Welcome to Nestle

hey may be a troll, but a 110 billion $ company is not a joke. Best thing that could have happened to us. Best part is that underperformers like you will be the first to be cut. I am looking forward to my hot cocoa with marshmallows!

Thank you Nestle for your kind words. We are very happy about this deal. At last we can remove the chains of the oppression and shitty leadership we have been under from RR. That alone is worth the acquisition. Also, we hope that Concur goes away... and if its not too much can you shake up the training department? KP is really lame. Also, the HR team is replaceable- but you know that already.
Lastly, thank you for not laying anybody off for now and into the future. I can rest easy knowing that my job here is forever secure

KP is lame? That's the nicest thing you could say about KP!

Anything to the rumor that Nestle is going to buy the wound company ConvaTec? Hope this rumor is just a rumor as that place is a mess. They sell wound products, skin care line and Ostomy products. Also have a rectal device called Flexi Seal with FDA recall and related death. Pray for us if this happens. Most of their top people have either quit or were fired so perhaps if we buy them, we can lay off the ones that are left.

So, in speaking with sources credible enough to state this question, Nestle Purina feels that the veterinarians have made the brand Forti-Flora popular and successful enough that Nestle can cut out the veterinarian and distributors like MWI and go direct to Amazon and Chewy with the same costs as they would sell to the veterinarian?

#1 - why would a company that brags they only sell to a licensed veterinarian bypass that veterinarian and the veterinary distributor that has worked so hard to promote your brand?

#2 - why on earth if you were going to sell out would you do so at the same cost you sell to the vet?

#3 - You are smart enough to realize that will create a one customer sales force right? Why would I as a veterinarian ever want to sell your product again? There are numerous others to offer that wont sell out and go direct. I suppose your prescription diets are next?