Welcome Wyeth Colleagues


No, this is not a BS or sarcastic post. Welcome to the team. If you're on this board you've no doubt heard negativity and immaturity. Keep in mind 90% of the people here were let go by Pfizer, took it very personal, and have an axe to grind and keep creeping on this board. Most are still out of work. I'm looking forward to working with my new teammates


De-selected wye rep here. You folks picked up some really great reps, and some real winners- a true mixed bag. Some really great people got kicked to the curb. I'm sure it will be interesting!

New Pfizer employee here - happy to be joining (well trying to be happy - I actually really loved Wyeth. We grew a lot in the past 5-6 years, hurts to see it end). But that was yesterday and most of us are looking forward to really changing the company for the better. I hope its a reality that we can all work together to move forward. great HIV drug - I didn't even know that was ours.

When will we be getting our new badges? I'm ready to mvoe on.

Yes, welcome to the world of liberalism... right in yo face! Give it six months and you'll wish you HADN'T been retained. Our company culture is unlike ANY other pharma company in existence today. During the Lipitor and Viagra years, we owned everything and did everything - if you produced (which most did), you got promoted and you rolled with the company's growth - hell, we didn't have time to slow down and "recognize" alternative lifestyles and diversity-type programs - we were the kings. Now, with a democratic supporter at the helm and the ultimate demise of the Lipitor franchise, it's like having our own little Obama cabinet running the company. It's quite an embarassment, really, but we keep our heads up and don't say a lot b/c it's too good a job to risk being fired for speaking up.

That first time you log into Pfieldnet and witness this once-glorious company recognizing the homosexual lifestyle - right in yo face (and your family's face, too, if they're anywhere near your computer) - you'll struggle... deem it 'just not right'... probably curse... kick the dog... etc -- but then you'll recover and cede your mores/tenets/belief systems to the company's culture...... all in the name of keeping your job/benefits. Welcome aboard.

If you are on the West Coast...be on the look out for the Dog Napper. She is a DM who will look to stab you in the back...and if you are not careful she may steal your pet. It has happened at least twice.

wyeth has already been headed in the same direction. last year we celebrated the rainbow coalition, and cancelled president's day holiday in favor of a MLK holiday - been trying very hard to please everyone

What is wrong with you people?????????? Who cares about anyones sexuality or race... GO back to your cave... Maybe being "severed" is a good thing ...you my friends are a bunch of up tight, white supremist freaks...welcome to the world of Pfizer

Gay man to no. 6. Yes you were the kings, now you have the queens, including me. One of my first performance objectives as a new hire will be to start an LGBT newsletter. My new manager has alrady approved it. Oh, and those HIV drugs? Great thing about being in Pharma is that I'm getting a company discount on mine.

What is wrong with you people?????????? Who cares about anyones sexuality or race... GO back to your cave... Maybe being "severed" is a good thing ...you my friends are a bunch of up tight, white supremist freaks...welcome to the world of Pfizer

I do not care about race. I DO have some serious concerns about ANY man who thinks it is acceptable to deeply probe the shitty, diseased ass of another man AND THEN go to work the next day shaking peoples' hands. Ewwwww!

Welcome Wyeth folk and welcome to land of legal/compliance. Attorneys tell us what to say and when to say it. You are now pharma marketing reps. The world sell will get you fired. You are not allowed to compare/contrast any product. Legal will tell you when to take a piss.

I do not care about race. I DO have some serious concerns about ANY man who thinks it is acceptable to deeply probe the shitty, diseased ass of another man AND THEN go to work the next day shaking peoples' hands. Ewwwww!

This particular angle of homophobia makes me laugh. As a straight white chick, what do all the men I date seem to want? Blow jobs and anal sex LOL!

Grow up! You have more important things to think about than your coworkers' orientations.

So glad I was cut yesterday. I have never seen a more immature, bigoted profession in my life.

No, this is not a BS or sarcastic post. Welcome to the team. If you're on this board you've no doubt heard negativity and immaturity. Keep in mind 90% of the people here were let go by Pfizer, took it very personal, and have an axe to grind and keep creeping on this board. Most are still out of work. I'm looking forward to working with my new teammates

Welcome .........

Yours Truely,

This post makes me miss Wyeth more and more. I can't believe what Pfizer people spend their time on. No wonder Pfizer keeps having to buy companies.

Post #6 If you don't like what the company stands for quit - Man up or shut up.

What a pussy...