Well, I guess I am out?


It sounds like all offers have been extended. I am suprised to not have received any notification from the hiring manager. After interviewing numerous times and flying to another city for hours of panels, I thought the manager would have the courtesy to let me know another candidate was selected. If you received an offer, congrats! If you did not and have heard anything, you are not alone.

Be patient little fella. Sorry management isn't prioritizing their calls around you. Maybe they will call you soon or maybe you are still in the running. Grow up! If you must know now, sack up and call the manager.
There's always an asshole ready to chime in on CP. Of course the manager has received a phone call. Go away lil fella.

Be patient little fella. Sorry management isn't prioritizing their calls around you. Maybe they will call you soon or maybe you are still in the running. Grow up! If you must know now, sack up and call the manager.

It sounds like you are the one that needs to grow up if you are compelled to throw insults on cafe pharma.

Thanks asshole for the 2 year old comment. Anyway, I was told a timeline of last week for sure I would be notified. This is beyond ridiculous. I'm fine if I didn't get it but let us know for sure.

Almost every product in the pipeline at Alkermes is a me-too. Copies of aripip, olanz and even the immuno cancer drug....

Only thing novel is the pill for MDD which isn't really novel, it's a combo of opioids that will be a challenging sell. Psychs too scared to get into opioids, even synthetic.

Hope this company makes enough in royalties and copies to keep everyone afloat.

Almost every product in the pipeline at Alkermes is a me-too. Copies of aripip, olanz and even the immuno cancer drug....

Only thing novel is the pill for MDD which isn't really novel, it's a combo of opioids that will be a challenging sell. Psychs too scared to get into opioids, even synthetic.

Hope this company makes enough in royalties and copies to keep everyone afloat.

Spot on! Don't think insurance or Medi is going to cover those pills in 4-5 years.