Warning to Potential Baxter Buyers

Maybe they will announce that they have divested Starling for 5 bucks and the proceeds will be used to pay down debt in accordance with the capital allocation strategy

Another jose crappy idea… bringing fuck no bottom line nor top line… like bax 2020!!! What a fucking joke… i tell you be prepared for another pandemic after that announcent…
Every meeting i go into in this company is a clusterfuck… highly paid people by dozens with no real work to do nor power to decide anything but just there to hear about cuts cuts and cuts again…

I worked with Joe for many years , i made alot of money telling him what he wanted to hear , he is at best a c grade executive.

His new structure is an absolute mess , first thing they will change back to regions when he is fired .

Earlier post said starling will be sold for $5 dollars, maybe 5 Australian dollars which is close to worthless ,what a stupid acquistion, just a total distraction ....

joe is an ego maniac and only likes jose… he is the typical guy who thinks he is smart because he likes to be surrounded by buffons who just tell him what he wants to hear…
This company is a dumpster and so many wrong decisions have been made that there is no hopes this will get better any time…
Get out while you can and before the tower collapses…

Another jose crappy idea… bringing fuck no bottom line nor top line… like bax 2020!!! What a fucking joke… i tell you be prepared for another pandemic after that announcent…
Every meeting i go into in this company is a clusterfuck… highly paid people by dozens with no real work to do nor power to decide anything but just there to hear about cuts cuts and cuts again…
You mean having our salespeople spend all their time on forecasting isn’t actually producing sales? Surprise surprise.

Please send help! Joe has killed this organization. There is nothing left. Alok is a disaster in Pharma. All he does is blame everyone else and claims he can do it all. And he does nothing to help. He is an absolute joke.

A strange conversation took place in the cafeteria last week on a table of relative strangers from different Baxter functions. The conversation was around how we can get paid out by a hr so that we can leave this company. Very sad state of affairs