Was there a positive spin on Metabolic?

Can one of the AbbVie reps confirm if there is an assistance program for patients with bad insurance plans? A colleague and life partner is HIV positive said some patients can get free Norvir if they qualify.
It be awesome is someone could respond.

If the Regional Business Executive positions are new. Met will be expanding. Most likely partnering with or acquiring Ani Pharmaceuticals and picking up Libigel and the Corticotropin drugs Ani is reviving to compete with Mallinckrodt's Acthar.

So what will MET look like in 6 months? Our area has 3 people and I don't see that many going to the Women's Health Exp.
I have already consulted an attorney regarding the age discrimination that is rampant in the Southern California area regarding the Women's health positions, he did Paul Currier hand pick Cheryl H' over other more qualified reps? Why were nearly all jobs predetermined for other younger women? But then again Currier is a douchebag....

Post information on your law suit. This is happening across the country individuals are being placed in positions without interviewing, being passed up if your over 50, and unethical questions. They said internal candidates would be chosen first which has not been the case.

I see quite a few lawsuits happening and they are not going to have a leg to stand on.

I'm in Metabolic and a Solvay loser who happens to think people like Jim are an exception in our business especially within Abbott. The employees of Solvay never asked for you to buy us, you were actually the last choice and we all thought that we would lose our jobs as a result of the merger. Fortunately, Jim highlighted to Don that his people (me) would work circles around our cardiovascular peers. You see we don't need a babysitter like you people, we're adults and believe in one guy Jim Hynd to lead our division and one day an entire company. Jim is genuinely about the people, you only need to know that but I fear you are just too dumb to understand that. Now go get that shine box!

Standing is proveable damage, and being passed over for a job that was predetermined to be filled by a younger person, a female, before the actual job was filed by HR. And numerous individuals, male and female were purposely passed over. And another younger females were propositioned for other positions that were not yet posted. And this occurred a MONTH before the jobs were posted.

That is proveable damage....