Welcome to our new DVP Ben David!

Good job Apria!!!!!you hire a guy that cost his last company thousands$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ finally gets fired because he did not know whjat he was doing ( company was worse off when he left than when he was hired) Your competitors must be dancing in the streets. Good job !

Ben David....what a joke. Wait till he drops the F bomb on every one when he is proven wrong about another stupid decision ( often) Get used to it because it will happen all the time, keep your HR person's number close by. Is he still telling everyone he is a lawyer? Another tall tale by Ben David. Too bad you didn't do a background check before hiring this idiot.. best to you.

Who are the idiots who posted this thread? Ben David is the only DVPO I've had in ten years with any vision. We were going down the tubes when he got here and now the SEA is #1 in the company. He has given us direction leadership and is a real professional. I guess the Otto Bock people have a reason for being on the Internet all day....clueless!

Who are the idiots who posted this thread? Ben David is the only DVPO I've had in ten years with any vision. We were going down the tubes when he got here and now the SEA is #1 in the company. He has given us direction leadership and is a real professional. I guess the Otto Bock people have a reason for being on the Internet all day....clueless!

Who ever posted this is clearly one of the idiots that has their heads in Bed Davids lap.

Ben only instills fear in the people that do the real work for this company. Every branch member and account executive in the SEA are dealing with BEN and his flunkies until they can find a new position. Ben and Virginia, together, have managed to run off every person with sense and talent in the SEA. It is such a shame, not only do the referrals HATE Apria, but so do the employees. The Apria leadership team is POOR, VP's on up to corporate and it shows!

Who ever posted this is clearly one of the idiots that has their heads in Bed Davids lap.

Ben only instills fear in the people that do the real work for this company. Every branch member and account executive in the SEA are dealing with BEN and his flunkies until they can find a new position. Ben and Virginia, together, have managed to run off every person with sense and talent in the SEA. It is such a shame, not only do the referrals HATE Apria, but so do the employees. The Apria leadership team is POOR, VP's on up to corporate and it shows!

So Ben and Virginia are running everyone off. He scares everyone branch manager? I'm a branch manger and I think he's great. In fact I think he's the best DVPO I've ever had. I made my bonus this year twice under his plan something that dint happen in two years. But you must know better because according to you every vp is an idiot and corporate to. I guess they should come to you for answers.

Ben is the worst executive ever. Over three years he has been fired from his job twice because he can not lead or get along with anyone. He does not understand operations and thinks he knows everything. No one can teach him anything and why he is done developing. It is his way or no way. Thank goodness Apria finally had the good sense to rid themselves of him. Bet he struggles finding a new job and if he gets one he will not last. He is just not a good person.

He popped up doing compounding but will soon get fired from that too. Clearly they did not look him up. But the truth always rises to the top. He is the worst person I have ever worked for. Made everyone's life hell. Clearly he wasn't hugged enough as a child because the guy is retarded for even thinking that he is capable of leading anyone. The definition of leadership is someone that people WANT to follow. You can't force people to follow you. A true leader has people that look up to them and are inspired by them. A person like Ben David does not have a single follower. His character is horrific and anyone with a dot of talent knows his deep down insecurity of not being good enough. Which is why he uses the defense mechanism of trying to scare people. Good luck trying to build a company with only little robots that stick around. A successful company isn't build on little scared robots. It requires talented minds and amazing business people. No one with an once of that talent would work for this douchebag.

I saw that on his linked in page! That is so funny that he had to go to a no name company to get a job. After they realize the depths of his issues, reputation and lack of leadership abilities they too will be sending his ass back to the unemployment line. He promises companies the world and then comes in with hitler mentality to "try" and make people follow him. He reads off of business books which make him sound much smarter than he really is. At the end of the day even a no name company in the middle of no where will see the real BD. You can't lead a company when no one is REALLY following you. He very well might be the most despised wanna be business leader out there. He will hang himself, a fourth time.

Someone hired this fluke as a CEO????? Hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His linked in page says CEO of a pharmacy. Why would a person of his background even HAVE a linked in page?? I would be hiding out! The guy claims to be some operational guru but has a background of running operations in the ground. Clearly they don't know how to "google" someone. They will quickly learn that his world of F-Bombs, hitler approach and horrific leadership skills will send people running to the hills. And now he thinks he can run a pharmacy??? Wow. Must have been one desperate company to sign benny boy up.

Apparently nothing has changed from the date of the previous threads, currently working at company where this man is new ceo. What a joke!!! Company already going down the gutter. He is nasty and everyone hates him. No one on this thread was wrong!!!

Ben David....what a joke. Wait till he drops the F bomb on every one when he is proven wrong about another stupid decision ( often) Get used to it because it will happen all the time, keep your HR person's number close by. Is he still telling everyone he is a lawyer? Another tall tale by Ben David. Too bad you didn't do a background check before hiring this idiot.. best to you.
Yes, he is STILL telling everyone he is a lawyer! It’s comical! Also repeatedly states that he cares about our mortgage & putting food on the table for our kids. He’s been there 6 months & the company filed Bankruptcy last week but not to worry, we have more cash than we know what to do with..umm, ok.
The nepotism is unreal & rather disgusting. He is still the all knowing on all things. Don’t speak & just be spoken to & get in line or find a new team.