling us WH was safe. Nothing to see here, move along. When will we learn to to trust a word out of managements mouth.
The Only Words that matter are the ones recited by the Big Kahuna: BS. And don’t think that Ichan is coming to rescue him, NOT! This hot mess is only going to get messier. If you were around during the beginning of this rollover ride (FRX-ACT-AGN) recall that BS said “we are not for sale “ internally at the same time the street reported Actavis takeover. Growth Pharma, Hahahaha

Here's the truth:

1.) Senior management wanted nothing to do with hospital antibiotics and hasn't for a long time.
2.) Buyers weren't interested.
3.) The dumbest thing Saunders ever did was buy Durata at the price he paid.
4.) So long as the division covered marginal costs it would stay as part of AGN until a buyer was found.
5.) The eventual fire-sale of this division will do nothing for the stock price of the buyer nor for AGN.
6.) Those that remain with the division under new ownership will almost assuredly be in a better career position than at AGN as the buyer will have a vested interest in the Division's success -- and hopefully people who know the products, space, and potential of the portfolio.

Good luck.

Everything BS has done since he arrived there has been dumb. He made absolutely horrific business decisions and single handedly destroyed both Forest and Allergan, just look at the stock price. He has no business running a company.

Here's the truth:

1.) Senior management wanted nothing to do with hospital antibiotics and hasn't for a long time.
2.) Buyers weren't interested.
3.) The dumbest thing Saunders ever did was buy Durata at the price he paid.
4.) So long as the division covered marginal costs it would stay as part of AGN until a buyer was found.
5.) The eventual fire-sale of this division will do nothing for the stock price of the buyer nor for AGN.
6.) Those that remain with the division under new ownership will almost assuredly be in a better career position than at AGN as the buyer will have a vested interest in the Division's success -- and hopefully people who know the products, space, and potential of the portfolio.

Good luck.

Here's the truth:

1.) Senior management wanted nothing to do with hospital antibiotics and hasn't for a long time.
2.) Buyers weren't interested.
3.) The dumbest thing Saunders ever did was buy Durata at the price he paid.
4.) So long as the division covered marginal costs it would stay as part of AGN until a buyer was found.
5.) The eventual fire-sale of this division will do nothing for the stock price of the buyer nor for AGN.
6.) Those that remain with the division under new ownership will almost assuredly be in a better career position than at AGN as the buyer will have a vested interest in the Division's success -- and hopefully people who know the products, space, and potential of the portfolio.

Good luck.

Here's the truth:

1.) Senior management wanted nothing to do with hospital antibiotics and hasn't for a long time.
2.) Buyers weren't interested.
3.) The dumbest thing Saunders ever did was buy Durata at the price he paid.
4.) So long as the division covered marginal costs it would stay as part of AGN until a buyer was found.
5.) The eventual fire-sale of this division will do nothing for the stock price of the buyer nor for AGN.
6.) Those that remain with the division under new ownership will almost assuredly be in a better career position than at AGN as the buyer will have a vested interest in the Division's success -- and hopefully people who know the products, space, and potential of the portfolio.

Good luck.

I agree, but my concern is #6. Who is to say that the buyer would want to hire us? Maybe they can fill a few of their openings with our reps, but I would think that they already have an adequate salesforce to sell these products

Here's the truth:

1.) Senior management wanted nothing to do with hospital antibiotics and hasn't for a long time.
2.) Buyers weren't interested.
3.) The dumbest thing Saunders ever did was buy Durata at the price he paid.
4.) So long as the division covered marginal costs it would stay as part of AGN until a buyer was found.
5.) The eventual fire-sale of this division will do nothing for the stock price of the buyer nor for AGN.
6.) Those that remain with the division under new ownership will almost assuredly be in a better career position than at AGN as the buyer will have a vested interest in the Division's success -- and hopefully people who know the products, space, and potential of the portfolio.

Good luck.

Here's the truth:

1.) Senior management wanted nothing to do with hospital antibiotics and hasn't for a long time.
2.) Buyers weren't interested.
3.) The dumbest thing Saunders ever did was buy Durata at the price he paid.
4.) So long as the division covered marginal costs it would stay as part of AGN until a buyer was found.
5.) The eventual fire-sale of this division will do nothing for the stock price of the buyer nor for AGN.
6.) Those that remain with the division under new ownership will almost assuredly be in a better career position than at AGN as the buyer will have a vested interest in the Division's success -- and hopefully people who know the products, space, and potential of the portfolio.

Good luck.

Yes, good points. We bought Durata for 675 million. Although a promising drug, have we even scratched the surface of making any profit off of it? Ugh, no.
This division has been on the skids since nearly inception. Good luck indeed.