Way to go Pfizer! More lying. More of the same

Some of the Mantras:

"Find a Way to Win!"

"Action Selling"!

"Compare and Win"!

"Swat Team Approach!"

"Find a Way to move them up the Continuam" (prescribers)

Perhaps its time that Pharma just goes back to it's old ways of Detailing and giving our customers the Science and the Information they need to prescribe. But the bad thing is, they won't listen to us Now. How do we get the Trust Back?

Some of the Mantras:

"Find a Way to Win!"

"Action Selling"!

"Compare and Win"!

"Swat Team Approach!"

"Find a Way to move them up the Continuam" (prescribers)

Perhaps its time that Pharma just goes back to it's old ways of Detailing and giving our customers the Science and the Information they need to prescribe. But the bad thing is, they won't listen to us Now. How do we get the Trust Back?

It all is just pure desperation. The company acts like it's on its last breath and if we can squeeze the docs more and more and more and more, then we can get off of life support.

The docs know it when you act desperate, i.e our exact selling strategies taught to us, and I'm embarrassed to do it.

The drugs should practically sell themselves. The problem is that MCOs and pharmacies have done just about everything they can to destroy branded drugs and proper medical treatments. Of course it's all in the false name of saving patients money. Yet they cost patients more, or taxpayers reimbursing medicare MCOs, more every year.

It's a battle and we reps cannot make much of a dent until that battle is won by pharma.

Gotta keep that Pipeline Full. The silver lining in all of this, is perhaps Pharma will think twice about bring another "me too" drug to market.

This could be the era of some Great New Advances in Medicine. Hope so, anyway! I think we need to also look into "non-pharma" outlets that are less risky and costly to bring to market. Vitamins, Medical Foods, things that consumers want and things where desire can be driven to the next level. Pfizer needs to do something cool to bring back the Name and Reputation.

Gotta keep that Pipeline Full. The silver lining in all of this, is perhaps Pharma will think twice about bring another "me too" drug to market.

This could be the era of some Great New Advances in Medicine. Hope so, anyway! I think we need to also look into "non-pharma" outlets that are less risky and costly to bring to market. Vitamins, Medical Foods, things that consumers want and things where desire can be driven to the next level. Pfizer needs to do something cool to bring back the Name and Reputation.

They could always work out secret deals with that cool dude obama. We could do it secretly in the white house or on the golf course where he spends most of his time. He could also give us billions if we say we are a wallstreet bank or a green energy company, then all we have to do is kick back some to his re-election campaign and then declare bankruptcy and keep the "change".

That plan would totally create or save millions of our jobs.

The drugs should practically sell themselves. The problem is that MCOs and pharmacies have done just about everything they can to destroy branded drugs and proper medical treatments. Of course it's all in the false name of saving patients money. Yet they cost patients more, or taxpayers reimbursing medicare MCOs, more every year.

Even though I work for Pfizer, I understand an MCO pushing people towards generic versions of branded drugs. You would, too. "Proper medical treatments?" Oh, so generic atorvastatin is crap?