Welcome to our home office Mallinckrodt Execs!


This week's visit has been such a joke. Convincing them to keep the San Diego office has been pointless. Not one chance that is going to happen. It financially doesn't make business sense at all to keep a California office open. So laying down the red carpet you will find was just a horrible waste of time. The months of May through August will consist of Mallinckrodt's leach sucking of information and then firing the unlucky cast offs. RSL absolutely will not move out of California, but it's not enough for Mallinckrodt to keep the office open.

Changes changes changes and from what I hear, nothing good. Grateful to have a job, but more importantly grateful to have the time to find a new job. If anyone is naive to think their job will be better than when we were cadence in terms of benefits, satisfaction, work/life balance will be sadly mistaken. This is the end of the line folks. So unless you are the minority and want to work for BIG PHARMA, hopefully you are utilizing this transition time updating your resumes and applying for other positions. Its only downhill from here and lets be real about this. Everyone knows this to be true. Not one of the Cadence reps would ever apply for a position at Mallinckrodt unless they were so desperate and needed a paycheck.

Changes changes changes and from what I hear, nothing good. Grateful to have a job, but more importantly grateful to have the time to find a new job. If anyone is naive to think their job will be better than when we were cadence in terms of benefits, satisfaction, work/life balance will be sadly mistaken. This is the end of the line folks. So unless you are the minority and want to work for BIG PHARMA, hopefully you are utilizing this transition time updating your resumes and applying for other positions. Its only downhill from here and lets be real about this. Everyone knows this to be true. Not one of the Cadence reps would ever apply for a position at Mallinckrodt unless they were so desperate and needed a paycheck.

From what you hear? You aren't hearing anything, just like all of us. Moron.

Let's face it. This shit is over! Mallinckrodt will mess everything up. But worse than 20 cents a vial will be hard to beat. I know at least 20 people are interviewing as we speak!!!

No one should be yelling at anyone on here. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that working for Mallickrodt will not be good. Everyone working here, whether it be a manager or a rep, came onboard because they prefer the small company culture and environment. That no longer exists. In the upcoming months homework will begin on meaningless assignments. These assignments won't help increase business, but they will Spotlight certain individuals that are eager to impress and get their name acknowledged with the leaders of Mallinckrodt. There will be more ass kissing within the next several weeks than the largest orgy ever.

Some of the leaders in this organization however are just "fluff & words" with all talk and no action. One of which is national accounts MH. Absolutely useless. Many agree and can you imagine their salary?

No one should be yelling at anyone on here. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that working for Mallickrodt will not be good. Everyone working here, whether it be a manager or a rep, came onboard because they prefer the small company culture and environment. That no longer exists. In the upcoming months homework will begin on meaningless assignments. These assignments won't help increase business, but they will Spotlight certain individuals that are eager to impress and get their name acknowledged with the leaders of Mallinckrodt. There will be more ass kissing within the next several weeks than the largest orgy ever.

Some of the leaders in this organization however are just "fluff & words" with all talk and no action. One of which is national accounts MH. Absolutely useless. Many agree and can you imagine their salary?

You nailed it when it comes to MH. What a load of hot air and waste of funds. I have vomited in my throat when he has tried to present on stage. What an excellent example of ALL TALK

I wonder if they were successful in convincing the Mallinckrodt execs to keep San Diego office open? I cant imagine that being possible as there is no rationale other than to keep some of the employees happy. The cost to keep the office would be too expensive and flights back and forth to St. Louis would as well. RSL wont move. That is a given qnd they may allow him to stay in California, but I cant see them doing that for everyone else.
As far as word on our benefits, this situation is complete Bull S. They should be much more organized than this and we shouldnt have to wait till Sept to find out what is going on. Tired of the sales reps not knowing crap.