Well, that just about takes care of the repeal effort

Originally Posted by sbelle
Poor and middle class Tea Party?? For what? Because they aren't getting their free shit? The poor do not pay taxes....they leach off the people who do.

You did not specify INCOME TAXES, you said "the poor do not pay taxes"

See, what I don't like about your rhetoric on here is you misstate on almost every argument, and then you have to spin it all around just like this satement: "if they are truly indigent...they probably don't pay hardly any taxes." Probably don't pay hardly any taxes- really? You just contradicted your last statement.

And- who the hell is TM??

In 2008, the year when the rich people supposedly got all of the Bush tax cuts, the bottom 50% of US taxpayers paid 2.8% of all federal income taxes.

The top 1% of taxpayers paid 38.02% of all federal income taxes.


In 2008, the year when the rich people supposedly got all of the Bush tax cuts, the bottom 50% of US taxpayers paid 2.8% of all federal income taxes.

The top 1% of taxpayers paid 38.02% of all federal income taxes.


That's great that you know your income tax history. But, what does that have to do with spellle saying that "the poor don't pay no taxes"?? But you also confirmed that the poor do pay INCOME taxes, thank you.

That's great that you know your income tax history. But, what does that have to do with spellle saying that "the poor don't pay no taxes"?? But you also confirmed that the poor do pay INCOME taxes, thank you.

Actually, 47% of US Taxpayers pay no income tax at all.


One of the dirty little secrets of the Obama Tax Increase was that the bottom tax bracket was going to go up from 10% to 15%...a 50% increase.
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That's great that you know your income tax history. But, what does that have to do with spellle saying that "the poor don't pay no taxes"?? But you also confirmed that the poor do pay INCOME taxes, thank you.

Dont you know she will never admit when she is wrong....its a character flaw of hers, that and her passive aggressive racism.

Havent seen you around here, but good job smacking her around.

They forget that the poor pays a higher percentage of their income in taxes than the wealthy...and that includes ALL taxes. Since when does only certain taxes count as if they can be avoided.

One more thing they forget. The poor doesnt get to write off part of the rent they pay as those who own homes.

SHould the landlord be faced with higher fuel costs or county/city property taxes, their tenants pay that in increased rents.

And the food stamp program is a direct result of the SUBSIDIES the fed govt give to farmers.

Frankly, I don't care what you like or dislike. The poor do not pay income taxes. I guess I will need to be extremely specific with you loons, who love to trot out any near plausible argument for your ridiculous positions. Besides sales taxes, and utility taxes...etc. what taxes do the truly poor pay? THEY DON"T PAY TAXES ON THE MONEY THEY MAKE...most acutally get more money back from the government than they pay in....if they pay in any at all.

Welcome to whack-a-mole, and you just got whacked. Just go to any minimum wage employer, which pays at fed poverty level or below, and look at a pay check. Please note the boxes, of taxes withheld. Now maybe the person gets a refund after filing a tax return, maybe not depending on filing status.
In an event, the lies that conservaturds like to spread are just bull-shit propaganda from greedy fucks who like to pat themselves on the back for being the so-called "elite"
Now slink back to your hole with the other lying bastards.

HA! OMG you are an idiot.

You sound like you should be "Marie Antoinette" instead of Sqealingbitch. Tell us, are you one the blue-blood republican country clubbers who hate the poor?
You sit around the pool, telling lies about how much money you got, how much more you are going to get, sucking down mint juleps, but in your case, you turned "sucking" into a new art-form and got popular with the blue blazer and ascot crowd. You eat watercress sandwiches and rub wrinkle creame into your fat, bloated, bigoted ass.
I see your kind all the time at the "club", and marvel at how greedy fucks like you will survive if you ever love your privileged position

Speaking from experience, are ya?

Honestly, it won't work because when the lovely sbelle looks into a mirror she'll see a lovely and gracious and brilliant dame...she won't see you.

You're wasting your time arguing with Rock. He is the most ignorant and the least mature poster on this board.

Remember how easily he fell into the trap I set for him?

You're wasting your time arguing with Rock. He is the most ignorant and the least mature poster on this board.

Remember how easily he fell into the trap I set for him?

So you are back for round 2 of whack-a-fat, old, lying detail man who gobbles pork.

I'm going to have to report to the rabbinical council because of your incessant lies, distortions, and pork eating.

You really need to wipe the smugness off of your fat jowls, but careful this time, don't use your jizz rag.

Now run off back to your litterbox, and stop plagiarizing from your betters.

And do keep flattering yourself that you are capable of trapping anything, even the mentally deficit exhibit talents like fly catching from time to time

Actually, 47% of US Taxpayers pay no income tax at all.


One of the dirty little secrets of the Obama Tax Increase was that the bottom tax bracket was going to go up from 10% to 15%...a 50% increase.

Ummmhmmm, that's exactly what my rich uncle told me when he sold his company and moved out of state to AVOID paying the big tax on his big sale!!! And, then his wife was bitchin about the damn donut hole and how she could not get her "drugs" until Jan, while wearing her Louis Vuitton bag and driving away in her Mercedes! I know, I know the rich suffer such and pay sooooo many taxes. I can see it with my own eyes!!!
(True story BTW)
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Dont you know she will never admit when she is wrong....its a character flaw of hers, that and her passive aggressive racism.

Havent seen you around here, but good job smacking her around.

They forget that the poor pays a higher percentage of their income in taxes than the wealthy...and that includes ALL taxes. Since when does only certain taxes count as if they can be avoided.

One more thing they forget. The poor doesnt get to write off part of the rent they pay as those who own homes.

SHould the landlord be faced with higher fuel costs or county/city property taxes, their tenants pay that in increased rents.

And the food stamp program is a direct result of the SUBSIDIES the fed govt give to farmers.

I am on here alot, just dont post much. But when I read these idiotic posts that are utterly false, I have to chime in.
I have had the argument with these idiots about govt SUBSIDIES and all of them say "they don't take any govt subsidies" so I guess they pay more at the pump than we do.

You sound like you should be "Marie Antoinette" instead of Sqealingbitch. Tell us, are you one the blue-blood republican country clubbers who hate the poor?
You sit around the pool, telling lies about how much money you got, how much more you are going to get, sucking down mint juleps, but in your case, you turned "sucking" into a new art-form and got popular with the blue blazer and ascot crowd. You eat watercress sandwiches and rub wrinkle creame into your fat, bloated, bigoted ass.
I see your kind all the time at the "club", and marvel at how greedy fucks like you will survive if you ever love your privileged position

LOL!!Classic----Marie Antoinette is exactly who I think of when she opens her mouth. They also discuss all of their TAX BREAKS and how crafty they are at evading taxes. Wonder how many still have those Swiss bank accounts?? Oh, I forgot- the rich pay ALL their taxes and dont want a thing from the govt.

Actually, 47% of US Taxpayers pay no income tax at all.


One of the dirty little secrets of the Obama Tax Increase was that the bottom tax bracket was going to go up from 10% to 15%...a 50% increase.

Oh, you mean these 47%?


All the attention being showered on “47 percent” is ultimately a distraction from that reality. The 47 percent number is not wrong. The stimulus programs of the last two years — the first one signed by President George W. Bush, the second and larger one by President Obama — have increased the number of households that receive enough of a tax credit to wipe out their federal income tax liability.

But the modifiers here — federal and income — are important.

Hey Isabelle Read this slowly so you can understand--"Income taxes aren’t the only kind of federal taxes that people pay. There are also payroll taxes and investment taxes, among others. And, of course, people pay state and local taxes, too."
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Frankly, I don't care what you like or dislike. The poor do not pay income taxes. I guess I will need to be extremely specific with you loons, who love to trot out any near plausible argument for your ridiculous positions. Besides sales taxes, and utility taxes...etc. what taxes do the truly poor pay? THEY DON"T PAY TAXES ON THE MONEY THEY MAKE...most acutally get more money back from the government than they pay in....if they pay in any at all.

Here is some TAX education for you, specically read down to "the poor people pay more in taxes" section.

Economic Scene
Yes, 47% of Households Owe No Taxes. Look Closer.By DAVID LEONHARDT
Published: April 13, 2010
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Daniel Acker/Bloomberg News
About three-quarters of households pay more in payroll taxes than in income taxes.
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That’s the portion of American households that owe no income tax for 2009. The number is up from 38 percent in 2007, and it has become a popular talking point on cable television and talk radio. With Tax Day coming on Thursday, 47 percent has become shorthand for the notion that the wealthy face a much higher tax burden than they once did while growing numbers of Americans are effectively on the dole.

Neither one of those ideas is true. They rely on a cleverly selective reading of the facts. So does the 47 percent number.

Given that taxes are likely to be one of the big political issues of the next few years — and maybe the biggest one — it’s worth understanding who really pays what in taxes. Once you do, you can get a sense for our country’s fiscal options. How, in other words, will we be able to close the huge looming gap between the taxes we are scheduled to pay and the services we are scheduled to receive?

The answer is that tax rates almost certainly have to rise more on the affluent than on other groups. Over the last 30 years, rates have fallen more for the wealthy, and especially the very wealthy, than for any other group. At the same time, their incomes have soared, and the incomes of most workers have grown only moderately faster than inflation.

So a much greater share of income is now concentrated at the top of distribution, while each dollar there is taxed less than it once was. It’s true that raising taxes on the rich alone can’t come close to solving the long-term budget problem. The deficit is simply too big. But if taxes are not increased for the wealthy, the country will be left with two options.

It will have to raise taxes even more than it otherwise would on everybody else. Or it will have to find deep cuts in Medicare, Social Security, military spending and the other large (generally popular) federal programs.

All the attention being showered on “47 percent” is ultimately a distraction from that reality.

The 47 percent number is not wrong. The stimulus programs of the last two years — the first one signed by President George W. Bush, the second and larger one by President Obama — have increased the number of households that receive enough of a tax credit to wipe out their federal income tax liability.

But the modifiers here — federal and income — are important. Income taxes aren’t the only kind of federal taxes that people pay. There are also payroll taxes and investment taxes, among others. And, of course, people pay state and local taxes, too.

Even if the discussion is restricted to federal taxes (for which the statistics are better), a vast majority of households end up paying federal taxes. Congressional Budget Office data suggests that, at most, about 10 percent of all households pay no net federal taxes. The number 10 is obviously a lot smaller than 47.

The reason is that poor families generally pay more in payroll taxes than they receive through benefits like the Earned Income Tax Credit. It’s not just poor families for whom the payroll tax is a big deal, either. About three-quarters of all American households pay more in payroll taxes, which go toward Medicare and Social Security, than in income taxes

Really? How many Seniors did you poll that were doing "well" without the RX drug plan? Just sit in a waiting room sometime and listen to Senior Patients talk about how they couln't afford all the drugs they had to take. How many samples did you give to Doctors to help their senior patients fill the "Donut Hole"? Oh, I forgot you are against helping anyone out and you must only work in the "upscale" cities of your territory.

I don't drop samples so none!

Many seniors had insurance provided as part of their employer provided retirement plans until costs went up and employers figured it could be cut because there was Medicare.

How many characters do you commandeer in an average week here? I am very aware of the kinds of taxes that exist. I pay a load of them each and every year. So how many indigent/poor pay investment taxes? How many pay state and local taxes.... and get no refund back? (They usually get more in a refund than they have paid in.) Most of their expenses are subsidized, if they are truly poor, and have (at the very least) been schooled on all the wonderful entitlement programs they can sign up for. I am talking subsidies on their utiltites, food, educations, child care....etc. Hell, we even give them food stamps and then give their kids free lunch in school. So we pay for the feeding of their offspring twice. I am just not sure where you get that the poor are paying much of anything. But you keep flailing around here on the subject. I am right, and you are wong and THAT'S THE END OF THE STORY.

Yeah, she's wrong. I posted a couple months ago showing how higher income earners paid 49% higher.

Possibly Democrats are relying on people not realizing how quickly Federal income taxes rise with income. Suppose that you have two married couples with two children and no other deductions. The only difference between these two couples is that one makes $60,000 per year and the other makes five times more, $300,000. The $60,000-a-year couple would face a federal income tax bill of $1,466 this next year if the tax rates remain unchanged (the calculations using TurboTax are available here). The $300,000 a year couple faces a tax bill of $71,134. That isn't five times more in taxes to match their 5 times greater income. It isn't 10 or even 20 times more in taxes. It is 49 times more in taxes.

Why should a couple that makes 5 times more money pay 49 times more in federal income taxes? Democrats though feel that still isn't enough and that these high income, rich, wealthy individuals should pay even more. But the point is that simply saying that those who earn more money should pay more taxes doesn't justify the current tax rates, let alone explain why we need even higher tax rates on high-income individuals.
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I don't drop samples so none!

Many seniors had insurance provided as part of their employer provided retirement plans until costs went up and employers figured it could be cut because there was Medicare.

Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner. Yes, so how many companies have not slashed their Retirement Health Care benefits?? Very few, so the result is the majority of americans will have to go on Medicare, now wont they?