Welcome to the Arthrex board

Am I the only one that doesn't get it here? My distributor changed hands a while ago and since then we have changed the way we treat our customers.We have not grown and are getting a reputation for being cocky,more than we ever were.I share my $$ with 2 people now,feels like one step forward,two leaps back.

Wondering about who Chicago Biomet sports VP is? Opportunity is there
Why so? None of the big docs in chicago use Biomet. Zimmer has decent joint business, but it's never turned into anything sports related for ZB. Z had some sports Biologics stuff for cartilage and had some guys in chicago on board early on, but I don't think it has panned out

Anyone ever had to deal with a d•ckhead named Tommy Russell? This sh•t•ss is a loser from way back. Failed at S&N, failed at Wright (and actually got fired from there), sold someone at Arthrex a bill of goods. One sorry piece of sh•t.

Tommy Russell is bad news. Stay away from him like the plague. He will lie to your face while smiling & proclaiming his Christianity. How he can look at himself in the mirror each morning is the eighth wonder of the world. Don't take my word for it. Talk to anyone that's ever worked with or for him. Folks at Smith & Nephew or Wright Medical would be good choices to check with.

  • KPM2   Sep 28, 2017 at 11:49: AM
Does anyone know if Anthrex has cut back on their sales & marketing budget? I heard they have much higher SG&A costs than others like SN or Zimmer. It is a fact they spend far less on R&D. I wondered if sales & marketing is now following suit.