still waiting?? -- winter IS coming
very dark clouds visible on the horizon
still waiting?? -- winter IS coming
Hey truck stop BC boy ...YOU are the subject ...Stop deflecting the truth gilead song boy, It was bye bye Haas face wasn't red when he booted YA HUH ?
2 freaking hilliarious
very dark clouds visible on the horizon
especially if revenues continue to miss market expectations
especially if revenues continue to miss market expectations
We are so safe we even get to promote a lame and dated NHANES reprint, that says next to nothing. Some DM in Texas in a feeble attempt for attention has now convinced the West that we need to use the POS.We're good. Chill.
serious? I enjoyed the equally boring Colorado study, as did my completely engaged doctors. I was so able to Coast to Coast everyone of them. I am waiting for the Yay Yous to come flowing in from the self promotion I took when I took my DM Coast to Coast on every email.We are so safe we even get to promote a lame and dated NHANES reprint, that says next to nothing. Some DM in Texas in a feeble attempt for attention has now convinced the West that we need to use the POS.
We are pretty much bullet proof. The revenue we generate exceeds our "expense". Therefore, RELAX.
Miles is not happy, stock declined by -16% over the last 16 months
little Stevie Tindall shouldn't throw out bullshit...absolutely the worst director I have worked under in over twenty years. And my DM was a jackass with too many closed brain injuries from playing pro football. Talk about arrested adolescence...."Work" circles? Having managed a group of former Solvay reps, the one thing you all do NOT do is work. JH is the only thing keeping you lazy crap bags employed. This is generally a competent group of folks who have had no developed the no work ethic through years of JH allowing it.
little Stevie Tindall shouldn't throw out bullshit...absolutely the worst director I have worked under in over twenty years. And my DM was a jackass with too many closed brain injuries from playing pro football. Talk about arrested adolescence....
Look, that's our job, like it or not. Our demise has been predicted for years and yet........RELAX. We are good for the long range, out of sight out of mind, is the principle reason we are OK. WE ARE GOOOOOOOD.Wrong! If we disappeared our revenue would improve. We are just pains in the ass to these offices. Period.
Wait...what? Ricky sold someone an inflated bill of goods? I know he is our leader, but do not trust this all. His whole life is built on one lie after another, he should be in politics.LOL the biggest suckers of all time was anyone who left Met and went to HCV. They took Rickys inflated HCV projection rate bait hook line and sinker. Too bad they can NEVER come back to Met
LOL the biggest suckers of all time was anyone who left Met and went to HCV. They took Rickys inflated HCV projection rate bait hook line and sinker. Too bad they can NEVER come back to Met
Wait...what? Ricky sold someone an inflated bill of goods? I know he is our leader, but do not trust this all. His whole life is built on one lie after another, he should be in politics.
Miles is really pissed, markets bringing in YUGE gains and Abbvie falls -17% over the last months