Well this is something to be proud of

From the extreme to the minutiae. This company just can't seem to hire any talent. From a racist loudmouth intoxicated engineer to low level rep. I'm calling the last scrub wearing holdouts to account. I just watched one of our colleagues walk out of an office in scrubs. I thought this fad ended months ago? I asked her if she went into the O.R.? Nope. Did you assist with a procedure? Nope. Are you interacting with patients in a private room? Nope. Then why are you wearing scrubs? Cuz they're comfortable and I blend in with the office she says. So upon her leaving I inquired with the office. Doc says, and I quote " the purpose of scrubs is to help prevent cross contamination when working closely with multiple patients. Taking vitals, drawing blood, performing cheek and nasal swabs. I'm a doctor and I don't wear scrubs nor do my colleagues. When we are in surgery, that's a different situation. Reps wearing scrubs seems like a cheap gimmick to me". Straight from the docs mouth. Please show up professionally. PJ's are for bedtime.

From the extreme to the minutiae. This company just can't seem to hire any talent. From a racist loudmouth intoxicated engineer to low level rep. I'm calling the last scrub wearing holdouts to account. I just watched one of our colleagues walk out of an office in scrubs. I thought this fad ended months ago? I asked her if she went into the O.R.? Nope. Did you assist with a procedure? Nope. Are you interacting with patients in a private room? Nope. Then why are you wearing scrubs? Cuz they're comfortable and I blend in with the office she says. So upon her leaving I inquired with the office. Doc says, and I quote " the purpose of scrubs is to help prevent cross contamination when working closely with multiple patients. Taking vitals, drawing blood, performing cheek and nasal swabs. I'm a doctor and I don't wear scrubs nor do my colleagues. When we are in surgery, that's a different situation. Reps wearing scrubs seems like a cheap gimmick to me". Straight from the docs mouth. Please show up professionally. PJ's are for bedtime.
Liar. Shut the fuck up.

Scrubs the drug rep! So typical, fake and phony! When I went into spine, I was in the OR almost daily, wore scrubs, whenever I went to an office I wore coat and tie. If you are going into offices in scrubs, you are an idiot! Even device reps don't do that!

Scrubs the drug rep! So typical, fake and phony! When I went into spine, I was in the OR almost daily, wore scrubs, whenever I went to an office I wore coat and tie. If you are going into offices in scrubs, you are an idiot! Even device reps don't do that!

GSK's reps dress sloppy.
Allowing reps to wear Scrubs into the office is worse than sloppy.

Scrubs are so much better than wearing $1000 suits. Doctors like reps to wear scrubs so patients don’t think sales reps are hanging out in office. That is what I was told my many offices.

Scrubs are so much better than wearing $1000 suits. Doctors like reps to wear scrubs so patients don’t think sales reps are hanging out in office. That is what I was told my many offices.
$1000 suits are garbage. Quality doesn’t start until you’re in the $2500 range. If you’re going to spend $1000, buy yourself a couple of Turnbull and Asser shirts or one from Kiton.

Doctors prefer reps wearing scrubs because patients don't like reps in the waiting room? You are FOS!!! So patients like seeing you in the lobby wearing scrubs? That's okay? Give me a break! Look, if you want to impersonate a healthcare professional go all the way. Scrubs, booties, stethoscope, headlamp, and penlight. Hell, get a handheld dictation device. Really look the part. When you pull into the parking lot always use the physician parking stall. Go all the way. Scrub wearing pharma reps who never see the inside of an O.R. look like buffoons. Keep telling yourself you blend in. "Hello doc, I'm here to convince you that I'm your equal. As you can see the scrubs I'm wearing give me core credibility. So will you prescribe xxx product for your next 10 patients"? LMAO!

It's really sad. These reps have no social awareness of what they look like and how they physically present themselves to physicians. Next time you get your oil changed you should dress like a mechanic. Wipe some grease on your cheek a put a ratchet in your back pocket. I'm sure you will connect immediately. "Hey there scooter! Yep, just got off my shift over Midas. Whadda ya think? Gonna be 30W or 40W oil this time of year? Yep, that's what I thought. Also, top-off the fluid levels and check the transmission fluid. Gether done! Heh heh heh"! That's the equivalent of a scrub-wearing pharma rep. But you keep wearing those scrubs. You look great!

Doctors prefer reps wearing scrubs because patients don't like reps in the waiting room? You are FOS!!! So patients like seeing you in the lobby wearing scrubs? That's okay? Give me a break! Look, if you want to impersonate a healthcare professional go all the way. Scrubs, booties, stethoscope, headlamp, and penlight. Hell, get a handheld dictation device. Really look the part. When you pull into the parking lot always use the physician parking stall. Go all the way. Scrub wearing pharma reps who never see the inside of an O.R. look like buffoons. Keep telling yourself you blend in. "Hello doc, I'm here to convince you that I'm your equal. As you can see the scrubs I'm wearing give me core credibility. So will you prescribe xxx product for your next 10 patients"? LMAO!

Did you forget to take your meds?

At what point does the BOD begin to realize that it is poor leadership that has our company where it is today? Decades of mistakes. Witty focusing on 3rd world nations with a low margin high volume strategy. Jack Bailey canceling an Advair Healthnet contract that cost the company hundreds of millions. Then promoted to President of U.S. Operations. Completely mystifying! Emma passing on a billion dollar off from Unilever. I'm just scratching the surface. You have Field managers who were promoted solely on the basis of sales performance. With no regard to leadership ability. Our stock is headed into the the $20's. How do you think our leadership team will respond? I'll tell you exactly how this will play out. Reps will be given unattainable sales goals. Our every move will be micromanaged and scripted. When those goals are not achieved we will be told "in order to meet shareholder expectations we need to cut costs". Layoffs will occur in 2023. Of course senior leadership will remain in place or shuffled to another division. Thank you Emma. Your skill set is what has lead us here.