Welcome to the DeRoyal board

RUN RUN. This company is working in the 1970. The company does not pay the reps. They are cheep and disorganized. The owners son uses the corporate plane and returns home every night and back to the meeting the next day. Talk about financial abuse. At the SM last year in TX they gave out $100.00 gift cards. It was so embarrassing.
Convoluded reports and ridiculous computer programs for reps to use. Little or no national contracts.
CONTINUUM what a joke! I feel for the WC reps. WAKE UP DME's are closing.
Chris Schulze needs to go. He is not current lives back in the 80's. Jamie Beth what a nightmare she is destroying what is left of the WC business.
I am hearing a huge exit after the sales meeting. I am waiting on a offer. ADIOS! Ps: A nightmare to work for and now you are given an IPad and tracked like an animal.

RUN RUN. This company is working in the 1970. The company does not pay the reps. They are cheep and disorganized. The owners son uses the corporate plane and returns home every night and back to the meeting the next day. Talk about financial abuse. At the SM last year in TX they gave out $100.00 gift cards. It was so embarrassing.
Convoluded reports and ridiculous computer programs for reps to use. Little or no national contracts.
CONTINUUM what a joke! I feel for the WC reps. WAKE UP DME's are closing.
Chris Schulze needs to go. He is not current lives back in the 80's. Jamie Beth what a nightmare she is destroying what is left of the WC business.
I am hearing a huge exit after the sales meeting. I am waiting on a offer. ADIOS! Ps: A nightmare to work for and now you are given an IPad and tracked like an animal.

Oh this humors me in so many ways.. First being your grammar and spelling.. Let me correct a few things for those who read this board and are considering employment with DeRoyal. (Keep in mind, this was sent to me-- I rarely visit Café pharma) .. Ok. .Pay at DeRoyal is far and equal to most of the industry-- if not better. I would assume the poster is a newer rep, who expects more for less. Also, as a new rep you do start low, then you PROVE yourself and are awarded with raises. Next, owners son and the corporate plane-- who cares? if this is the truth, which it isn't-- why is it your business.. It is THEIR plane, hell could be Brian's plane as he is just as successful as his father, Pete. Judging by your angst, you surely didn't fund the purchase of that plane.

$100 gift cards, for what? Prizes, your afternoon off spend?? had you met your number and gone over, you would've been compensated in your commission and been thankful for the extra $100.
I will agree on the reports and use of sales force-- but what company has it 100% accurate?
As for WC division- minus the bad apples on the team (There's 2 shout out to the 2 in the cold north, cold temps cold women) and I have to agree on the other comment-- she's not the right one for that job for sure- based solely on her negative- nasty attitude-- the business model is tough with the DME world- but opportunities are there you just have to work for it.. see a trend here? Work for it, get the rewards... This isn't a hand it to you company, and that's why I appreciate DeRoyal. Worried about the Tablets with GPS-- you aren't working.. Again, most of your issues would be solved if YOU took some responsibility and held yourself accountable too...
Chris Schulze- is doing what he can with what he's given. a handful of junk reps will destroy any company...

AND FINALLY... If you are SO GOOD and so valuable, why are you waiting on an offer to leave.. if you know you can be successful elsewhere and you are fed up-- WALK.. you'll find something else..

Yes, missed that party at Sea World. Great place to send adults! New job is outstanding. Wonderful working for educated people. I did copy this reply and sent it to all the women in the north. Will be worth volumes for a lawsuit. DeRoyal is a has been company with bandaids!
The fallout has started as predicted. How is that one contract working out. This is where people get jobs that can't.

Ummm. Just wow. A fact, the company pay (salary) is low. Picking on people is unacceptable - if you are the admin, you should be embarrassed. We do not promote this behavior at DeRoyal.

Oh this humors me in so many ways.. First being your grammar and spelling.. Let me correct a few things for those who read this board and are considering employment with DeRoyal. (Keep in mind, this was sent to me-- I rarely visit Café pharma) .. Ok. .Pay at DeRoyal is far and equal to most of the industry-- if not better. I would assume the poster is a newer rep, who expects more for less. Also, as a new rep you do start low, then you PROVE yourself and are awarded with raises. Next, owners son and the corporate plane-- who cares? if this is the truth, which it isn't-- why is it your business.. It is THEIR plane, hell could be Brian's plane as he is just as successful as his father, Pete. Judging by your angst, you surely didn't fund the purchase of that plane.

$100 gift cards, for what? Prizes, your afternoon off spend?? had you met your number and gone over, you would've been compensated in your commission and been thankful for the extra $100.
I will agree on the reports and use of sales force-- but what company has it 100% accurate?
As for WC division- minus the bad apples on the team (There's 2 shout out to the 2 in the cold north, cold temps cold women) and I have to agree on the other comment-- she's not the right one for that job for sure- based solely on her negative- nasty attitude-- the business model is tough with the DME world- but opportunities are there you just have to work for it.. see a trend here? Work for it, get the rewards... This isn't a hand it to you company, and that's why I appreciate DeRoyal. Worried about the Tablets with GPS-- you aren't working.. Again, most of your issues would be solved if YOU took some responsibility and held yourself accountable too...
Chris Schulze- is doing what he can with what he's given. a handful of junk reps will destroy any company...

AND FINALLY... If you are SO GOOD and so valuable, why are you waiting on an offer to leave.. if you know you can be successful elsewhere and you are fed up-- WALK.. you'll find something else..