Washington DC Merck interviews


rookies and washed up management, glad I went but realized when I was there iNVENTIV is a place for folks on the way down. Got an offer that was well below what recruiter had told me. NEVER AGAIN should have went w/ gut feeling on this

rookies and washed up management, glad I went but realized when I was there iNVENTIV is a place for folks on the way down. Got an offer that was well below what recruiter had told me. NEVER AGAIN should have went w/ gut feeling on this

Ok, thanks so much for that vital update! We could not sleep at night wondering how things are going for you fuckface!

Ok, thanks so much for that vital update! We could not sleep at night wondering how things are going for you fuckface![ you must be one of those washed up managers the poster spoke of, I was there did not get moved forward as they say but share the same opinion of Inventiv, it would be a fair gig if unemployed

rookies and washed up management, glad I went but realized when I was there iNVENTIV is a place for folks on the way down. Got an offer that was well below what recruiter had told me. NEVER AGAIN should have went w/ gut feeling on this

Translation follows...

"I flew all the way here and didn't even get to meet with the RD. They told me they were going in a different direction."

Funny they told us for area I interviewed that they liked all of us so they couldn't decide so we weren't cut but they would let us know steps next week - lol I sm not interested but most I met were unemployed and very interested - weird- they told other reps they were cut

Funny they told us for area I interviewed that they liked all of us so they couldn't decide so we weren't cut but they would let us know steps next week - lol I sm not interested but most I met were unemployed and very interested - weird- they told other reps they were cut

Did all of you meet with the Regional?

I heard there were some territories where none of the 3 reps moved on to meet with the RM. Spoke to some of these people and they seemed like extremely good candidates. ???

I was in Washington, I was moved forward along with two other candidates for other territories. We were not given offers. We were all told by the RD, the hiring managers would be contacting us this week if offers are to be extended.

I was in Washington, I was moved forward along with two other candidates for other territories. We were not given offers. We were all told by the RD, the hiring managers would be contacting us this week if offers are to be extended.

I too was in DC last week and was moved on to the Regional. Was told the same thing that no formal offers were going out until this week. That the hiring manager would be personally calling the rep with the offer. They are finishing up interviewing this week and saving the following week to rap up territories that reps decided not to take etc.

Good luck!

Yes dick smooch, exactly what part of that are you unable to understand/

I will tell you what part I don't understand a hole....the part where they spend thousands of dollars sending a bunch of people to interviews when they already knew who they wanted to hire. A complete waste of resources and time. What part of this do you not understand?