Welcome to the MedPointe board

I am curious about this company. All you people seem so negative. How are budgets for lunches? Do you have adequate samples? What's the deal with the company car? What about a corporate credit card? Where are samples stored? Do you get a budget for a storage unit?

People just like to bitch and moan. I came from BIG Pharma to MedPointe and it has been an improvement for me. Manager makes a huge difference (like everywhere else). Company car is fine--it's free and not a Taurus! There's an okay amount of money for lunches but not so much money that they make you do stupid worthless programs that nobody shows up for. People think the grass is always greener and then find out it's really astroturf. There are worse places to be than here!

I have heard that Medpointe has been sold....fact or fiction?