You are absolutely right. I did use incorrect grammar in sending the message. Maybe I should have had someone in my office construct my ideas for you. Instead of defending your point, you simply rewrote everything I said and said it back to me. How amusing. Just like how the reps ARE coming into my offices and spitting out verbatim what the lab wants them, OR YOU, to think and act. Thank you for proving my point.
As far as my grandson correcting my English, I will be retiring in a few years and I will leave my facilities to medical staffs that have worked years with me while you glorified door to door salespeople come rolling in with the finesse of selling a junky used car! Who knows, more than likely, my grandson will be throwing your children out if there is even a need for people like you. I am sure there are many mistakes in this reply and since you having nothing else to do in your pathetic life, feel free to correct.