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West Coast PC Rep Exodus

Who left from the LA Region? could someone provide some insights/initials please... Just curious.
Who the fuck cares? LA is made up of mostly entitled whining ass 20 and 30 somethings and old washed up angry women who do nothing but complain and are a total drag and pain in the ass at meetings. If you weren't fired already then do us all a favor and quit or at the very least shut you pie hole and leave the rest of us alone.

Who the fuck cares? LA is made up of mostly entitled whining ass 20 and 30 somethings and old washed up angry women who do nothing but complain and are a total drag and pain in the ass at meetings. If you weren't fired already then do us all a favor and quit or at the very least shut you pie hole and leave the rest of us alone.

OOOOh; somebody's just realized he's probably going to die at this hellhole. No luck getting out, huh, Bud?

LOL. Perfect reply to the real whiny shithead....
Those of us that still work here, which you obviously do not, are happy to have a job that pays this well with great benefits. My guess is that you would take your job back in a new york second if you hadn't already been fired from here. So were you fired for not working or simply because you suck. Probably both are true so shut the fuck up and leave the rest of us to our highly paid, underworked futures.

If you live in L.A. then you are already a loser even if you still had your job at AZ. L.A. next to Detroit and Chicago has to be one of the most fucked up hell holes in the country.

True dat. And who cares what you make when it costs so much to live there. The reps are leaving LA because the pay doesn't offset the cost of living. Better off working and living elsewhere.

High Crime, Gangs, Guns, Corruption, Illegal immigrants, And above all, Left wing liberal Democrats. Need to say any further......?
Democrats in power for decades using tax dollars to pay off the public and private sector unions with unsustainable contracts and benefits to buy the votes to stay in office. They drain the budgets dry and then raise business taxes and individual taxes on people who actually work until the ambitious people and businesses leave taking the remaining private sector jobs. Corruptions runs rampant because as long as the freeloaders and govt. workers are getting theirs there is no accountability for high crimes and misdemeanors. They steal from the schools, roads and all services letting the city deteriorate removing the last of any real estate value. All of these cities are bankrupt or facing bankrupcy. This the the world Obama and his Chicago cronies came from. Gutter leeches.

Democrats in power for decades using tax dollars to pay off the public and private sector unions with unsustainable contracts and benefits to buy the votes to stay in office. They drain the budgets dry and then raise business taxes and individual taxes on people who actually work until the ambitious people and businesses leave taking the remaining private sector jobs. Corruptions runs rampant because as long as the freeloaders and govt. workers are getting theirs there is no accountability for high crimes and misdemeanors. They steal from the schools, roads and all services letting the city deteriorate removing the last of any real estate value. All of these cities are bankrupt or facing bankrupcy. This the the world Obama and his Chicago cronies came from. Gutter leeches.

Very well said. And, Obama was the Community Organizer in Chicago - Organizing the corrupt Union leaders, and minorities.

Maybe AZ is havin' a lot of shakin' goin' on!
Fitting for LA!

Things seem awfully quite at the top - Calm before the storm? shake up seems imminent. AZ should get rid of some of the idiot managers that call themselves "leaders". Do these self-proclaimed leaders even know the definition of leadership? Lot of good reps left because of these "leaders".

Things seem awfully quite at the top - Calm before the storm? shake up seems imminent. AZ should get rid of some of the idiot managers that call themselves "leaders". Do these self-proclaimed leaders even know the definition of leadership? Lot of good reps left because of these "leaders".

AZ could care less who stays or who goes. Management doesn't try to keep people who leave because they look at you as an apple that's already spoiled.

AZ could care less who stays or who goes. Management doesn't try to keep people who leave because they look at you as an apple that's already spoiled.

Or if you are more skilled, talented and are intelligent than them (management) they would love to see you leave. If you stay, you are a threat - seen this happen at AZ all the time.

When you have "senior" [snicker snicker] "management" who got their jobs because they are gay, black, or some other minority, then what do you expect?

British is not minority. They are white. Other than Tosh (Indian/Pakistani?), I do not see much minority involvement at AZ senior management. Your point??