Welcome to Pro-sh*tium message board.

I can’t believe cafepharma actually created a board for this dog of a company. I hear they are having their NSM this week. Let the games begin.
The meeting was a disaster and shady marky was totally unhinged. I don’t know how ario puts up with his crap. And we had nobody to go to when shit happened so we just stayed quiet. We all got warned not to post here, not to go to HR, etc. Getting out of this shithole and will not even have it on my resume…. What a mistake!

The meeting was a disaster and shady marky was totally unhinged. I don’t know how ario puts up with his crap. And we had nobody to go to when shit happened so we just stayed quiet. We all got warned not to post here, not to go to HR, etc. Getting out of this shithole and will not even have it on my resume…. What a mistake!
Liar. As someone who was there, you are making this up.

Suuuuuuure Shady Marky…. None of this happened. You may not remember because you were drunk, but it happened. And right, we were never warned not to speak up or you would destroy our careers…. We were not warned, we were threatened.
I left pro us a while back for these same reasons. Bro culture, homophobia, racism, reps stealing from each other, shady marky’s inner circle getting special treatment, unprofessional, no strategy whatsoever, negative and demeaning comments about colleagues, inappropriate behavior/touching, Ario bringing friends to hook up with reps at meetings, employees without legal contracts, women encouraging each other to touch their boobs to find out who has the biggest implant, mark making personal, offensive , crude jokes about employees during national meetings and call (and of course stopping the recording while doing so he could say he’s a nice southern guy), stupid useless jeff giving no marketing support but spending hours on the phone badmouthing mark, t davis being overwhelmed with the amount of people reporting to him and being an ahole…
you may enjoy it while you are in the inner circle and making tons of money with easy commissions, but one day you will look at yourself in the mirror and be so ashamed of what you have done that you will quit and pray for forgiveness.

I left pro us a while back for these same reasons. Bro culture, homophobia, racism, reps stealing from each other, shady marky’s inner circle getting special treatment, unprofessional, no strategy whatsoever, negative and demeaning comments about colleagues, inappropriate behavior/touching, Ario bringing friends to hook up with reps at meetings, employees without legal contracts, women encouraging each other to touch their boobs to find out who has the biggest implant, mark making personal, offensive , crude jokes about employees during national meetings and call (and of course stopping the recording while doing so he could say he’s a nice southern guy), stupid useless jeff giving no marketing support but spending hours on the phone badmouthing mark, t davis being overwhelmed with the amount of people reporting to him and being an ahole…
you may enjoy it while you are in the inner circle and making tons of money with easy commissions, but one day you will look at yourself in the mirror and be so ashamed of what you have done that you will quit and pray for forgiveness.

I left pro us a while back for these same reasons. Bro culture, homophobia, racism, reps stealing from each other, shady marky’s inner circle getting special treatment, unprofessional, no strategy whatsoever, negative and demeaning comments about colleagues, inappropriate behavior/touching, Ario bringing friends to hook up with reps at meetings, employees without legal contracts, women encouraging each other to touch their boobs to find out who has the biggest implant, mark making personal, offensive , crude jokes about employees during national meetings and call (and of course stopping the recording while doing so he could say he’s a nice southern guy), stupid useless jeff giving no marketing support but spending hours on the phone badmouthing mark, t davis being overwhelmed with the amount of people reporting to him and being an ahole…
you may enjoy it while you are in the inner circle and making tons of money with easy commissions, but one day you will look at yourself in the mirror and be so ashamed of what you have done that you will quit and pray for forgiveness.
Karma is a bitch Shady Mark

Mark Wilkins is a repulsive, loathsome, abhorrent piece of crap. Always been and always will. He tells the world that he made Ario rich, but this is far from the truth. Ario made shady mark rich - not on purpose, but because mark and his troupe of obnoxiously incompetent people (smithy, tdavis, pierre, etc) are taking money away from prollenium, and consequently from Ario, through their schemes. Not to mention how he screws the reps by taking our commissions. One day Ario will realize that the people he trusted and thought are his friends didn’t care about him or the company. All mark cares is about his money, bringing ario down and becoming the ceo of prollenium. he has a lot of people supporting him on this megalomaniac plan. Why do you think he is buddy-buddy with the guys from archimed? Mark and Brian (the brit) are drinking buddies and cover for each other, including working together behind the scenes to destroy the deal with hugel.

Mark Wilkins is a repulsive, loathsome, abhorrent piece of crap. Always been and always will. He tells the world that he made Ario rich, but this is far from the truth. Ario made shady mark rich - not on purpose, but because mark and his troupe of obnoxiously incompetent people (smithy, tdavis, pierre, etc) are taking money away from prollenium, and consequently from Ario, through their schemes. Not to mention how he screws the reps by taking our commissions. One day Ario will realize that the people he trusted and thought are his friends didn’t care about him or the company. All mark cares is about his money, bringing ario down and becoming the ceo of prollenium. he has a lot of people supporting him on this megalomaniac plan. Why do you think he is buddy-buddy with the guys from archimed? Mark and Brian (the brit) are drinking buddies and cover for each other, including working together behind the scenes to destroy the deal with hugel.
Here’s what Ario didn’t get: Prollenium would had been respected and much bigger in the US if Ario hired proper people. Putting people like Sean and then Mark Wilkins and Jeff Smith to run the US business was a mistake. They are incompetent, cognitive impaired and with a horrible reputation. They are back stabbers too.

Here’s what Ario didn’t get: Prollenium would had been respected and much bigger in the US if Ario hired proper people. Putting people like Sean and then Mark Wilkins and Jeff Smith to run the US business was a mistake. They are incompetent, cognitive impaired and with a horrible reputation. They are back stabbers too.
Smithy is one of the dumbest persons I had the displeasure of meeting. Only smart thing he does is to align with other dumb people who have power and then protect him. Not only he is dumb, but he is super lazy and does not produce anything. And we have to come up with our own marketing stuff to promote versa.

Karma is a bitch Shady Mark
I hear that 6 people have resigned since January and that at least 5-10 more are going to announce once Benev is done with training. Prollenium is getting what is deserves. We won’t have to worry about competing against them for too much longer. I feel bad for their reps, because so many of them are really nice people. Hopefully they have been polishing off their résumé’s.

Let’s just say…. If you work with shady mark you will smell like the turd he is. If you work with smithy your brain will shrink to the size of a pea, with tdavis you will become a bro, with pierre l you will rob and steal from friends, with ario you will be blind, with kb you will become a demanding wanna be dictator….. want to continue the list?

Let’s just say…. If you work with shady mark you will smell like the turd he is. If you work with smithy your brain will shrink to the size of a pea, with tdavis you will become a bro, with pierre l you will rob and steal from friends, with ario you will be blind, with kb you will become a demanding wanna be dictator….. want to continue the list?
Why do you keep mentioning KB? She is an event coordinator and has a single person that reports to her also for, you guessed it, events. Not sure how an event coordinator turns people into wanna be dictators but ok idiot, whatever you say. Sounds like whoever this is is just making shit up to start crap. Most likely a fired employee that had to give away the farm in product because your sales skills suck so bad, or a Canadian employee who hates Mark and also happens to detest the US for carrying the entirety of the organization for years. Not sure but a loser you surely are.

Why do you keep mentioning KB? She is an event coordinator and has a single person that reports to her also for, you guessed it, events. Not sure how an event coordinator turns people into wanna be dictators but ok idiot, whatever you say. Sounds like whoever this is is just making shit up to start crap. Most likely a fired employee that had to give away the farm in product because your sales skills suck so bad, or a Canadian employee who hates Mark and also happens to detest the US for carrying the entirety of the organization for years. Not sure but a loser you surely are.
Hello shady mark…. I am none of the above. I am right under your nose and you are too stupid to see it. Keep trying. Mentioning KB hurt you - why? Don’t want the world to know what she covers for you?

Why do you keep mentioning KB? She is an event coordinator and has a single person that reports to her also for, you guessed it, events. Not sure how an event coordinator turns people into wanna be dictators but ok idiot, whatever you say. Sounds like whoever this is is just making shit up to start crap. Most likely a fired employee that had to give away the farm in product because your sales skills suck so bad, or a Canadian employee who hates Mark and also happens to detest the US for carrying the entirety of the organization for years. Not sure but a loser you surely are.
I have no idea who you are referring to, but as one of the few Canadian employees who may actually work with Mark Wilkins and the US team, I can confirm that the US does not carry Prollenium. It actually brings the company down with its inability to deliver. Our US revenue should be much bigger than Canadian revenue for the two products the US has.
And yes, the ones here who know Mark, don’t like him. He’s incompetent, rude, stupid and arrogant. Not a surprise he loves Trump.

I have no idea who you are referring to, but as one of the few Canadian employees who may actually work with Mark Wilkins and the US team, I can confirm that the US does not carry Prollenium. It actually brings the company down with its inability to deliver. Our US revenue should be much bigger than Canadian revenue for the two products the US has.
And yes, the ones here who know Mark, don’t like him. He’s incompetent, rude, stupid and arrogant. Not a surprise he loves Trump.
Well sounds like the canooks are gonna really have to step it up now that a quarter of the US sales staff have resigned. Karma is a bitch eh shady marky? Oh and rumor has it more management has resigned, talk about making a statement.