Ive been with Serono 5+ years now and have never read anything on this board, or this site for that matter, until today, perhaps I was better off not reading at all. Some of this stuff is quite interesting and some of it is pure garbage. I understand the desire to vent and get it out of your systems - whatever it is (and this certainly does not apply to everyone on these boards), but I cannot believe the way people are talked about here. I get it if someone isnt doing the job they are supposed to be doing - everyone can be frustrated with that. I see plenty of it from day to day myself. But to spend time talking badly about other people is just mailicious! How well do the posters of some of these things know the people they wrote about? Probably not very well at all. I am sure I will catch alot of flack for this but seriously, before you post something, think about how it would make you feel if the same were posted about you, your family, your lifestyle and then consider that post. I've seen posts about racial background, sexual orientation, how good looking people are or are not, rumors about bad bahavior and the like. I wonder about the people who initiated the posts I am taking about - insecure, mean and jealous people who really need to get a life and stop bothering with other peoples lives. I'm ashamed that some of you are my peers.