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Japan, Seeking Trim Waists, Measures Millions

Published: June 13, 2008

AMAGASAKI, Japan — Japan, a country not known for its overweight people, has undertaken one of the most ambitious campaigns ever by a nation to slim down its citizenry.

Summoned by the city of Amagasaki one recent morning, Minoru Nogiri, 45, a flower shop owner, found himself lining up to have his waistline measured. With no visible paunch, he seemed to run little risk of being classified as overweight, or metabo, the preferred word in Japan these days.

But because the new state-prescribed limit for male waistlines is a strict 33.5 inches, he had anxiously measured himself at home a couple of days earlier. “I’m on the border,” he said.

Under a national law that came into effect two months ago, companies and local governments must now measure the waistlines of Japanese people between the ages of 40 and 74 as part of their annual checkups. That represents more than 56 million waistlines, or about 44 percent of the entire population.

Yep, it's a joke. My DM will be scanning our receipts for contraband- leave it to middle management, at least my DM, to focus on the rules, the policy rather than on how to improve skills! Come to think of it I NEVER get anything practical when I ask for ideas to improve my doctor discussions. What are we paid on? Numbers or admin work?

Yep, it's a joke. My DM will be scanning our receipts for contraband- leave it to middle management, at least my DM, to focus on the rules, the policy rather than on how to improve skills! Come to think of it I NEVER get anything practical when I ask for ideas to improve my doctor discussions. What are we paid on? Numbers or admin work?

We get paid on Admin work and catering. Performance is not in the vocabulary of reps. So, bring the wheat bread, veggie chips, and carrot juice.

Ladies you will be required to wear spanks to deliver those veggie chips.

We are introducing another new initiative. You will all be weighed upon arrival at POA meetings. We can't have fat people selling our "blockbuster." At these meetings, happy hour will also be replaced with an hour of mandatory Zumba. Your certification for selling this drug will hinge on losing at least 5 lbs during the meeting. Enjoy!

Reps do a lot of walking and moving all day. It would be difficult to find fat reps on the team. It would be difficult to find anyone needs to lose 5 lb.

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