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Were you Let go today? If so, were you on a formal warning letter?


I have heard a lot about those who would be left without a job were also not performing on their last eval and had recieved a formal warning.

Please post here if this happend to you, and/or if you were let go for some other reason.


I got a not meeting expectations, and my job is now gone.

It was carved up and absorbed into others. Now I'm left with nothing but a bunch of bs and a check.

Sorry about that...So you got your severance? How many years with BMS do you have and how many months' severance are they offering? Is it still to early to say that there is for sure a correlation between getting laid off and having received a not meeting in perf con or even a warning letter, or are we seeing a pattern already?

Sorry about that...So you got your severance? How many years with BMS do you have and how many months' severance are they offering? Is it still to early to say that there is for sure a correlation between getting laid off and having received a not meeting in perf con or even a warning letter, or are we seeing a pattern already?

I got laid off......I was fully performing with no written discipline.....19 years!

I got laid off......I was fully performing with no written discipline.....19 years!

OMG, soooo sorry to hear about that...I got a not meeting at the performance review and I am on a written warning and I still got to keep my job. Of course, I wonder if my boss will have me fired later...But for now, so far so good...Hang in there, my BMS friend. Really sorry for you that you have to go through all this. Something new and better will come your way. Hang in there...

I talked to some home office folks, AMROs / RBD etc and the word is that this reorg was designed to "take out the trash". After the new postings appear, it won't be much of a downsizing if at all. However, folks did tell me that many good reps got caught in the cross fire due to location etc. I heard about 25 DMs got canned. Half were on discipline and half were in the wrong place wrong time etc. Probably somewhat similar for reps, but make no doubt about it......this was all about removing bottom feeders