We need a labor lawyer - Sanofi Pasteur Contract puts basic labor laws to PASTURE


The handlers of the Sanofi Contract at Inventiv are trying to sell their soul to Sanofi but at the same time they are in clear and present violation of basic labor laws.

If there is a labor attorney on this thread - we need you.

We signed agreements committing us to 9 Pharmacy calls a day, 8am-6pm work days (no lunch) (no overtime) plus ridiculous amounts of admin time.. we are paid for 8 hours and now the entire sales force hired is told they must do 12-15 calls a day in HUGE territories. Car allowance taxed, mileage reimbursement nineteen cents a mile. The average rep is putting in 250 miles a day on their own personal car. No bonus for 2 out of the 4 products and no indication of what percentage the bonus will be based off sales VS metrics..

50 shades of shady..


The company treats its employees as if they are in boot camp for a week at training. Feeding them false pretenses about a bonus structure that is basically nonexistant. No allotted time for admin stuff - sorting through 6 boxes of collateral.

On top of the care allowance that has gone down, and is double taxed, coming to about $230 per pay check. An 8am-6pm day is more than 4 hours, with working through lunch during training. In addition to increasing the number of visits from 8 to 14 per day, which leaves no room for a lunch break.

Pretty sure you can clearly say that Inventiv does not care or worry about their employee's. It is all about numbers on paper for the buyers, instead of its employees who are in the furled or the long term morale and health of the company.

I loved the 8am to 11:30 pm training with working thru lunch and working thru dinner. They are pushing for 15 calls a day now so they can end this contract EARLiER. The RBD at the top of this contract has sold us all out. Guaranteed once all the metrics are met by September, yhis contract will be over. We all walked away from a training with no real bonus structure b/c that gives them the ability to manipulate the lowest payout feasible. Any labor attorneys interested in taking this case on?

What is worse is the fact that the manager Gus board line harassed many of the new employees. Came in on the last day to cut the bonus more than in half. How can that even be ethical?

Your supposed to boost employees not rip them down.

What is worse is the fact that the manager Gus board line harassed many of the new employees. Came in on the last day to cut the bonus more than in half. How can that even be ethical?

Your supposed to boost employees not rip them down.

"board line"?? you are delicious

A typical rep who marginally escaped the short bus.

Good luck with that law suit...

We don't need any luck.. Signing a contract binding us to a certain amount of calls then entering SKEWED data into salesforce.com that more than doubles the call requirements, coupled with EMAILS from harassing managers shows the legalities.. Sending us OFFER LETTERS with bonuses and then 1/2 hour before training ends outlining the bonus plan with less than 1/4 of the $$ amount put in our offer letter… Stating an allocated $500 monthly car allowance in an offer letter BUT THEN it's 2x taxed where it comes to $170 A MONTH.. wrong wrong wrong...

We don't need any luck.. Signing a contract binding us to a certain amount of calls then entering SKEWED data into salesforce.com that more than doubles the call requirements, coupled with EMAILS from harassing managers shows the legalities.. Sending us OFFER LETTERS with bonuses and then 1/2 hour before training ends outlining the bonus plan with less than 1/4 of the $$ amount put in our offer letter… Stating an allocated $500 monthly car allowance in an offer letter BUT THEN it's 2x taxed where it comes to $170 A MONTH.. wrong wrong wrong...

I've got an idea, why dont YOU contact a labor lawyer and get a class action law suit going?

nearly 2 months in and the BONUS has yet to be clarified or communicated..offer letter states bonus but 2 weeks in and all of a sudden what was stated in our offer letter gets NEGATED and we are all told we will get back to you on the bonus/IC.. so what should the reps work for when there are no real goals being set? this is a total reject contract and all the people running this contract have their names attached to the seediness..

For all the complaints about inVentiv..remember this is contract..inVentiv and all the other CSOs are scrapping and fighting for every contract that they can find..Big pharma clients know this and play their obvious advantages..contract terms are negotiated and changed and amended back and forth till the last minute...heck inVentiv is probably not 100% sure how much their going to make on any business and to enact the terms of contract...so yes, half baked info is passed along to the lowly reps...no surprise..that how Contracts work...ps. don't forget that contracts ALWAYS end and not in a organized way.

nearly 2 months in and the BONUS has yet to be clarified or communicated..offer letter states bonus but 2 weeks in and all of a sudden what was stated in our offer letter gets NEGATED and we are all told we will get back to you on the bonus/IC.. so what should the reps work for when there are no real goals being set? this is a total reject contract and all the people running this contract have their names attached to the seediness..

on Iroko, we found out the 2nd qter bonus the day before it was paid, and the terms changed dramatically from what we signed off on, for the better, an employee can always leave if they don't like the goings on on the contract, and yes it is happening big time on Iroko, many Ventiv employees are leaving the Iroko contract

Dear Sanofi Pasteur and InVentiv: Please direct your 2 foot tall Reject MW DM with a Napolean Complex that there is no such thing as "Veevo" and "SalesRep.com" --- the least thing you can do is show your washed up District Managers how to send emails calling out the right software..