Wall St Analysts

As reps we are paid off of performance for made up numbers... FO rankse in the bottom 10% as a pharma CEO in several areas yet is paid in the top 15% as a CEO of a pharma company raking in over $25 million a year... if we r in the bottom 10% we get put on a pip and are fired. He makes $25 million for being in the bottom 10% and puts an image he found on Google about us being at the top of the pyramid at every NSM... our CEO is clueless

As reps we are paid off of performance for made up numbers... FO rankse in the bottom 10% as a pharma CEO in several areas yet is paid in the top 15% as a CEO of a pharma company raking in over $25 million a year... if we r in the bottom 10% we get put on a pip and are fired. He makes $25 million for being in the bottom 10% and puts an image he found on Google about us being at the top of the pyramid at every NSM... our CEO is clueless