Warning to reps looking at Cubist openings

The top third of the sales force already received a pay raise. There was nothing to sign or any type of contract involved... just more money. Are you saying that money somehow handcuffs us from leaving now?

Don't except any pay raise or RSUs from the rat pack duo. It is a ploy to tie you down from getting another job. Make sure you have your lawyer read the language. There is a strong non compete statement written into the content. Several companies will be contacting all of us before year end. They are respectful lucrative organizations. You will regret locking out these options for yourself. They pay $140-160k base range with >2500 options. Don't trust the people just below Perez. They are evil and selfish individuals. Believe me I know first hand.

That language in your RSU doc is legally rock solid and well crafted. If you accepted the RSU then legally you're bound by the rest of the agreement. You can't pick and choose what terms you like. Go ahead and spend $$$ with your lawyer, but those golden handcuffs are around your wrist. Tight, and anyone suggesting otherwise is a fool

"Big no no?" Is that your professional opinion on the topic? First of all, we don't have a non-compete. We have a non-solicit. But please show me where it is written that accepting equity in a company automatically means a noncompete or a nonsolicit is automatically enforceable. There is no such law.

Forgive me for not taking your word on it, it's just that you have no idea what you're talking about.

Read the language in the RSU grant, smart guy.

There WAS NO language in the grant, you idiot! Just like the wasn't any in any of the other RSU grants in years past. There wasn't any in the raise, either. You're talking out your ass.

You'll have plenty of time to retread the RSU grant while you sit in prison. Tony will rain down holly he'll on you!! Cubist rules...fool.

You'll have plenty of time to retread the RSU grant while you sit in prison. Tony will rain down holly he'll on you!! Cubist rules...fool.

You guys are the biggest bunch of pussies I've ever had the misfortune to read!!! Are you seriously worried about leaving a company because they're threatening you?!??! Grow a set of testies under that inchworm penis and empty sack do what is right for you!!!! If saying is right for you then best of luck; but if leaving is what you want, then just do it for shit sake!!!

You should be ashamed of yourself if you're afraid change companies!! If you're staying a cubist simply because your afraid, you really have to ask yourself, "Just how big of a pussy am I"?

If anybody reads this nonsnse I hope you realize it is mostly written by entitled misfits with the EQ of a rodent. Cubist is a terrific company experiencing growing pains but most of this is a systematic strategy by competitors to cause disruption while they try to launch there lousy drug.

If anybody reads this nonsnse I hope you realize it is mostly written by entitled misfits with the EQ of a rodent. Cubist is a terrific company experiencing growing pains but most of this is a systematic strategy by competitors to cause disruption while they try to launch there lousy drug.

HAHAHAHAHA!! I love it when people completely dodge the point!! I know with absolute certainty that you're one of two people...

1. upper mgmt. that is shitting in his pants about the state of affairs at cubist (and should be)
2. one of the pussies I mentioned that fears company back lash for pursing another opportunity.

If you're number one... I understand... I'd also be tyring to make everyone feel comfortable duing this very uncertain time.

If you're number two... well... you're just a pussy

BTW... EQ??? really???

There WAS NO language in the grant, you idiot! Just like the wasn't any in any of the other RSU grants in years past. There wasn't any in the raise, either. You're talking out your ass.

I'm guessing you either never got any RSUs or can't read beyond a 3rd grade level. Mine has very clear language in it. I'm no rocket scientist or lawyer, but I can read. If you can't or won't read your grant have your lawyer do it for you.

You apparently have no idea what's going on at Cubist. This is exactly what the company is doing. No company can afford to loose this many people during a launch. They don't care about the one offs here and there, but this is a mass exodus and it's a lot of excellent people. It's not the medicines company's fault, either. They called Cubist reps just like Durata did except this time CBMs AND RBDs were lining up to leave. The difference this time is we have a maniac running the sales force and people want OUT. Chambers and Stea had no choice but to point the finger at an external entity because they are the real problem. Don't be a sucker and fall for the MEDCO scapegoat.

Mark these words: this suit will go nowhere. It's not supposed to go anywhere. It's designed to scare people from leaving temporarily, which Cubist has decided is a better/cheaper option than to pay a competitive wage now and treat us like the elite sales reps every other organization recognizes. For heavens sake, OPTIMER paid their people better than Cubist.

If you really believe you're free to go sell an antibiotic at another company to your current customers, call your RBD and ask them what the "non solicit" clause you signed really means. Then come back here and admit that Cubist is playing dirty and taking all of us for idiots.

So... has anyone accepted this challenge and asked their RBD? Make sure to get it in writing.

So... has anyone accepted this challenge and asked their RBD? Make sure to get it in writing.

Would love to see an answer and the initials of the RBD who states there is "no non-compete" agreement.

Translation: We are all hosed. And we are stuck at this crappy company. Like the followers of Jim Jones, we ain't goin' nowhere anytime soon. GS and TC are azzholes. RP and MB are not far behind. Apparently, if I quit this job, I have to leave the industry. I can't begin to tell you how excited ..... yawn.... that I am to launch a new drug under this current regime... errrrrr.... management team.

Go Cubist, rah rah!!!

More bitterness from a MDCO zombie that took the bait. You are the walking dead, you just don't know it yet. Happy Halloween!

I'm looking at a SAM job. Heard you just split the salesforce. Good thing or bad thing?

Also, what kind of company car do you offer? And what are the various options for the company car? Also, do you provide a gas card? Finally, do your RBD's micromanage or macro manage?

More bitterness from a MDCO zombie that took the bait. You are the walking dead, you just don't know it yet. Happy Halloween!

This is true, that dog drug orbactive has no chance at making any $. If not sold, place will cut back huge within a year due to no sales. MDCO is a sweat shop even besides the pending pressure to sell a dog drug.

No, he's right. We have been told we can't go to another company unless we take a different territory. We can't call on the same customers if we go to work for another antibiotic company. Apparently we signed some thing to that fact.

Surprising all you intelligent Cubist reps. dont have some common sense on this topic.
1. In most states a non-compete clause is not binding, unless you are at a certain exec. level within a company.
2. If a company does ask an employee to sign a non-compete clause, the company is required to disclose that to the employee. IOW, they cannot slide it in behind your back.

Surprising all you intelligent Cubist reps. dont have some common sense on this topic.
1. In most states a non-compete clause is not binding, unless you are at a certain exec. level within a company.
2. If a company does ask an employee to sign a non-compete clause, the company is required to disclose that to the employee. IOW, they cannot slide it in behind your back.

Cubist slid it in behind our backs. Just ask your RBD.

This is just how GS, TC, MB and RP roll.

Welcome to Cubist. "There's room for one more, honey..."