Welcome to the DeRoyal board


Staff member
  • cafead   Sep 01, 2004 at 09:06: AM
Welcome to the DeRoyal company board. Anyone is welcome to post here, whether they are an employee of the company or not. You may post anonymously without registering (registered users please logout before posting if you wish to do so), or with a registered username.

Managers and reps are encouraged to communicate with fellow employees here. If you are interested, we can also provide you with a private, password-protected board for district, etc. Just email webmaster@cafepharma.com for the details.

Any DeRoyal current or former employees

I'm interviewing with DeRoyal and was hoping for some info. on the comapny. I'm ultimately looking to go into surgical devices, but was told this is a good stepping stone. What's pay like, mgmt. style, sales cycle? Who are main targets?
Any help is appreciated.

Re: Any DeRoyal current or former employees

What territory.? You will be selling commodities. Nothing surgical about it. Pay is low. Training sucks. Give me details. Depends on area and manager.

Re: Any DeRoyal current or former employees

Spoke to the former rep in territory yesterday and he said he was just under 100k last year and would have gone to presidents club. Said territory is in good shape and was in surgery 20-30%. Spoke w/Mgr. yesterday and he seems a good guy. I'm a pharma rep. right now, so definitely have that knock against me. Not sure if I should take it for a few years and use it to get into "true" devices or wait and try and get it w/out. What do you think?

Re: Any DeRoyal current or former employees

Above poster, thanks for the honest help. Understand that they look down on pharm reps, but I'm pretty far along, so they obviously don't hate me. What horror stories? Can you elaborate. Give me some of you thoughts on real companies. Thanks

Re: Any DeRoyal current or former employees

Real companies are J and J, Kimberly Clark, Tyco. Those are the major players in your game. You will be selling commodities no ifs ands or buts.

Re: Any DeRoyal current or former employees

I have an interview also with this company. I desperately want to get into the medical sales field. The base salary / car allowance are both very high. How bad could this job be?

Re: Any DeRoyal current or former employees

I have also moved pretty far along with DeRoyal and like them alot so far. I am located in a large city in the Southeast. I am coming from a payroll service company (in outside sales which is misery) so I feel this would be great experience starting off totally new in the med industry.

I guess I am confused because the above poster said this is commodity selling, but so are Tyco and J&J. I interviewed with Tyco/Kendall and hated it, all they did was push needles and mesh, which I consider a commodity as well....

I would LOVE some honest input as far as positioning in the industry, if $ is good, how people like the company, etc. and if not why??? I have a good impression but that doesn't mean it's necessarily the right fit!

Re: Any DeRoyal current or former employees

I work for Deroyal and have worked for some of the so called major players and I love working for Deroyal. Every company has its issues but so far Deroyal has been great

Re: Any DeRoyal current or former employees

How do you find diverse? Men vs women. They will downsize in a heartbeat and donot have to answer to anyone bc they are private. Ask about the wound care sales force and what happened. Be careful...

I am currently interviewing for the Acute Care position. My next interview is scheduled with the regional and Larry Rubens. I would love to hear some input concerning this opportunity. (salary, working environment, reputation) Thanks in advance for any feedback.

Re: Any DeRoyal current or former employees

I am currently interviewing for the Acute Care position. My next interview is scheduled with the regional and Larry Rubens. I would love to hear some input concerning this opportunity. (salary, working environment, reputation) Thanks in advance for any feedback.

Re: Any DeRoyal current or former employees

I worked for them years ago and let me tell you - my experience was horrible. Manager a jerk and they didn't get my "packs" to the ORs in time( as I promised them). Thus, I kept blowing my promised leadtimes and customers were pissed off. I lost most of my accounts and had to quit, before I did, I was put on "probation" for lack of performance!

What's life like as an Acute Care Rep for DeRoyal? How are they received within their hopsitals compared to Medline or Cardinal? The custom pack business is their primary product line right? How are they at customer service issues and are the custom pack products considered to be quality made packs or are they plauqued with problems. Thanks.

What's life like as an Acute Care Rep for DeRoyal? How are they received within their hopsitals compared to Medline or Cardinal? The custom pack business is their primary product line right? How are they at customer service issues and are the custom pack products considered to be quality made packs or are they plauqued with problems. Thanks.

Depends on the manager and region. 3 years ago they had reps going into accts stating they ddn't do packs anymore. Didn't realize packs was the thing this week. Products are good but not sure how the company is doing. Cardinal is the #1. Deroyal makes a lot of stuff for Medline.

Any DeRoyal current or former employees

I'm interviewing with DeRoyal and was hoping for some info. on the comapny. I'm ultimately looking to go into surgical devices, but was told this is a good stepping stone. What's pay like, mgmt. style, sales cycle? Who are main targets?
Any help is appreciated.