WEEK 7 NCAA Football Major Matchups!!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to WEEK 7 OF NCAA FOOTBALL (PICK EM) Major Match-UPS! If this is your first week to play we are only selecting from the Major Match-UPS this year. Most people really don't care if you picked Central Eastern State to beat North Central Tech.

RULES: I have attached and posted the USA Today Odds for these eleven games and chose the "average," of all of the different odds making services that USA Today endorses.

USA TODAY LINK: http://sportsdirect.usatoday.com/odds/usatoday/ncaaf.aspx

WEEK 7 Major Match-Ups:


1. Southern Cal Vs. CAL (+3 CAL) FINAL: Southern Cal 30 CAL 9


2. Michigan Vs. Michigan State (-2 Michigan State) FINAL: Michigan State 28 Michigan 14

3. Baylor Vs. Texas A&M (-9 Texas A&M) Texas A&M 55 Baylor 28

4. South Carolina Vs.Miss State (+3 Miss State) South Carolina 14 Miss State 12

5. LSU Vs. Tennessee (+16 Tennessee) This one might get ugly Pale Horse.. FINAL: LSU 38 Tennessee 7

6. Ohio State Vs. Illinois (-4 Illinois) FINAL: Ohio State 17 Illinois 7

7. Clemson Vs. Maryland (+8 Maryland) FINAL: Clemson 56 Maryland 45

8. Oklahoma State Vs. Texas (+ 7.5 Texas) FINAL: Oklahoma State 38 Texas 26

9. Florida Vs. Auburn (+2 "the barn")FINAL: Auburn 17 Florida 6

10. Northwestern Vs. Iowa (+2 Iowa) FINAL: Iowa 41 Northwestern 31

11. Arizona State Vs. Oregon (-14 Oregon) FINAL: Oregon 41 Arizona State 27
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Southern Cal

I am traveling this week so I will make the rest of my picks on Friday. I have to go to Slapout, Alabama then to Two Egg, Georgia! I think Two Egg might actually be in North Florida?

Maybe that Tiger Woods hating dude will join us this week?

I thought it was Slapnut, Alabama and Two Egg is indeed on FL.

I missed the Thursday game - Here are my picks for Saturday (in bold)


2. Michigan Vs. Michigan State (-2 Michigan State)

3. Baylor Vs. Texas A&M (-9 Texas A&M)

4. South Carolina Vs. Miss State (+3 Miss State)

5. LSU Vs. Tennessee (+16 Tennessee)

6. Ohio State Vs. Illinois (-4 Illinois)

7. Clemson Vs. Maryland (+8 Maryland)

8. Oklahoma State Vs. Texas (+ 7.5 Texas)

9. Florida V. Auburn (+2 "the barn")

10. Northwestern Vs. Iowa (+2 Iowa)

11. Arizona State Vs. Oregon (-14 Oregon)

“The problem with some people is that when they aren't drunk, they're sober.” William Yeats

A last minute Saturday morning change for me on the LSU game - I didn't realize the Tennessee was so banged up, otherwise they would have been a lock to cover.
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My Picks----

1. SC

2. Michigan -Go Blue!

3. Texas A&M

4. South Carolina

5. LSU

6. Ohio State

7. Clemson

8. Oklahoma State

9. Auburn

10. Northwestern

11. Arizona State-Go Sparky!(although I think the Ducks will win, ASu is still my Favorite team)


1. Southern Cal Vs. CAL (+3 CAL)


2. Michigan Vs. Michigan State (-2 Michigan State)

3. Baylor Vs. Texas A&M (-9 Texas A&M)

4. South Carolina Vs. Miss State (+3 Miss State)

5. LSU Vs. Tennessee (+16 Tennessee) This one might get ugly Pale Horse..:eek:

6. Ohio State Vs. Illinois (-4 Illinois)

7. Clemson Vs. Maryland (+8 Maryland)

8. Oklahoma State Vs. Texas (+ 7.5 Texas)

9. Florida V. Auburn (+2 "the barn")

10. Northwestern Vs. Iowa (+2 Iowa)

11. Arizona State Vs. Oregon (-14 Oregon)

WEEK 7 Major Match-Ups:


1. Southern Cal Vs. CAL (+3 CAL)


2. Michigan Vs. Michigan State (-2 Michigan State)

3. Baylor Vs. Texas A&M (-9 Texas A&M)

4. South Carolina Vs. Miss State (+3 Miss State)

5. LSU Vs. Tennessee (+16 Tennessee) This one might get ugly Pale Horse..

6. Ohio State Vs. Illinois (-4 Illinois)

7. Clemson Vs. Maryland (+8 Maryland)

8. Oklahoma State Vs. Texas (+ 7.5 Texas)

9. Florida V. Auburn (+2 "the barn")

10. Northwestern Vs. Iowa (+2 Iowa)

11. Arizona State Vs. Oregon (-14 Oregon)

Thanks for the cut/paste/underline idea, PHo!!!

1. Michigan Vs. Michigan State (-2 Michigan State)

2. Baylor Vs. Texas A&M (-9 Texas A&M)

3. South Carolina Vs. Miss State (+3 Miss State)

4. LSU Vs. Tennessee (+16 Tennessee)

5. Ohio State Vs. Illinois (-4 Illinois)

6. Clemson Vs. Maryland (+8 Maryland) Go Tigers...can you say seven-oh

7. Oklahoma State Vs. Texas (+ 7.5 Texas)

8. Florida V. Auburn (+2 "the barn")

9. Northwestern Vs. Iowa (+2 Iowa)

10. Arizona State Vs. Oregon (-14 Oregon)

That is a pretty neat idea, PH -- how'd you think of it?


2. Michigan Vs. Michigan State (-2 Michigan State)

3. Baylor Vs. Texas A&M (-9 Texas A&M)

4. South Carolina Vs. Miss State (+3 Miss State)

5. LSU Vs. Tennessee (+16 Tennessee) This one might get ugly Pale Horse..

6. Ohio State Vs. Illinois (-4 Illinois)

7. Clemson Vs. Maryland (+8 Maryland)

8. Oklahoma State Vs. Texas (+ 7.5 Texas)

9. Florida V. Auburn (+2 "the barn")

10. Northwestern Vs. Iowa (+2 Iowa)

11. Arizona State Vs. Oregon (-14 Oregon)

Note: Good idea by Pale Horse to underline your picks. Maybe Bronco Boy will do the same? He missed out on the Thursday Night game so who knows? I am sure Clemson will be 7-0 and I think Oregon covers the 14 point spread.
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Bronco Billy here.

I'm not really into Thursday night football unless it is a really an important game. USC and CAL was a complete zero, IMO. I normally check in on Friday for the picks. I didn't notice if you listed a Friday night game. If so, I will play. If not, you will see my Saturday picks later today.

There was a time on my life when Saturday-Sunday and Monday night were the football days. Now it's practically M-F. It's just a bullshit money-making operation. I yearn for the days of old.

And I hope those spoiled, filthy rich bastards in the NBA cancel the entire year of basketball. Normal people are cutting each other's throats for a lousy $50k a year job. These fucks make $5m-$20M a year and are bitching about being underpaid.

Fuck 'em. Let 'em move to Yugoslavia and practice their trade over there. Personally, I am finished watching them or listening to their perpetual whining.

Comeback week for Bronco

1. Michigan (+2)

2. Texas AM (-9)

3. So. Carolina (-3)

4. LSU (-16)

5. Ohio St. (+4)

6. Clemson (-8)

7. Oklahoma St. (-7.5)

8. Auburn (+2)

9. Iowa (+2)

10. Oregon (-14)

Bama - now is the time for you folks in Alabama to fight the feds. They are doing the same crap to you as they did with Arizona with your illegal immigration laws. Are you folks going to stand and fight or roll over like puppy dogs and let them tell you how to run your state?

There are dozens of sanctuary cities in this nation that have been defying federal immigration laws for decades by giving safe haven to illegals. Do you see the feds suing them or telling them to cease and desist??? Hell no.


Ok. We're in Week 7. Time for somebody to finally do the unthinkable and pick a PERFECT week with 100% wins.

You won't do this by being a follower. Think independently.

Hit all 11 games and you will be a hero!!!

MSU putting an ass whoopin' on Michigan, dammit. I had a feeling about MSU, and bet the stats.

Go fuck yourself. I missed the gift (SC vs CAL), I made 10 picks and am now sitting on 6 wins; 3 losses with one to go. I'll either come out 7 & 3 or 6 & 4, either way puts cash in my pocket. Bite me, I don't need shit from someone without any huevos!

Big fucking deal!

What are we supposed to do? Give you a medal or a chest to pin it on??? :D

You think it takes heuvos to create an anonymous moniker??? :D

Like I said. Play the picks and shut the fuck up. Don't be so concerned about others. Get your own shit in order.

Big fucking deal!

What are we supposed to do? Give you a medal or a chest to pin it on??? :D

You think it takes heuvos to create an anonymous moniker??? :D

Like I said. Play the picks and shut the fuck up. Don't be so concerned about others. Get your own shit in order.

Lighten up, Francis.